What could've been done to prevent the unfortunate events that have led to this amazing female musician's demise?

what could've been done to prevent the unfortunate events that have led to this amazing female musician's demise?

not only has she ruined everything that was likeable about her, but she also ruined her music by destroying her Voice.

The world doesn't need her anymore

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What even happened?

1st world problems

she got cucked, she aged like shit, her career is a failure and a dead end, she ruined her voice with smoking and she's balding

cuckolding is no joke

nothing happened; it's just charli xcx fans ruining the board

cucked as in her boyfriend fucked someone else

Got depressed while working on EH and was extremly unstatisfied with the result. Only reason why she kept going was because they told her that shell get the fame that she always wanted. She started training and performing less after FROOT came out. Produced a lot of testosterone and produced a lot of muscles, so she lost her feminine look and became more masculine. She wasnt singing at all for the past 1 and a half years, besides of some acts here and there, but nothing big. She is less and less interested in producing music, because her fansbase is probably the worst to ever exist and they always talk shit about her. and now she is just doing her shit and shes prob waiting for her feature on the clean bandit album and i guess if the song will flop she will stop making music or we can at least wait another year or the song will at least be in the top 100 and shell give us what we want hopefully.

she already was bald

she got cucked by Ellie Goulding

chali xcx and all the other waifufags are just talking shit about Marina, just to make us angry or baiting us or something like that i dont know

god i fucking miss pic related.
easily one of the best examples of people aging like shit

She never looked that good to begin with, she was fat and has a pig dick nose. She's also hairy as fuck and probably smells horrible

Everyone always recs me Marina because I love Lana and Charli, but she's fucking trash. Only song I like is Hollywood. Her singing is like a tortured Welsh banshee, gtfo.


how can anyone enjoy her painfull screeches

well thats what you think, friendo, i think that shes beautiful

yeah, so dont listen to her music, noone forced you to do it. i like her songs and her voice and her accent is making me nuts

then dont listen to her music.

>painfull screeches

this is a bit too much isnt it m8?

tell me how these aren't painfull screeches


Oh wow she was actually hot here
song is bad but she's done worse

one of my fav songs actually. I really like her voice and as you guys know it its subjective so say as much shit as you want marinas voice isnt that bad and there are far worse vocalist


>what could've been done to prevent the unfortunate events that have led to this amazing female musician's demise?
Manufacture more cute, young stars. Simple.

Can you tell more about the cucked story pls?

Ellie Goulding fucked Marina's Boyfriend, that's it.

Marina seemed to enjoy it because she even wrote a song about it

all written by one man. That's Wild.

never forget

still wonderful

Is she actually no longer working on new music?

she seems to have stopped, she hasn't posted any update on it in two months and she rather goes on Partys with her husband.

She also ruined her Voice

her ex-boyfriend, some dj, cucked her with Marinas best friend at that time, Ellie and they broke up and Marina stopped being Ellies girlfriend.

Also Marina made a track about it in FROOT. It was Better Than That, so i guess she still was affected by it.

You guys made a thousand memes about her, but none of them survived for more than 2 weeks

Marina was cute, but not young. If she was found much earlier, she would have had a great future

thx for the answer

yeah, i guess she isnt really talking about her music at all. thats because she doesnt want all of her stupid cancer fans to ask her every second. i think shes waiting for the release of the new clean bandit album to see how the feature will be doing


this is a Lana del Rey thread now

no its not.

trips approve

Lana's best album

this is not an argument

what went wrong?


Better Than That is a GOAT song though
Has a Jefferson Airplane vibe to it

it's still about being a beta female cuck

doesnt she have alzheimer's though?

what did she mean by this?

