Easiest genre of music to make?

Easiest genre of music to make?

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>random notes and shit



Noise... wait, that's not music.





I just made this in 20minsclyp.it/2jwq5tp3

nice try everyone, but the answer is dark ambient


This as well

I actually like it desu, is it a sample or something or what?

field recordings

stoner metal


hip hop

ambient noise
sound art
field recordings

I make noise and I have to say making mediocre beats and rapping is easier

Harsh noise

1-Internet and pc needed
2-Get audacity
3-Import some raw files as music
4-Export it

house music

not the way it used to be made
but the way it's made now? definitely

hip hop beats for sure thats why i make em. dont even know music theory or know how to play an instrument.

Everyone knows it's hip hop/pop

>Everyone knows it's hip hop/pop

How the hell hip hop is easier than field recordings?



Its easier

1-Play many songs at the same time, or youtube videos
2-Have hnw song

pleb answer
hip hop

patrician answer
field recordings

right answer

How is noise easier to do than field recordings?

Depends on what you describe as experminetal. Sometimes it can take a long yime for the right sounds to mesh together without sounding like absolute garbage.

pic related sounds like garbage yet everyone says it's a masterpiece

punk rock, shitty hip hop, maybe deathcore

There you go. Add a few ironic trumpet and violin and its rap album of the year

I'm gonna make a thread about something like this. Sounds good m8 keep it up.

it isn't, though, it's only marketed as such

Dungeon synth

Dungeon Synth

you use cheap soundfonts on purpose and write ambient in dorian mode


dungeon mind

Epic reply, friend :^)


making a legitimately interesting field recordings album is damn hard though

young chop pls

The thread is about what's easy to make. That album took weeks of practice and skilled players. You seem to know nothing about "experimental" music.

you don't have to leave your room to make noise. also field recording equipment can actually get pretty expensive where as you can make noise with the shitties computer money can buy. literally anything is okay


I don't think the point is to make "interesting" field recordings.

you can turn the raw data of a picture into a noise track in audacity in under a minute. field recordings you actually have to go out with a mic and record for an extended period.

>record a 20 second clip of literally anything
>stretch it out 20 minutes (add some effects and play with the EQ if you are really feeling it)

Punk, that's the point.

pretty sure Jon Benjamin tested this theory youtube.com/watch?v=yS5p4M08jJs

Literally take to different tracks, put them together, and put a drum/bass part that somewhat makes them sound like they are together. Easy as shit.

Encripted music

drone doom


it's bad

production stale as hell and not interesting


Literally it's lowercase

oh yeah, i forgot, following set rules of structure/form is "hard" for some people

Thank-you for confirming it