Sup Forums i just got engaged at 24 with my gf i've been with for 6 years

Sup Forums i just got engaged at 24 with my gf i've been with for 6 years.
have i dun goofed? any words of wisdom from guys who've been married. she's a teacher and i'm in finance doing well $ if that matters.

The fact that you are posting this on Sup Forums asking about your future marriage already tells us how its going to go.

Grow the fuck up. You are getting married. Stop showing up on this hellish site

Also youre gonna have a divorce if you think you "dur hurt dun goofed gettin murried at 24?"

Ive been married 2 years OP, got married at 24 like you. If you married your best friend you will be fine. She from the same country as you?


yeah bro. thanks for the advice

dont worry about the engagement, just don't get married or if you are stupid enough to at least get a contract that she doesn t recieve alimony or any of the money you earned


It is difficult bro, don't get me wrong but thats just people. If you ever had a room mate or whatever you know that you don't always get on. There's just a focus on it for people in a relationship for some reason.
I knew a couple that moved in together and argued in the first week because she wanted a lamp on the table where the TV was (because her parents did this) and he thought it was stupid to have a light there. You have differences, just deal with them calmly and rationally like adults.

we're getting married next year. i put $4000 deposit down

getting married at 24 is like leaving the party at 8pm. hope youre happy with her OP

Get an extensive prenup drawn up by a divorce attorney not just any attorney and if she will sign it you're good to go! But I'll bet she won't! Good luck man!

doing that seems weird, its like saying i don't trust you. i don't think i'll need it

But if you are marrying someone that you need to sign a prenup then you shouldn't marry her OP.

If you don't have anything to critize her, you'll be probably fine. If you can go deep inside you and say that you're really happy, like real, than you'll be fine. If NOT, run as fast as you can. I lost 6 years of my life with a similiar situation.

Why are you asking degenerates fags and neck beards dude? Also if you think spending a ton of money on a wedding is a good idea you're stupid. If you love her and you want to be married why should you feed a bunch of shitty ppl and family for a night, when you could go get married literally tomorrow at a judge

Think of it as an insurance policy. Oh yeah I would wait until your around thirty. Sow your oats and get it out of your system.

No you haven't goofed. You've survived six years together. You're a good team. You're just nervous.

>degenerate fags
Speak for yourself user. When i got married we used the money we had to get a new bathroom instead of a wedding.

srsly don't unless you do this ,people no matter if male or female are just selfish asshats nowadays and sooner or later they ll get bored and start doing stupid things

Yo user, I am also engaged in mid-twenties, so in the same boat. I am very happy to not have to focus on pursuing relationships and can work on work and self improvement.

Looking around at my friends/colleagues without SOs, holy shit the dating game sounds so fucked these days. you should be glad to have someone you wanna marry and not be freaking out when you are 30 and have no one and the one you find immediately wants kids because of the age 35 time bomb.

enjoy having less rent to pay, less women to pay attention to, and being able to relaxingly plan out your family/life together

Aj is that you and is this bout my sister.