Rank and Rate all 3 Sup Forums

Rank and Rate all 3 Sup Forums

I'm curious about the general consensus.

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S80 - 8
GKMC - 10
TPAB - 10

0/10, 0/10, 0/10

GKMC > TPAB > S.80

with GKMC being hiphop album of the decade. This is all objective by the way.

If TPAB didn't have the poem in between each track it would be right to left for me.

fuck, marry, kill

Pretty much this

Fuck s.80
Marry GKMC

Switch TPAB and GKMC and that's my list

GKMC > uu. > TPAB > S80

>UU better than TPAB

I'm not even arguing which one is #1 but putting it higher is downright retarded.

Kendrick turned into a trap artist, then sampled a dude playing a daddy role, then had like a 5 minute sing session all in a weirdly mixed tape with 2 good songs.

Best track: Momma
Worst Track: Hood Politics

2. Section 80
Best Track: Rigamortis
Worst Track: Tammys Song

3. Good Kid Maad City
Best Track: Compton
Worst Track: Really Really Real

>Worst Track: Hood Politics
i will fight you

I'm willing to have a polite discussion about this.
Tell me why it's so good, boo boo.

rare Kenny

7, 8.5, 8

I like Kendrick when he actually spits. His flow is solid and quick, going hard. And the little pause around 2:55 sounds like the sky is opening up. Amazing song. Top 3 on the album.

Least favorite two are complexion and you ain't gotta lie

Best track: Good Kid, Sherane, Peer Pressure
Worst Track: -

Best Track: Momma, Hood Politics
Worst Track: You ain't gotta lie

3. Section 80
Best Track: ADHD

Yeah I'd agree with this probably.
The only issue I have with that is with These Walls, if you put that one track on repeat it's a bit annoying cause the poem is at the beginning and the end.
Fuck TPAB, marry good kid m.a.a.d. city, kill s80
>Best Track: Rigamortis
That track is so dam good.
I'm terrible at worst, but for best I'd probably say: Sherane A.K.A. Master Splinter's Daughter, Rigamortus, and Wesley's Theory
That video has so much good stuff in it, pic related. Also the bit where his face is pressed up against the glass cracks me up so much.

what video is this? I have to see this shit now

>complexion and you ain't gotta lie
>Two of the tracks I fuck with the most

You're killing me, smalls.

>I'm terrible at worst, but for best I'd probably say: Sherane A.K.A. Master Splinter's Daughter, Rigamortus, and Wesley's Theory
Good as fuck tastes, my man.

For Free?

>Good as fuck tastes, my man.
Same to you, I fuck with Complexion and You Ain't Gotta Lie

>Without HP
God I hate you faggots.

TPAB >> UU >> GKMC >> S80

S80 - 8/10
GKMC - 10/10
TPAB - 0/10 we wuz kangz

It's ok it's only the worst song on the album

I knew this day would come..


>TPAB - 0/10 we wuz kangz

I laughed but then I remembered it's true.


6, 8, 7

Coming from domebody who only listens to bleep bloops:

S80 - 7 - above average rap lp
GKMC - 9.5 - almost flawless
TPAB - 9.0 - fantastic but too dense at times

Theres not bad song on GKMC or TPAB. That being said i can still fuck with S. 80
S. 80 8/10
GKMC 10/10
TPAB 10/0

(t)3 - all
.5/5 - all

6, 8, 6

gkmc is the only one I've kept listening

>Theres not bad song on GKMC or TPAB.
>What is Real, Swimming Pools, Now or Never
>What is Complexion, U, You Ain't Gotta Lie


Having shit taste is complicated

okay okay shit

>Kendrick wailing and crying in a cringey cadence over a track for 5 minutes

Man must be weird having bad taste. Good thing i'll never have that

Section80 is actually my favorite, but GKMC is the best out of the three

Those are very good songs, to answer your question friend

Poetic Justice is the only shit song

Only listened to gkmc, and I like it
haven't listened to section80 because backlog
haven't listened to tpab because I find race/identity politics trite

>I find race/identity politics trite
One and a half songs.
Blacker the Berry, which calls out hypocrisy it's not kill whitey.

and Alright just saying hey blacks it's gonna be alright.

That's literally IT. Don't listen to Sup Forums memes about the entire album being kill whitey

Without "u", "i" wouldn't be anywhere near as good.

>haven't listened to tpab because I find race/identity politics trite

You must hate hip hop in general huh?

1.TPAB --- 9/10
2.GKMC -- 8/10
3.S80 -------7/10

Objective truth coming through

TPAB 9.5/10 -This album is fucking amazing

GKMC- 8/10 -Not my style, i love sing about me in dying of thirst, maad city, and sherane master splinters daughter but thats about it

S80- 7.6/10 i feel like kendrick didnt put all of his effort into this, i fucking love rigamortis though



>Best track: momma

Its up there, but not the best. IMO its either I or Wesley's theory

this this this

greatest rapper alive, no doubt. stop the kendrick-hate-meme and accept the facts


>I like 3 songs so it's an 8/10

It's hard as hell choosing a best man.