I just had some religious freaks come to my house and give me this crap like they were doing me a favor...

I just had some religious freaks come to my house and give me this crap like they were doing me a favor. What do they think they're gonna accomplish with this garbage? Why do they think some book from 2,000 years ago is so special, it's just a book. I've been in Barnes and Noble and seen a ton of books so this one doesn't seem any different. It's all made up stuff anyway, most historians agree on this. Why do people believe in this crap?

Atheists: 1
Christians: 0

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Bet you're real excited to go back to school, huh champ?

Don't be mad because I own a house where people come to while you're stuck in mommy's basement

"i don't know" is missing as a possible answer

You opened the door to a jehovahs witness.
You then accepted their paprework with no desire to use it.
You have no high ground in which to belittle others when you can't even ignore a couple JWs.

Everyone knows it's fake, it's embarrassing for them because they think it's actually real

They were so smug about it and practically shoved it in my hand


post some naked JW's then

its early in the morning, hmmm there work fast.

only my book is sacred and holy and you have to think like i do. my Belief Systems are better than yours and the programming you get is not yours to decide so read my holy book and think like me

>Jehovah's Witnesses
Pick one

Everyone thinks they're right, it's so funny as a third party to sit back and watch them bicker with each other

JWs believe in and follow christ.
The exact meaning of being christian..
youre not very bright are you?

I feel bad for their kids because they don't get to celebrate birthdays or Christmas. That makes them weirdos to other kids. It's like they're getting setup in life to fail

I didn't know it.
I thought it was a separate creed
I'm sorry user, did I disappoint you?

Jehovah witnesses aren't Christians - they are autistic cult based on rewrite of the Bible.

Yo, Malcolm in the Middle lol

Don't get people like you OP, they know you'll throw the paper away. Yeah maybe they'll "hassle" you, good ones won't do it through gospel, but through common values that everyone should hold, you know, not being a piece of shit. Don't know about JWs but mormon missionaries do a fucking good job at talking to people avoiding talk about God and Jesus if you tell them, they'll respect your beliefs even if it goes against theirs, helped me take some stuff I brought from port. I respect their work more than mine sometimes, two guys, Oregon, some buttfuck Navy town in the South just to get papers thrown away and forgotten most of the time. They're not freaks user, they're working toward a cause they seem worthy, and I don't know why people don't respect that.

>Jehovah witnesses aren't Christians - they are autistic cult based on rewrite of the Bible.

Just like every other Christians then because bible has been rewritten in every Christian sect so far and nobody has the copy of "original" which was a collection of actual smaller books btw.

JWs are just people that can't deal with the realities of the world. It's pretty sad really, some of them are trying to be nice at least. Just tell them you need to be on the do not contact list or you'll call the police, it should get rid of them.

Just bin it and move on with your life.

Rou have disgraced your famireee



Because the cause is bullshit. They want to take away all major holidays just because it "offends" them like wtf? I love seeing Christmas lights and Easter decorations and all kinds of fun seasonal stuff. Those sort of beliefs make you sheltered and take you away from participating in things the average person seems as fun. They're literally a cult.

Got any proof other than your own personal opinion brah?


The bible has so much terrible stuff in it I don't know why people are so quick to cherry pick passages that make them seem "holy" and completely ignore the other horrible stuff in there. How about the passage where children are mauled to death by bears just for making fun of a guy being bald? Is that really the kind of book you want to be following?

2 Kings 2:23–24

“And [Elisha] went up from there to Bethel. While he was on his way, young juveniles* came out from the city and mocked him, saying, ‘Go up, bald-head! Go up, bald-head!’ When he turned back and saw them, he cursed them in the name of YHWH. Then two female bears came out from the forest and mauled forty two of those juveniles.”

Who cares about that crap Christmas these days is all about Santa no one cares about Jesus. They want to take Santa away from the children because they are terrible people


Nah, it's true. Xmas is about pressies.

There's noting trolling here, Santa is everywhere around Christmas and they want Christmas gone hence they want Santa gone



Yuropoor detected

I'm feeling generous today. Here's your free (you)

Much like religion what you said makes no sense

I got a badass pamphlet with a skull and snake on the cover and a comic about a girl getting an abortion, then dying in a car wreck and going to hell. The art style was really cool, and it was in full color on quality paper.

And my fucking roommate threw it away.

So I'm actually anticipating these people coming back some time and leaving more literature.

same here. like an hour ago.


My family is part of this group, they aren't even real Christians

They're a cult with a special kind of crazy, stay away from them at all costs

You just go lawyered.. son.

I've noticed some of the strongest believers are the ones who are doing the worst in life. Like people in PRISION have nothing to look forward to for the rest of their lives so they daydream about an afterlife where the can do stuff besides sit in a cell all day. And ALCOHOLICS turn to religion so they can get the feeling they have someone watching them at all times and they will get in trouble by some imaginary thing because they can't just control themselves. And poor people especially because they will never get anywhere in life so they need to pretend that staying poor (i.e. "giving up material possessions) will somehow benefit them some day. True is they're just poor and it will never change so they are using a coping mechanism to try and deal with it. That's ok through, society is a pyramid and we need people at the bottom so whatever works.

Lol, only in Amerifat! We Europeans had The Enlightenment, and are no longer slaves to superstitions. Good luck with your creationism, homophobia and abortion bans, fatties!

That's sounds fucking halarious, you should post it up if you get another one

>I believe in animal rights.
>I also torture dogs.

Your behaviour defines your lable, not what you identify as. Jehovahs Witnesses aren't Christians.

Burgerland here, at least our country isn't ran by a woman

>is a believer in Jesus Christ and his teachings
You are embarrassing yourself more and more, you should just stop talking

I like how it's become cliché to talk shit about people for being non-religious despite the fact that it's common knowledge that religion is bullshit.

They don't believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ. In their defense, most actual Christians don't either, so whatever.

Ex JW here, these people study the bible logically every single day. They translate the bible to make it less confusing (translate metaphors and commonly mis-translated words). They congregate peacefully and are genuinely good people. There's really nothing bad you can say about these people..if you're mad that they wanted to take a few minutes of your day to share their found love of God and genuine happiness then you're just an asshole. As for me I just can't get past some of the scientific arguments they present, more specifically carbon dating being flawed due to water (the Great Flood).

I'm pissed beyond the capacity for rational thought that my roommate threw it away. I'm going to ask my neighbor if she got one when she gets home. If so, I'll scan and post that shit here.

>We try to follow closely the teachings and behavior of Jesus Christ

Damn you're retarded, taken straight off their website


>mad that they wanted to take a few minutes of your day to share their found love of God

They're unwelcome guests pounding on my door just like any other salesperson peddling shit I don't want or need.

Thankfully, you can record yourself answering the door to them and showing them your NO SOLICITING sign, then asking for their ID and turn that recording over to the police.

I did it once. They got ticketed.

Again, it doesn't matter what you say you do, if it's not what you actually do.
Are you being a retard on purpose?

She's never gonna get in office, no one wants to hear that busted trumpet for four years

Dang they really pounded on your door? And I getcha, law is the law brother.

They used to come every Saturday morning. I don't if they were Jehova's Witnesses, but they were some sort of Christfags. I was working nights back then, and they'd come pound on the fucking door until someone answered. It was annoying as shit. So one time I got my phone out and started recording. I answered and asked if they know how to read. The older one started to say something and I pointed the camera at the sign, then to his face. Then I asked if I could see ID. The younger guy started to walk away, but the older one actually pulled out his driver's license and let me record it. He said the First Amendment gave him the right to do this shit, and told the younger guy to show his ID too.

That Monday, I took the video to the police and asked if there was anything they could do. The detective was astonished that they actually showed me ID, and said they can be ticketed for solicitation despite signage. I followed up with him a couple of weeks later and he said they'd issued the tickets and set a court date.

Never heard from the Bible fuckers again.

The one good experience I've had with people like that was at my old place. A couple of Mormons came while I was raking my leaves and actually helped me bag them up while they pitched their religion. I took their literature and gave them Capri Suns. Nice enough guys.

Their kids get presents throughout the year. It's not a burden or obligation for the parents to actually spend a lot of money during one specific day or season just to fulfill some weird fairy tale of a fat guy bringing presents to the kids.

They're not even allowed to celebrate their birthday. That's fucking cruel being the only child in class who doesn't get to invite a bunch of friends.

The reason they do that and the Christmas thing is to strengthen the in-group feeling of the children and make them hate the out-group. It's artificially creating differences with emotional impact. Cult behaviour 101.