>tfw alienqt pulls off her mask
Post real visuals
hey I love Apink
umji? more like yumji.
shitty thread
chungha? more like my omo stick.
love this lil alien. i hope she finds a good home
I've never played golf but I would be happy too if this were the case
we don't post traitors here
sica is best soshi idiot
be careful, shes underaged
me on the right
>we don't post traitors here
I would carry their golf sticks for them
thanks bro, wouldn't want to trigger him or anything
These are Thai tranny visual tier
i don't listen to kshit and I don't know who that is but she's the biggest cutie i've ever seen desu
will rv ever upgrade to the iconic cloud danceroom
she's not from this planet, good luck dude
tfw no golf cub
traitor nayeon being kicked out of twice
m-..my Queen. Yes your highness we don't post traitors here
i love chubhyo
nice meme
jihyos jihyos
It would be an honor to carry their golf clubs
>SM is block Sica from music shows and singing OST's.
how can they keep getting away with it?
>tfw you will never love ETs as much as sejeong
literally can't think of a bad taeyeon poster
holy fuck she's adorable. is this what kpop is? staring at qts all day? if so count me in
Note: Chungha died on the way back to her home planet
honestly? yes
i listen to maybe 3 or 4 kpop songs a day
welcome to kpop
yo chungha poster
gimme some good chungha fancams
tfw Chungha will never adopt me and conduct lewd experiments with me.
that's for 450k+ sellers only
don't worry it's all just a simulation anyway
i wrote her back in
I have a navel fetish, have I cum to the right place?
>50 posts
>no music discussion just roleplaying
I mean abduct.
ill come back when the alien posts are done
they're called buttons and no, jpop seems more your lane
>actually listening to kshit
I am such a monolid connoisseur that I cannot even look at girls with double lids.
Why is this performance so fucking based
cooking cub*
cuz you gay
watch out guys this is newfag hour
Why are you on this board then?
i can bear it as long as their not caucasian
there we go
thanks breh
what happens if we post more cub?
This is midriff central
kpg isn't Sup Forums
big momos
ill stay
Post christian cuties
You win at life if you do such a thing
If you're not in kshit for the music then you can fuck off in all honesty
thats a slut tho
what religion is this?
is this approved by the vatican?
let it be
i'll never look at human girls the same ever again
I love alien girls with lewd bodies.
sorry im not gay famalam
She's some sort of Protestant, Presbyterian if I remember correctly
based hetero male