What do yall think about big fat fucking nigger lips

what do yall think about big fat fucking nigger lips

Good on mah dick

I think that she is a nice looking lady. I really see no need to use that word either. Also check.

Good for sucking cock, eating watermelon, and talking shit that they cant back up. Essential accessory for the ideal nigger.

should all nigger women be required to do this by law

probably makes them shut up which is a huge bonus

>I think that she is a nice looking lady.

shes pretty for sure

I would go on a date with her, no problem.

My ex. Best head you could imagine.


are you a white man?

why did you break up

They feel fucking awesome wrapped around my cock.

Michonne from the walking dead



>Michonne from the walking dead

see i like black and I want to fuck them badly

dont like the idea of having nigger kids


Uh, does it matter? If you're white they'll come out mixed..either way, only have kids if you're ready to have kids. Don't need any more degenerates polluting the earth.

>Uh, does it matter? If you're white they'll come out mixed..either way, only have kids if you're ready to have kids. Don't need any more degenerates polluting the earth.

kids are a huge pain

black kids are an even bigger pain

Umm not that weird fucking hockey puck mouth ring, they should just be required to keep a healthy weight and hop on my dick tbh

Kids aren't born a pain. They are raised a pain. I'm tired of seeing kids being little shits. My kids are going to private school, that's for sure.

and who ruined public school?


lets be honest as to what niggers are all about. theyre dumb, primitive, stupid, uncivilized.

sure you can pick out a good one and say SEE? but that doesnt tell you what niggers are on AVERAGE. we all know the average black is dumb as shit.

the smart ones have one goal- get the fuck out of black society as quickly and effectively as possible.

> (You)
>and who ruined public school?
No, shitty kids did. I live in SI and all the shit kids go to public school. Since it's SI, it's mostly white children in these schools and they're still shit. Lol and since I live in SI, There are a lot of white girls dating black guys. They love light skinned dudes a lot from what I see lol.

I wonder how you would live out here.

Nigger Lips = Best Lips

they are good for eating chicken and drinking koolaid

from a pure aesthetic standpoint black girls got it going on


> hate their culture

> hate their family

> dont what black kids

basically for a black women to be accepted by a white man completely she has to be willing to be his complete servant. only way- im not getting into any of her shit black culture garbage.

if she worships my seed it may be possible.

Please insert disc 2

what is SI?

i like how black girls LOOK- actually i typically dont like white girl's faces theyre fucking ugly as hell

Staten island in NYC. I'm a manwhore so I'm pretty much into most girls.


black women LOOK great

the other shit about them is usually nah

user you know this girl? i think i might

>Staten island in NYC

ok whatever?

im just not down with their ghetto bullshit

do i have to listen to BLACK LIVES MATTER and all that crap. fuck that

>user you know this girl? i think i might


check what, my privilege?

fuck you, mate

I love those cheap ass choker collar things. hottest accessory ever

Yea Im not into ghetto girls regardless of race. Also, I've honestly never seen any black lives matter stuff in public before. Mostly seen the stuff on the Internet and 4 chins.
I wish I had something to contribute but I'm a mobile fag.
The rule of thumb is if you pick up a girl from the ghetto, expect a ghetto girl... But also expect some awesome sex as well. I had a fuck buddy out in Brooklyn before. She was ghetto but good company, actually made me laugh. Would never date her but she was good fuck and a good friend to hang out with.

Btw, do you ever find girls funny? It's hard to get into a relationship with one that is genuinely funny.

I've got a girl like that.They exist, mate. Don't give up hope. Shit is gold. She hates rap more than I do.Submissive in bed too.

It's all personal preference but I think nigger bitches are hotter than any other kind. Whites are less hot that Latina and Asian for me. My greatest moment in life was cumming raw into a gorgeous nigresse.

>It's all personal preference but I think nigger bitches are hotter than any other kind.

white girls and black girls are typically the only categories i like, some latinos are hot usually not though. If I had to choose only one category it would be white or black. asians i have almost no interest in, they are the least sexy race by far.

problem is though blacks are dumb as fuck and white girls are annoying as fuck


>hotter than any other kind.

they do certainly have a way of turning me on way more than white girls. white girls just equal = pain in the ass to me. They are so fucking difficult and annoying as fuck it just cancels out any interest

i also like black girl's faces, they arent as angular, looks nicer to me.

>worships my seed

Fucking criiiinge, kys fedorafag

i'd fuck em but not gonna have kids

theyre def. hot

same here dont want black kids

more of her?


Like you could even get a black girl in the first place..

got you fam




something like this is pretty hot

i dont know what you would call this? black? mulatto? mixed? idgaf


Would contribute to the destruction of the white race with

last one

she has here own subreddit but i can't remember what it is

oh i could, the question is do I want it

all women come with strings attached

the way nature intended.

you get involved with a black girl you will be dealing with ghetto gangsta family members gauranteed

im a committed republican btw

Your dubs, newfuck

Black girls love white guys

thanks friend.

obligatory picture i post every time i see these threads

they like guys who can plan things, reason about stuff, and know how to observe laws, 3 things black men absolutely suck ass at.

im concerned i wont pass on my superior ashkenazi intelligence

would racemix in a mad minute

>drinking koolaid
...and man-milk, about which
you know nothing, virginfag

dat hips-to-waist ratio,
fckn off-the-chart!

i want to suck them. They look good on cock. I have a prospective black girlfriend.

>committed republican
...committed to an institution?

i just hate democrats

i agree with the GOP and Im a huge trump supporter

it would be hilarious to fuck the shit out of a black girl while listening to a trump rally

black women tend to excel in that dept.

they always have nice butt and legs, usually all round nice body

mostly I find them hot, its their sometimes attitude, manners and culture they are brought up in that are shit, i even like their hair

Good lips



>i just hate democrats
I hate Demoncraps too, but
I hate Repooplickans also.
Fckn partisan politics are
a cancer on this country.


clearly the "black" face shape is nicer

typically white women have angular faces, big jaws, and small lips. not attractive- especially if they have angular cheek bones

Hell yeah. Im a white-hispanic dude ans my preferences are Latinas > black girls > white girls > Indian/arab > Asian girls

nah I support republicans and trump

independents are retards who will never get anything done

trump had a black gf at one point

I like the cute sloop noses black girls have.

white guy here

Caramel Black>Asian>Indian>Latina>White>Black black

Blacks have great faces, especially lips. I'm not a fan of sharp cheekbones either.
But the exception for black faces is their noses.

Those broad mountain ranges they sometimes have plastered right in the centre of their faces can look pretty terrible.

Black girls who are born WITHOUT that are good.

>I like the cute sloop noses black girls have.

you would never see a white girl with a face like this although it's a given many black women are butt ugly

profile of pic related is ideal, rare to see a white girl like that- they are typically block headed from fucking retarded frat boys

for sure that girl is pretty close to ideal for me

love those lips.

i thik a lot of white women want a specific face shaped guy which results in hideous women