Pokemon box 4.
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Requests welcome.
Pokemon box 4.
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Requests welcome.
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l2 link faggot
Charizard is best husbando!
I see a few people were interested in a pokemon box discord last thread.
There's one that's been around for about a year, which I moderate.
Here is a link: discord.gg
These threads keep happening at the wrong time for me.
I shouldn't be awake at 7 in the morning.
Posting fugbug.
But it's a pure grass type!
>Not even a bug type
Actually, it is a grass type
someone asked for doggos?
It's a mantis, though.
It is plant pretending to be a mantis. Plants do that in real life
I wish plants were this sexy in real life.
Holy cow, lurantis already have hental of her?
wasn't the trailer released a few days ago?
Char-Y got porn of it a few hours after the reveal
Have you been living in a cave for the last 10 years?
non member status, no fair
Once we chat to you a bit we bump you up to member. It's mostly to make sure we don't add bots.
Just talk and you'll be in soon enough.
I HAVE YOU KNOW my only source of news is Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Any requests?
Whatever it is I want to fuck it
Any good ice ninetails?
I've got a little bit.
Was that on purpose?
What do you mean? It's the same system I use for Mega forms.
I thought you purposefully typed aloha instead of Alola, the actual name of the region.
I guess I gave you too much credit :^)
Any Megaupload links of Eeveelutions, Audino, Lopunny,?
It's alola. Otherwise it's just the ass saying hello.
Do you have pokémon fucking pokégirls? Can't find shit
Oh damn, they're not Aloha forms?
Naw man, I'm just a fucking idiot apparently.
Sure thing.
At least we caught it early. Nothing like having to rename 40 files because you missed the second "li" in Heliolisk.