What if he never died?

What if he never died?

He'd achieve madman levels previously unknown to science.

Divorce Yoko and continue his mediocrity. Probably get killed again but if he didn't, maybe have a temporary reunion when George dies

Beatles would have made something and it would've soured their legacy i bet

or he'd just be really fucking kind and relate-able and manage to sing honest songs even from the perspective of a 70 year old and it would be beautiful and we'd all love him still.

>we'd all love him

>the world didn't love John Lennon

heroin overdose after a run of bad albums and advertisements

nice John

He'd probably try to put a hold on the Anthology series, get wrapped up in the AIDS crisis in some capacity, then nearing his sixties would've been rather quiet and put some work in for Sean or Yoko on anything they'd wind up doing in that time.

Beatles reunion tour.

where'd you find that pic of Peter Steele sleeping?

he wouldn't be a madman anymore

They probably would've gotten together for Live Aid or something, but I don't think there'd have been a permanent reunion. I always wonder if John and Paul would have ever written together again, though.

People wouldn't wear his T shirts as much.

More mediocre pop albums.

>r for Live Aid or som
nah he was too cynical for it. Live Aid wouldn't have happened if he had lived.

He'd be seen as more of a twat than he is now.

The political landscape of the U.S. would be much different that's for sure. We wouldn't have put up with bullshit like eight years of Ronnie Raygun the first or second Bush! Fuck I'd bet pot would've been legalized in the 80s.

We need John Lennon now more than ever!

>in B4 "But user! He was a wife beating drunk and a hypocrite!"

Fuck anybody who brings that shit up!

It's probably good he died when he did because holy god, the 80s would not have been kind to him.

It's the weirdest thing

does that trigger you faggot?

He would make songs with LIL BOAT and turn up with him :3

I think he would have released at least one Sup Forumscore album in the '80s but he would have been vastly outpaced by McCartney's output in the '90s.

I would not have wanted to hear New Wave Lennon

He probably would've been terrible in the 80s, relatively inactive in the 90s, then released a god-tier comeback in the early 2000s followed by two or three decent albums before passing away.

His legacy probably wouldn't be nearly as beloved, but at the same time we probably would've gotten some more good music.

Who cares?

Everyone knows John was an average songwriter who thrived only when writing psychedelic lyrics as opposed to actually entertaining music

He probably also started the "Paul is dead" and "Paul is a dick" memes

I know this is bait but there are people who actually believe this


absolute madman probably did start those memes

John and Paul stopped writing songs together as early as like, 1963. Northern Songs i.e. Lennon/McCartney was a purely business relationship.

He would have sold his soul to the big corporations but would have taken it back by voting for trump

He didn't die, he came back and defeated Voldemort

I thought they were friends but just had too many disagreements in the writing process.

To put his mediocrity in perspective, he considered "Strawberry Fields Forever" his musical triumph, and "Imagine" was his attempt at making a song as amazing as McCartney's "Yesterday"

They all fucking hated each other in the end it seems. Ringo quit the band first because he felt like an outsider, but was persuaded to come back, George felt Lennon and McCartney were stifling him creatively, John barely wrote anything because he was a huge druggie, and Paul came off as kind of a dick near the end because it seemed like he was the only one who really wanted to keep the band together.

The most pure and friendly relationship in the group was probably Lennon and Ringo