Is this the logical conclusion to ______
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To "I'm not like the other girls"-core? Yeah.
Also who made me watch Enter the Void? If it weren't for a very funny banepost on Sup Forums I would have gone to bed depressed.
masonna > madonna
kpop sucks
I'm not a girl kys
who is masonna
>kpop sucks
have u heard sounds from the far east
you have shinichiro yokota, hes on sounds from the far east by soichi terada
thank you
I know a thing or two about asians
Good taste
きどりっこ is one of my favorite bands yo
There's a few J-pop (?) things there that I don't recognize if ya wanna throw me a few recs
great taste man, I recognize a lot on here. What's the album with the cross? Seems familiar
don't know most of the stuff here. John Zorn is really cool crazy shit
ah, I should have known. I love A Boy by her, probably my favourite album I discovered this year
she is an angel
ebin bread
Oh yes, probably THE most beautiful music out there. 'I became a lonely wind for you' was in my youtube recommendations while I was listening to some 80s jpop. Listened to it and fell in love with her music immediately
you know who else is angel.............. me
what is the logical conclusion to me
maybe you'd like the banarama album on my collage it's good dance pop imo
were you the user that recced me jeanne mas earlier
nice album, thank you very much for it
no I suck
hey, you recced me kero kero earlier and I just started listening to them, I like it
also I like that you're all christmasy
I'm strange and listen to most christmas music during the summer
are you 15
i'm 20 (and male)
theres no hope for you
gowns- red state
pram is so good, i haven't listened to them in a while
what's your favorite album of theirs
linda perhacs- parallelograms
ut- in gut's house
why Xmas days are such a depressing period of the year
++Songs: Ohia
What's the 1st album?
>Arpanet - Wireless Internet (side-project from Drexciya member)
++Gang Starr
>Scallops Hotel - Too Much of Life is Mood (cool 2016 jazz- hop)
++Desertshore (the movie "The Inner Scar" with Nico is pretty & arty but a real bore fyi) , Vashti
>Jenny Hval - Blood Bitch
++Julian Cope, Cocteau Twins
>The System - (1983) Logic
cool chart! No idea what are these albums
>Jung An Tagen - Das Fest Der Reichen
Try listening to The Mooney Suzuki - Electric Sweat
Because it's cold and dark most days
Really makes you think...
this dude from ozric tentacles really looks like that dude from ozric tentacles think about it
Autechre is really good
Rec me more albums that combine electronics and guitars in fun ways
Also I'm slowly appreciating how good cLOUDDEAD is
I don't know enough prog to give you any great recs but Vangelis did an album with Jon Anderson called Private Collection and it's not bad I guess
You have a lot of Radiohead but I noticed The King of Limbs is missing.
Listen to it until you realize it's secretly one of their best (and certainly their most original and inspired there's nothing else ever made that sounds like it imo)
That LRD album cover always makes me laugh those cheeky fuckers
Which album of theirs should I listen to after '77 Live?
I wish I could rec you something but that's all I recognize unfortunately
thats actually the only LRD i've heard
you would like jessamine
Been listening to my 2016 backlog this week.
Pink Freud - Pink Freud plays Autechre
>Which album of theirs should I listen to after '77 Live?
Heavier Than a Death in the Family
lmao I had that one
don´t you fear death user?