Hodor could you please HOLD THE DOOOOOOOOOR

>Hodor could you please HOLD THE DOOOOOOOOOR

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got really sentimental in that scene

it's not even out

It leaked

does Wallace remember what happened and was he prepared this whole time for his death?

was there a leak or something

It leaked. Hodor died holding a door while warged as Bran was looking into the past.


I don't get it.

How do Meera and Bran escape? Sure, Hodor holding the door for a bit bought them some time, but there's literally an army of undead after them. They don't get tired and they don't stop. It shouldn't take them but a few minutes to catch up to a 14 year old girl dragging a cripple around in the deep snow.

Thanks for the spoilers you dirty rotten cunt. How was the episode anyway? was it any good?

>Local Tully ruins everything
Hasn't happened since season 3 but I'm glad this is back

watch it yourself, faglord

Man summer fucking jobbed hard.

I didn't even realize they were dead until like five minute after the episode. It was like "oh yeah, they DID kill the direwolf didn't they?"

Bran will warg into a giant hawk and carry them both

>Children of the Forest formed an alliance with the First Men centuries before to stop the WW
>WW were created by the CotF

Did I miss something?

There's links to the episode on r/freefolk

Kindof meh. The Kingsmoot, new Red Priestess and Sansa+Littlefinger scenes were pretty neat. Everything else kindof sucked.

Got to admit the acting in that play was better than most of the show.

Also those rhymes were spot on.



>Sam killing a WW with a desparate stab in the back because the WW didn't see his fat ass as a thread
>Jon killing a WW in combat after getting his ass kicked 90% of the fight by the WW
>Meera killing a WW in like 3 seconds

I hope they don't go down the Star Trek route with the Borg. The Borg went from powerful foes that you could barely beat to laughable mooks getting BTFO left and right.

ass quality

>The Kingsmoot
That was the most disappointing part.

>Children of the Forest formed an alliance with the First Men centuries before to stop the WW
This didnt happen.

It's literally the worst episode they have done. So much dumb shit in it.

Looks more than watchable.

Haven't seen the episode, but is it turning into LOST with its weird sci-fi shit. Because imo Season 5 of Lost was the best when it introduced time travelling and it could be a pretty cool concept in GoT if used well

I liked how much of an unrepentant asshole Euron was plus how Yara and Theon seem to be patching up their relationship.

Although it's a bit weird how they were able to get hundreds if not thousands of sailors to defect and steal most of the iron fleet without getting caught. Also, it doesn't seem like the iron islands have enough trees and resources to build 1,000 ships like Euron commanded.

They did.

What probably happened was the WW got totally out of fucking control. Like anytime WY tried to used the xenomorphs as weapons.

NO, they formed a peace treaty, the alliance was vs the andals.

>meera killed a white walker
Please be fucking lying. Please.

Politely requesting a screenshot of hodor holding the door with *farts* written in yellow subtitle text


So all the theories about WWs are exploded. Like first WW is Stark, Night's King is Stark, WWs are soldiers of death god, WWs are actually good people etc. Everything is gone. They are just brainless weapons created to kill men.

>Hodor dies
>Bran wargs into Hodor accidentally while he's doing his time travel shit
>all Hodor hears is "HOLD THE DOOR" which eventually just becomes "HODOR" as he slips further and further into his seizure
Damn dude.

Read worlds of ice and fire.

They did.

I like the idea of the warg/tree thing. It's a good device to show things in the past and around the current world that can't realistically be shown story wise. But actually changing and impacting the time line is too far. They need to quit that shit now. I legit fearful D&D will end the show with Bran sending a warning back in time to Ned before he went to Kings Landing.

Fuck that's depressing

go summer, hold them off for 10 seconds

the name is like poetry or somehin

Did you only just realize that GRRM is a shit writer?

kys, liar

Well tbqhwya Meera just throwed a spear with that "thiskillsthewithewalkers" thing on the point.

It's not like she 1v1 PvP him

I cried like a bitch

Wait, Bran was marked by the Night's King, so wouldn't the wights just make a beeline to him no matter the distance or how dark it is in the snowstorm?

They were probably Yara's loyal crew, or the Botleys who are loyal to Yara anyway.

I imagine 1000 ships is an exaggeration to mean "as many as you can"

Yeah, I mean it's really surprising that things that are COLD and DEAD could be hostile towards living beings. Nobody saw that coming.

Thats because ASOIAF is scifi

So Bran hears in his head "warg into Hodor" but thinks the voices mean warg into him in the past?

Then TER confirms that he should listen to his friends and do it.

TER also is at the same time expecting to get killed?

Idk. I don't even get who the TER is mean to be.

Original WW can still be a stark

They can still be "good people" they just want to expand their race

a framing device to explain the plot you nigger

I've really grown to hate that autistic face.

>I don't even get who the TER is mean to be.
Future Bran, completing the time loop.

it was hilarious how everybody was stopping behind to get goonsquaded by the undead.

first the random elves, then summer jumps into a 102781millon skeletons and gets butchered for nothing, then the other semen demon detonates the plasma granade while getting stabbed to death and finally Hodor holds the door untill is killed SO MEERA AND BRAN CAN GET A 10 METER HEADSTART.

He's Brynden Rivers the spymaster for his brother Daeron II, he killed Daemon Blackfyre at the redgrass field during the Blackfyre rebellion a hundred years or so ago.

Who he is has almost no bearing on the plot.

No but I want to know his history etc.

For instance why does he just cosplays Maokai 24/7.

No hodor is so big and fat his lard ass is going to ho-dor forever.

Not in the show, he said he was 1000 years old a couple episodes ago. You're right who he is doesn't really matter though

So how does future bran exist along with present bran unless he's actually a spooky ghost that is warging from the future?

>that hilariously shitty I am Legend moment

We all really needed that after the fifteen other shitty deaths in that scene.

just like the eagles... pottery

>So how does future bran exist along with present bran
Because Future Bran is currently in his past teaching his younger self to use his time traveling powers.

How is that difficult to understand?


>will I become you?
>no, you will leave, but not before you will learn EVERYTHING
>Now is the time, for you to become me.

>just brainless weapons
Where do you get brainless from?





So why did summer decide to die for no reason? They didn't even take out a single wight.

At least when leaf took herself out with the plasma nade she slowed down the horde for 10 seconds.

Seemed like a total waste, why didn't summer help hold door pull the cripple or something?

If they had bran slung on top of summer I might actually believe they'd make it more than 10 feet once they get pasted holdoor.

Is it so they didn't have to worry about their effects budget? It's not like the wolves get much screen time as it is.

>That braavosi play
>Dany not being a smug cunt for once
>Varys gets more than two lines
>Hold the door

I actually really liked this episode

The whole scene was just Lucas tier of pottery.
Hodor can't just be a retard, he had to be turned into one by timetravelling shenannigans.

Even that plant loli, why the fuck she didn't run and throw the grenade.

They just kill anyone not that important to plot left and right

>20 years
>bookfags waited 20 years
>for this

>hold the door hodor
>yara stole 80 ships, that's as many as eight times ten
>diredoggies didn't mean anything
>time travel bullshitery

Faceless men really seem to be available at a discount. How can a traveling mummer afford their services simply to get rid of competition?


A servant does not ask questions.

>>yara stole 80 ships, that's as many as eight times ten
that was probably the single most stupid they ever did

paying respects to how good the show (and series) once were? I know how it feels, it's a shame the show ousted GRRM as a fat hack, no wonder he refuses to finish the series


Well give us a link you fucking kike

The play was better than seasons 3-6

Maybe no one is a presumptuous cunt and guessed wrongly about who paid?

>I don't even get who the TER is mean to be.

Future Bran


The price of the service is always everything you have.

who's us? here:


Such a lust for holding the door closed.

So can someone explain how that white walker was killed by that random spear?

It was a dragon glass spear

Valerian Spear

If Brynden is future Bran, then they exist at the same time, which make no sense,

it was made of valyrian steel/dragon glass, which makes sense considering that cave is older than recorded time

It was a spear thrown by feminism against ice MEN

Retards unironically still think that GRRM has anything to do with this shit?

randomly placed valerian spear

The head was obsidian, same shit Sam the Slayer used to kill his.

Bran travelled back in time and placed the spear there for her to grab.

I assume its some of the arrowheads that Tarley had? But it was never established they were doing anything with them...

> which make no sense,
under what rules?

What the fuck is the logic for the children of the forest making white walkers exactly?

>mfw they have to translate this to other languages