Why are they all single

Why are they all single

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They only do one night stands and booty calls.

Like true alpha males

Because they're autistic

Do you think you would know if they weren't?

Isn't Andy dating that mexican girl

i think she's married to someone else now

That would ruin the boyband idol feel

ride hasn't found the kind of girl who knows how to keep her shit tight

Zach is too handsome to only fuck one girl, it would be unfair on other women, no homo.

>I asked the woman that I loved to marry me when I was 24 years old and she declined.

poor zach

This desu
That's why Zach is keeping his homosexuality secret aswell


Because they know that love is a man made concept based on a consistent familiarity and fascination of the highest.

Because they tour constantly. Zach is way too deep into his art to settle for a woman. He chose his career instead. They probably fuck tons of fan girls though.

it's an instinct but ok

>death grips
>fan girls

Have you been to one of their show?

Opposing theories:

A) no one likes their music enough outside of Sup Forums for them to have any sex appeal

B) they understand that all women are catty bitches interested only in their money who will leave them penniless and broken at the drop of a hat

They are popular on tumblr

>hey understand that all women are catty bitches interested only in their money who will leave them penniless and broken at the drop of a hat
Quite the projection

you're calling that poster a catty woman?

Every man I know who has gotten married in the last 7-8 years is divorced or is in the process of divorce at the moment, most of them are paying obscene amounts of money in child support and alimony. I've never even proposed, let alone been married.

>tfw women are allowed to vote so politicians will never fix divorce laws

Well if in your life you had nothing but bad experiences with women what are you supposed to believe? The media or yourself?

You're supposed to stop being a piece of shit and get over yourself.

Oh shit sorry you're right. That's a really good point man. Totally relevant.

Jesus, what an insecure man baby
You're really saying every woman there initiated the divorce, intentionally to take money, and every male was 100% victim?
If not, you should try to not imply that in response.
I've had bad experiences with women, but throwing an assumption on all women (even possibly promising women) won't fix that, that's a problem with you dude.
And funny when women say the same thing
>Well if in your life you had nothing but bad experiences with women what are you supposed to believe? The media or yourself?
Imagine the response they get
Men and women are both fucked up and do stupid shit, but acting like you're perfectly fine and making assumptions of people off your bad experiences won't help.

>I have broken my testicles twice while playing the drums among many other things.


Exactly, 40% of the people i their audience at their 5 of their shows (in new york) are indie emo chicks, the kind of cute type that smoke american spirits and wear flannels with bomber jackets on top.

As in if you've dated one you know they are the absolute worst people on earth.

they actually dont like real emo though

If you admitted you were in Death Grips you'd be single too.

Seriously nobody would fuck them.

As far as I know all were initiated by the woman. In two of them the woman just up and left to a different state with the kids, didn't tell the husband until he called them, and basically prevented them from ever seeing their kids again. In one case a relative married a Scottish woman who married him long enough to get a green card and then revealed she was actually a lesbian. In another case the woman was a cheating whore, so yes, the man did initiate the divorce, but he also ended up losing pretty much everything. Luckily they didn't have any kids together. A coworker of mine just lost a house, two cars, and practically everything in the house after two years of trying to reach a settlement that didn't involve screwing him over. He gets to see his kids every other weekend and he has to pay a shitton of money to her every month. In that case, she was dating someone before she even told him she was leaving.

bye rddit