Dubs decide what I say in my marching band group chat

Dubs decide what I say in my marching band group chat

The first chair people should have never gotten first chair they all suck.

Any of you niggas suggestions?

OP here

Wtf is this suggestion you nigger? If you're trying to impersonate me, at least use proper grammar.


any of you niggas wanna get high at my place?

Idk just tell them to put a fork in their penises or something it always works

what do you play user?

I took a shit in a tuba

Can you guys help get with that girl in first chair

Please guys, I'm desperate. Someone talk to me. Anyone. I have no friends. Please talk to me.

any one up for slutbashing and chill?

i stuck a trumbone on my ass, now ive got a trumboner

I hate niggers


boston sucks

Know what would be a good addition to the band? The sound of my nuts pounding out a lively back beat against the instructors wife's ass.

Me so horny, me me so horny

I just braided my pubes... Thanks mom for teaching me!

What instrument you play?

hey, anyone can teach me to play the TRUMPet?


Should've specified sectional group chat, actually. It's only other trumpets (and a colorguard chick one of the 1sts goes out with)


Does anyone else want to fuck me, or is it just me?

Send a dick pic

OP here

i want it in my anus so badly, i can't control myself right now

Does Mr./Mrs ______ give anyone else a raging tromboner?

Oh shit



Ask color guard chick if she wants to play your big Donald Trumpet.

This one time on b/...

Hey guys I'm gonna bring a gun to school and shoot it up who's in?

Like half of them are other Sup Forumstards. They'd catch onto what I'm doing fast if I said OP here.

Hitler had some valid points

Fook mie Dadi. Up sie bum house.

This one time in band camp....

Just kidding guys, but seriously this one time in retard camp I stuck a wheelchair in my pussy

Niggers tongue my anus

Can someone give it to me hard tonight? I'm craving for a big dick.

Followed by

sorry, wrong group chat

The Blue Devils are going to win first place again and it's time to accept it.


then dont put the "OP here" part, dumbass


K. Phone's dead, but I'll do it when it's charged.

This is gonna be good.

Bout to fist this bitches pussy tonight.
Followed by:

Mistyped, ignore please.

Op post something already

Do it while it's charging you fucking pussy

Anyone else see how far they could get their flaccid dick inside the trumpet horn? Shit is so cash if you play it with your junk stuffed up in there.

Why start this thread on 1%. Fucking shit OP. Abandon thread...

OP here guys

I'm a faggot who likes sticking drumsticks inside my ass

No wonder you're lonely OP, you lame fucking bitch.

Trips don't lie

Shit double trips


Mena pause. Cause salmonella.

Double trips has spoken. Op is a bitch

Trumpet master race.
>I can play higher than all you faggots I should be first

Perhaps my finest roll ever... Undeserved for this shit thread however.