Advice b?
Should I go for a girl who rejected me a few months ago? She started being very touchy with me all of a sudden. She randomly held my hand and finding excuses to touch me. I'm confused though because she rejected me a while ago. Is she just playing with me?
Advice b?
Keeps finding*
man up and make a move. If she rejects you again then move on and forget about her.
What you got to lose?
Probably gonna do this
Just too much of a pussy
u might get some fucc bby. good luck nigga
Realistically speaking, maybe she's just touchy with all the guys she talks to and you're just trying really hard to find something to hold on to. If she rejected you once and during that time you've done nothing to improve yourseld, more than likely its all in your head and you run a high risk of getting rejected twice.
I'd say I have definitely improved myself
I am much less awkward with her as I had accepted we would never be a thing.
I lost a bit of weight as well
On a scale of 1-10 how attractive are you and how much of a beta do you consider yourself?
I'd say I'm a 5-7
She's a 7-9 imo
I'm a bit beta but I am sort of the funny goofy type that makes people laugh
Look man, let me tell you the secret of getting girls. First of all, looks matter. Alot. Nobody falls in love with personality at first sight and that is a fact. So if you don't have them then you need to have something good to make up for them. Being nice or funny wont cut it. There are lots of guys who can give that to any female. You need to stand out, what do you have that guy 1 and guy 2 don't? Also, girls love confidence, respect, and most importantly they like a guy who can make them feel safe.
OP here
I feel like this is actually decent advice
I'm not ugly but definitely not amazingly good looking. I have had women approach me before but it is rare. I'd say I'm very good at coming off as confident when in reality my confidence is shit. The only thing about me that stands out is I think I have a pretty good sense of humor.
Its also worth saying that being an asshole can help. If you're super nice to a girl and you're always there 24/7 then you'll never go beyond being considered a friend. You need to show her that you don't care about her and that you can manage on your own. Do this but also don't become an antisocial prick. Show her that she can talk to you but that she's just another person to you. The sense of humor thing, don't rely too much on that. You need to get out of your comfort zone.
Dude she wants the D, just fuckin whip it out and windmill her
From experience, she wants to fuck you. Don't start a relationship with her, she's a total slut
Look, put more effort on your image and more ppl will see you as attractive. Pay more attention to personal hygiene too. Don't give off any weird smells. If you're in school, aim for good grades and also show girls that you're a well-rounded individual. Girls love guys that are not dumbasses and who can show them a thing or two.
best follow this advice OP
I've kind of been doing this, I've been trying to act like I am not interested but I am hoping this will not backfire.
She's a reserved virgin
Don't think that could be it
>reserves virgin
Its the opposite user, she'll play it off all innocent, but once you get her alone she'all fuck you like no tomorrow
Look, stop seeing her as a potential love interest. Unless she actually shows interest and does things that won't leave you doubting like you were at the beginning of this thread, then you are wasting your time. Treat her like any other friend and focus more on improving yourself. Don't be afraid to take risks and get out of your shell. Confidence is an aspect of your personality you need to work on but dont mistake that for being cocky or arrogant. Show the world that you can do things without fear of your personal abilities and more people will start to think highly of you.
Treat her badly, see how it goes.
Post pics of her
Good advice