
post irony thread
artists like SOPHIE, yung lean, PC Music, justin bieber, old 2000s classics etc

Other urls found in this thread:


AG Cook - Beautiful

human nature, nine inch nails, savage garden, spice gril, hanson, weezer

This is the pinnacle of PC music

wrong link

claire says hello

PC Music isn't ironic or post ironic.

lol if PC Music isn't ironic i don't know what is

it's like the most ironic label - ultra colorful pop with non real feminized voices

but again ultimately it's more about how one perceive a song - not really about what the state of mind of the author was

I like Hannah Diamond very much. :)


who doesn't ?



Sup Forums
stop discussing PC music
it isn't for you

what did he mean by this?

you seem underage as fuck

>Sup Forums is one person

yes i am 11


irony should fucking die and not come back

oh no

what about post-post-irony?

you need to go deeper.....

hey maybe there will be a 2010s revival in 20 years - yay numeric stuff becoming hipster shit


So post-irony is when you actually like something but act like it's ironic?

post-irony is when you don't like something but go out of your way to try to like it so you can seem ironic

which is, post-ironically, the same as irony.

>white people shush this album wasn't made for u

post-irony is a return to sincere attitudes but with the understanding that sincerity is absurd. So yes kind of

we fucking made every meme genre you've ever known popular

kill yourself swiftly

how ironic

yeah i feel like it's more about finding something beautiful in what first seemed really "naive" and not just maling fun lf it and feeling superior (which would be irony i guess)

how is sincerity absurd?

i dont think he meant that sincerity in general is absurd, but imagine you say something like "haha i really wish all peruvians died" post ironically, now, that specific sincerity is kind of absurd
or something

I think it's mainly a reaction to online personae becoming a norm, and what does it really mean to be true behind a screen, while everyone else is just sharing shitty memes. anyway everything is absurd

yeah exactly

neither of these explanations make much sense

i think it's safe to say no one knows what it means but people simply parrot the phrase to fit in

now THAT'S post irony my dude

you know it when you feel it. it's not the same as irony. it's like expressing your true self but in the same tone as you would say something ironic. that is why hannah diamond makes really earnest music but it is still tongue in cheek in its own way

fuck off freuddit, why would i be trying to fit in on an anonymous image board as an anonymous person
ive never even talked about post irony before, i just tried to clarify that sincerity bit to the other user

you need to be eradicated


Why do self righteous liberals always

>projecting this hard
I actually voted for Trump but ok

How long before the big record companies try to get out post-ironic pop

they have already
obviously they got it completely wrong, but at least they tried

Never, normies don't get advanced irony.


i love how Sup Forums is always able to tell when someone is a liberal by absolutely unrelated things
and most of the time they are wrong

i kinda like that song desu
the sophie parts at least

Poppy was on Island records but it seems like they dropped her

I Unironically Listen To Vaporwave