I interrupt all the cape posting to ask.
What did you think of this film?
Nice Guys
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Loved it. Finally a good film that's not about superheros or cartoons or a reboot.
Fag shit.
And despite the fact Sup Forums complains about reboots and capeshit all the time, a legitimately good original movie comes out and no one talks about it.
Good film but dragged a bit in the end.
I've seen a fair amount of threads about it over the last few days
movie for fags
Really liked it. Top tier chemistry between the two. This is what summer movies should be. Instead we get another 40 capeshit films every year
Saw it yesterday. Really fantastic. Whoever played the goose's daughter did a great job
She did, she in a really good aussie film These Final Hours
Is the cunny who plays RyRy's daughter good in this?
she does great, she steals more then one scene form the main actors, and always does better then the supporting cast.
i-is the crowman b-back?
Did he ever leave? I liked Noah
That moment when the kid finds the pornstar after the car crash, then takes off his shirt. Half expected him to molest her.
Gosling has never made a good movie and never will.
>Finally a non-capeshit movie!
>Directed by capeshit hack
Nice Tries op.
Tell me about how much you admire PTA.
8/10 film
Great script (not as good as kiss kiss bang bang)
Shane should give the script to a better director though. He's good but with a great director the film would have been perfect (it doesn't keep up its momentum and has some pacing issues)
>it's a "Shane puts a smart ass kid into his movie" movie
Do you only know of capeshit, little boy?
I think it might be you who is the pleb.
Look at this edgy fuck lol
It sucked. Maybe 2 or 3 funny bits in the entire movie. And goose didnt take his shirt off one fucking time. 0/10
>Guy who directed Kiss Kiss bang Bang and wrote the lethal weapon series.
>Capeshit hack
Fuck off
>What are you doing?
>Giving you a rimjob
Kids these days.
Giving it one last bump
>Shitting on the man who brought us The Master and Inherent Vice
Wew, sure is pleb in here
Who's this qt3.14 ?
Points for being original but it was a pretty mediocre 5/10 movie. It mixed genres but didn't excel at any of them. The mystery wasn't very interesting and the comedy wasn't very funny.
Angourie Rice
agreed on everything.
Some guy who sat next to me, also read the script because he knew scenes were coming like the body falling into another party.
Besides Holly and her friends, I think all the girls were legal, but they appeared to be very young.
Enjoyed it a lot and plan to see it again.
But sad it won't get any recognition with The Neighbors 2 and Angry Birds overshadowing it.
He's only made one film, but he has been in a few great ones.
It was great but my only complaint was it focused too much on the plot and not enough on the buddy detective dynamic.
Every scene with Goose and Crow made the movie.
Whats a fair amount to you? 3 threads? While capeshit movies have 3 threads each, every few hours.
is there a rip for this yet?
yeah great argument, idiot.
>"You know who else was just following orders? Hitler." *wink*
Fucking lost it. Gosling is surprisingly great at comedy.
I may go see it after work today.
Excellent movie. Oddly great chemistry between Goose and Fat Maximus.
It was also nice to see a funny movie that didn't waste every funny scene on the trailer. There was still plenty left and the finale was pretty much one entire longrunning gag.
Would you?
I thought it was pretty good. The goose had some good comedic bits, the action was done pretty well, the story was fine. Pretty great film overall.
Not as good as kiss kiss bang bang though
>that scene where Gosling is drunk as hell with "Pocahontas" and falls off the balcony
Man, that fucking killed me
Even the marketing for this is top tier.
i thought it was great.
just one thing though, were they playing a trick on us - was kim bassinger really not the author of all the murders - was she really fighting the mob ;
i feel like they got it wrong and its sort of like inherent vice where the lead is drugged or high or dumb and they throw you off
>she's 15.
will she grow up to be hot guys
Really been digging this Gosling guy lately. Loved him in The Big Short and the episode of SNL he hosted this year. Guess I need to watch this and Drive.
She already is
Is it really that good?
The trailer made it look fucking awful
it's excellent - creative and comfy and some chuckles
Is Black back?
If you didn't like the trailer you wouldn't like the movie
Though the trailer makes it look goofier than it really is
i remember seeing the trailer at the movies a few months ago and cringed where it shows gosling tossing the gun to crowe but it ends up out the window. but the movie was great
It's a pretty great mystery comedy, only real flaw is Holly's shoehorned No-Kill rule.
>tfw "Do you wanna see my dick?"
hopefully it makes enough money for a sequel
they certainly made the set up for it
hasnt opened yet
End yourself.
It was fucking great!
That part was funny though.
>"you're hurting him"
>a day ago that man was trying to kill you and your dad
Dick Kid was a god desuu
I get that it was supposed to be a character-development thing for Healy but it really drags the movie way down.
I thought it was gonna be shit when I saw the trailer but Russell Crowe's character is great and Ryan Gosling is pretty funny at times. It's nothing special but it's not bad.
in the trailer it looked hacky, but in the movie it was fine
>wanna see my dick
>a day ago
five seconds ago the other guy tried to kill her and amelia
at one point though i noticed that gosling has one eye higher than the other
>they don't show the kids giant dick
yfw Val Kilmer's son is the cuck in the movie
I actually really disliked it
I wouldn't really call the concept of this story particularly original.
Great fucking film. What summer blockbusters should be.
Did anyone notice someone drew a goose and Holland's cast? cant seem to find a clear picture.
Went with some friends and we all adored it. Can't wait to buy it on blu-ray and watch it late at night with pals.
well paced
beautifully shot
very funny. gosling has comedic chops i didn't anticipate.