It's a caller calls in saying he believes in God because look at the trees episode

>it's a caller calls in saying he believes in God because look at the trees episode

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>it's a dumb nigger caller

This is actually really fun when Matt isn't on because he always cuts the crazies off before they really get going.

>Hey guys thanks for accepting my call, I was hoping we could talk abou-


monterey, ca is a really nice place though

like no "niggers"

young earther detected

the show isn't a platform for you to preach, uninterrupted about how you the think the universe is 6000 years old when science has already proven that is factually wrong and things you likely believe disprove that.


Dillahunty studied to become a pastor, so he knows the scriptures like the back of his hand. He understands where religious are coming from, a guides them to his perspective like a true teacher should.

Too bad he became a huge cuck to his feminazi wife and got involved in atheism+.

Also, most of the Atheist Experience crew are mentally ill SJW Islam apologists whose contempt for Christianity is rooted in white guilt and hatred for western civilization.

>Anyone who doesn't like TAE is a creationist

I'm an atheist.

My issue with the atheist experience that the callers rarely get a fair shake, the interruptions are constant. It goes beyond keeping the caller on point, it isn't uncommon to see a host to shout over callers and mute them mid sentence. This is frustrating to me, why host a call in show and then spend ten minutes every episode telling them to shut up? You don't need to stack the deck against them like this when you're already in the right.

Matt is an SJW

I've seen almost every episode and while Matt can get heated, he only 'stops' you when you're a christfag starting the call with an attitude and jumping to a bunch of points at once and need slowing down so they can be addressed properly or as i remember on a recent call, some guy said 'i used to be like you Matt' and Matt had to ask him what he meant. Wanna know why either happens? Because once Matt gets done bending over whatever bullshit these morons parrot to him, they will deny it or twist what they originally said. Making the whole call a waste of time and he said/she said nonsense.

>Also, most of the Atheist Experience crew are mentally ill SJW Islam apologists whose contempt for Christianity is rooted in white guilt and hatred for western civilization.
They're not as bad as the non-prophets, where sighing and reminding us it's the current year heavily is considered a counter argument

Stop spreading so much bullshit and just kill yourself. They all hate Islam. Fuck off.

See for yourself:

Ignore pleb music (Nirvana) intro, starts at 2:00

>i'm an atheist
>goes on to bitch about Matt cutting off christfags trying to preach for half an hour uninterrupted

why are christfags so dishonest? give up.

This guy clearly has mental problems though. He makes rambling hour long videos about nothing in particular and never getting to any real point.

>can't even play the teen spirit solo

No, thanks. Why is that even there....

>thinking anyone is going to sit through 28 minutes of ad hominem bullshit to see what the hell he's talking about

Seriously, he's too aggressive. I like how the other people just let them run.

I will never get the point or appeal of this show. It's like challenging someone who can't read English to a game of Scrabble.

>I sware to whatever god you pray to If you interrupt me one more time I am gonna hang up on your ass.

Except that the illiterate one actually has political might and routinely deploys it.

Bored hicks with no idea what they're talking about have no political might, nor will their positions ever be swayed. I

t's ironic that it's pretty much impossible to change the mind of someone who has no clue what they're talking about when they argue their position.