>you will never play this album in its entirety, acoustically, in front of your high school class to impress the girl you like
You will never play this album in its entirety, acoustically...
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It's not a bad feel
High school was kind of garbage desu
yeah I wont... I'll play a better album
Everyone would start leaving at the beginning of Carrot Flowers pts. 2 & 3
why not, instead of that, playing something good?
>live in state where there are predominantly cowboys
>play it
>all the guys beat you up for being a fag
>girls laugh at you for being a pussy
contrarian kys
> H-hey user, m-maybe you could get down and stop pla-
> ying that mus-
>semen stains the mountaintops
Why would you want to sing this in front of anyone, let alone your high school?
would rather play Buyer's Market in front of class t b h
>now what in god's name is this user. play some blake shelton you fucking pussy
Fuck living in the south. Why wasn't I born in california
>you will never play an hour long free jazz set to a group of high school chads strapped to chairs
Am I loser? Pretty sure I am
Actually my friend and I played ITaots for our group asaignment in college so...
What would a high school kid even understand about this album anyways?
ask Sup Forums
Jeff Mangum was born in Louisiana.
>wanting to live in California
I don't even know what to say.
And E6 was founded in Georgia. But I guess that doesn't fit the "every southerner is racist, sexist, and homophobic" stereotype.
>not wanting to live in california
Feel bad for you and whatever southern or flyover shithole you live in. It's objectively the best state here.
Only alt right trolls and Sup Forums don't like California. They couldn't afford living here anyway
California is going underwater soon anyways, senpai
Move to Nevada, prime beach front property within 100 years
Title track slays puss
>he thinks a wall is going to be built
When are you teenagers gonna realize trump isn't an emperor and can't do whatever he wants?
He can certainly build a wall you dummy
>A trump supporters understanding of science
California is not going underwater
Where is he gonna get the money you fucking idiot?
>muh flyover
every californiafags sole defense
California is a beautiful place, especially if you're in the northern, basically PNW parts, but the cities and the people are garbage
I live in Boston
based calimind
your crush:
>wtf is wrong with this loser?
>Trump will never run for president
>Trump will won't last a month in the race
>Trump will never win the nomination
>Trump will never be president
Now you're telling me he will never build the wall? I'm not sure I trust you based on your record.
>you will never play this album in its entirety, acoustically, in front of your high school class to impress the girl you like
He won but that doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants now. Unless you're suggesting that he takes over as dictator, then no, a wall won't be built
You're stupid
>ywn impress a girl you like
He won't, or at least shouldn't, because it would be extremely expensive and wouldn't work
He can't. And mexico won't pay for it either
>you will never play this album in its entirety, acoustically, in front of your high school class to impress the girl you like
Where does the govt get any money to do anything?
Armed theft.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
I don't agree with the wall or a lot of Trump's policies, but he's proven everyone wrong so many times before. I don't feel as though that will stop now that he's president.
strangling the proletariat, naturally
there must be a violent revolution
He needs to turn to congress. Doubt he'll get the funding from them even though it's majority republican. Trump is a cuck
i pray for the day i can move out of california
I'm in high-school and love this album so, yeah. I'm also dumb as fuck, this album is just great desu. not saying that most people would like it. Most normies just whine about based Jeff's voice.
>listening music for the wrong reasons
Are you enjoying your sophomore year?
Be glad, it would most probably sound like shit
>not saying that most people would like it. Most normies just whine about based Jeff's voice.
This is such bullshit dude. It's super accessible
That album is like facebook-core, OP just wants to feel patrician for listening to memes
this album is trash, why u guys like it so much... holy shit get some taste
>just finished first semester of college
when does it get better? I honestly prefer high school to this.
It's literally going to be a fence
its up to you to make it whatever you want it to be homeboy
you can always kill urself b4 it's 2l8
>spiritual Coltrane going loud AS ALL FUCK at supre fun JAM
>entire album
>forcing a shitty tribute concert on people who never asked for it.
>to impress the girl you like
scary reletable
Socal is trash
>its either summer or winter, no inbetween
>unless you speak spanish, gl getting a job
>worst freeways on earth
>everyone's gay af
t. Socal fag