Do you over estimate or under estimate your ketchup needs? i always put way too much fuckin ketchup on. so annoying

do you over estimate or under estimate your ketchup needs? i always put way too much fuckin ketchup on. so annoying.

been there done that. definitely overestimate. always got yelled at when i was younger.

I'm an underestimater personally. I'd rather add more ketchup than have to cleab up after

fuck ketchup I use hot sauce.

Always put a alot on it but never to much.

have you learned the error of your ways? or do you still overestimate?

I usually underestimate, and then put the same amount when I go back for more.. which ends up being an overestimate, but not by much.

I have a Ketchup problem.....
Ill drench my shit in Ketchup and add Hot Sauce to make that shit spicy

if u eat too much u could have stomach ulcer problems and bowel porblems etc. careful bro. also, in pic, my favorite hot sauce ever. liquid fucking gold.


Steve turns me on.

still do kek. but getting better since i moved out 3 months and now im hurting my own wallet

Its always better to have too much than not enough.


aha i see good shit on moving out bro. im still mooching off my mommy earning those gb points n all that u know how it is. wish i had my own place tho. but at least i got my subaru desu

finished up community and moving over to a Uni

honestly i think uni is a giant fugging scam. but hey at least you did your AA at community like an intelligent person.

it is from a particular perspective i suppose but eh worth it in the end i guess.

I add the perfect amount, which is none :-)

I love yaoi and I have no idea why that is such an off-putting image

I only put hot sauce on my stuff once a week.

thanks for the info though

My father in law drenches the shit out of everything he ears in Ketchup. I'm talking like a half a bottle on one steak, or a quarter bottle on a pound of meat with about a half of pound of cheese on that as well. His good is 3/4 Ketchup.

I use less because then people tend not to steal my fries.

Leave my fries alone nigger.

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