Why was this allowed? I know she's 18 but this is still assault!

Why was this allowed? I know she's 18 but this is still assault!

How based can one man be?

>funds millions to make a movie about his waifu
>make it good so it gets awards
>finally get to ceremony
>kiss her on the mouth

Master plan achieved

>goes to jail
was the this part of the master plan?

How fucking degenerate is the movie industry? A pedophile is applauded for his pedophilic actions, while at the same time the pedophile's wife smiles with joy

He's a 16 year old girl trapped in a man's body.

Why has Refn turned into some quasi-macho asshole all of the sudden? Does he do it to get immersed in the films he's creating?

.............I RUN THIS SHIT

who's in red?

Bella Heathcote

is he jewish?



She's 18. That's not a pedophilia or even hebephilia.

Even worse


Kissing people on the mouth is very common in europe and not seen as sexual.


refugee detected.

Europe is not mono-cultural you dumb fuck.

Why do they close their eyes?


Maybe if you live in a godforsaken shithole like the Cuckdom of Bahrain where the AoC is fucking 20. Top kek.

It's definitely not in Denmark.

he started filming this shit years ago
he was probably kissing her then too

He has autism, you can't expect him to act rationally

>kissing children makes you a pedo
>every parent in the world suddenly incarcerated
Murkan logic.

This teebz, americans consume the most porn and you're still socially incapable of handling sexuality.

this is such an american belief

I wish i was rich and powerful so i could molest little girls

Incapable of handling a meaningless fucking kiss if this thread is to be believed, let alone sexuality.

Europe isn't a country you dumb fucker, every country is extremely different. Bosnia for instance as as similar to Britain as America is to Japan.

what's the difference? they're both muslim shitholes

>Europe isn't a country

From the thigh up he actually looks quite well dressed, then his little chicken legs jump out at you

It's definitely not in Germany

>America and Japan are muslim shitholes
If you say so.

well i didn't so..?

>Europe isn't a country

not if i can help it


He's said he's from a Jewish family

top banter Sup Forums say 'sweden yes' next.

>4 countries and a continent
>"they're both muslim shitholes"
Of course. What you did was merely prove you're retarded.

>legal age
>he asks if its ok
>she nods
>they kiss

Stay mad faggots, you will never be as based as he is

so they can enjoy the passionate kiss

That's cute as fuck
What's the problem?

no it's not fucktard

Please read up on what the age of consent is and how it works. Dumb fuck.

Holy shit of course, the daughter has a normal chin, it makes perfect sense

Look at the wife, she takes after her mum. Need to see the son in 5 years time though.

pic isn't complete, needs to show how his wife almost left him since he made her watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre for their 2nd date

of coursh

Dawwwwwwww, that's almost Taxi Driver tier. also, if ND is his first "grounded" horror thriller think he'll ever do anything supernatural based?

>he made an entire film and waited for her to turn 18 just for these seconds
ayy lmao

>that's almost Taxi Driver tier

Horror movies are standard date-night stuff, desu.


Wrong. The cheek kiss thing happens in some mediterranean countries, but only for people who are well-acquainted.

>only for people who are well acquainted

You're supposed to kiss every girl you meet on the cheeks

t. France

That's beautiful.

>you also need to be CHAD


>implying this isn't classified as rape in modern France

not at all

all of them, it's how you say "hi"

you're thinking of Sweden my friend
american feminism doesn't exist here yet

Not in the UK

>begging for a kiss
top cuck

well in my high school years GIRLS were kissing CHADS on the cheeks

beta cucks of course not

Not really. I'm Dutch and I cheek kiss pretty much every woman I meet in a personal setting.

I also typically kiss all my female friends on their mouths. Male friends just get lengthy hugs and the occasional cheek kiss though.

In Norway when friends meet or say goodbye they rub cheeks. Sort of strange for me when I came here.

I'm Dutch and we either give one or two kisses to good friends and family in a sort of formal sense. And three kisses on the cheeks when you congratulate someone, either friends or 'strangers'. Males kiss only females. Females kiss both females and males. Good male friends might kiss each other for jokes though.

>Kissing people on the mouth is very common in europe and not seen as sexual.

no where, only people I ever saw this doing were turks, and they ain't european.

why does the smaller girl looks like pepe

>I also typically kiss all my female friends on their mouths

u wot

you're really fucking retarded family.

There are no friends in Norway.

Germany, Switzerland, Austria too. How many times is just different. Once or twice

I have a group of friends who do that (those women and men between each other) and others that don't(still kissing on the cheeck though)
Kissing men on the cheek is not a thing here though.

t. Switzerland

Why are they so cute together, lads?

Are they that individualistic? Hiding away in their hytta?

>doing this on the anniversary of the start of ww2
>not distasteful

Well i dont know with strangers but where i live it's pretty common among relatives or friends.
t. EE

>you'll never be pals with goose and refn
>goose will never tuck you in at night and give you a kiss on the forehead
>goose will never let you ride on his shoulders while you walk around a theme park