Who's the most handsome male musician to ever walk the surface of earth?

Who's the most handsome male musician to ever walk the surface of earth?

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his beard looks like pubes

David Sylvian

Jeff was a manlet

Jared Leto - 30 Seconds to Mars counts as music.

Jeff was good looking as hell, but he had really crooked teeth that we was super insecure about.

that's why i cant find pics of him smiling. poor jeff :(


I'm sorry for but your height won't hide the ugly


They're super noticeable here. Honestly they weren't even that bad. People can pull off crooked teeth just fine. But for some reason Jeff was super insecure and self conscious about them, which is too bad.

this guy.

Was Elvis even that good looking?

At least he's not like the Beatles, who were objectively hideous.


bad pic


He looks like a fucking Chad who will hit on your girl at a party and there's nothing you can do about it.

Holy shit. It's a shame that he got fat.

James Petralli, also has one of the best set of pipes out there. He does it all.


Jim Morrison


>sings about being a loser
>literally one of the most handsome rock musicians ever

fuck this guy.






Looks like a typical portland nu male fag

yung robert smith is top qt. no hetero

Pretty qt desu



Young Vedder always makes me question my sexuality

My professor has a friend who's played with him before

Right morrissey is such a hipster cunt

beta looking



ouchie mama

yeah sure

>Thom 'deformed manlet monster with fucked up teeth who neglected his cancerous dying wife' Yorke


Johnny was much qter.

Stupid sexy seattle vocalists

i read here the other day that at some point he had to duct tape his pants because people tried to take them off while he was stagediving

How the fuck is this even debatable? Pic related easily

You're joking right? This faggot has one of the most punchable ape looking faces in music


Ed is easily the best looking Radiohead. He's handsome.

qts but no the best


He's more sexy in nature, not so much looks

Nothing YOU can do about it.

id grab that butt and attempt to kiss him

>perfect jaw
>beautiful hair
>great mouth
>deep eyes

Jim was better in looks and nature, now get out diva adoring faggot

Alban Berg

Dude Morrissey is a fag boi



he looks like a fucking bob's burgers character


You can be good looking but also a loser

Get off my board you damn faggots

jesse rutherford

guy from Wild Nothing

he is not attractive.
30 seconds to mars is shit most of the time but I unironically liked some of their songs, back when I didn't understand English that well.

jeff or sufjan


He used to but he aged in a terrible way

from yesterday is amazing though

I second this

Funny this is one of the only songs I'm still listening to. A beautiful Lie still does it for me too.

Doesn't work like that, i can be a jobless untalented hack and still catch some quality puss if i looked like Morrissey


yeah, but you will fuck up with girls if you have problems with yourself even though you're good looking

quite the opposite with this fella here


are you trying to tell me that that isnt a Richard Gere pic?

Not true some girls like homme terrible misunderstood artistic types
Allot of girls/woman are also attracted because they think they can help or fix, makes them feel special

Jonny G is next level cute


>because they think they can help or fix
and they complain because we are attracted to hoes


You can still fuck up, even if you're good looking and girls like you, believe me


reminder god hates fags

he's not even real tho

these guys
or me

I don't know about handsome but '90s Kevin is a qt for sure




Fuck yeah! No homo

>Sexyness is only genetics

Fuck this meme

user, objectively hideous is just typical british.

it's obviously Elvis at least it was before he got fat. Looking at young Elvis with no baby fat yet will literally turn you gay

>that jaw
>those lips


Kevin was extremely attractive

Can't believe no one has posted Suffy yet

Love Avey but Panda is the real qt


No contest

