B Im completely freaking out rn. I'm scared of death and loved ones dying...

B Im completely freaking out rn. I'm scared of death and loved ones dying. If you can try and comfort me I'll supply the nudes

What is going on mate?

Can you explain the problem(no nudes needed)


No one can help if you don't explain


Read some Stoic literature.

“What hurts this man is not this occurrence itself—for another man might not be hurt by it—but the view he chooses to take of it.”

"The will of nature may be learned from things upon which we are all agreed. As when our neighbor’s boy has broken a cup, or the like, we are ready at once to say, “These are casualties that will happen”; be assured, then, that when your own cup is likewise broken, you ought to be affected just as when another’s cup was broken. Now apply this to greater things. Is the child or wife of another dead? There is no one who would not say, “This is an accident of mortality.” But if anyone’s own child happens to die, it is immediately, “Alas! how wretched am I!” It should be always remembered how we are affected on hearing the same thing concerning others."

Are you afraid of death? Or the thought of nothing after death? (No afterlife, God, reincarnation etc..)

Nudes appreciated. She's pretty hot. I've been having the same issue here too user but I finally found a couple ways to comfort myself, for now at least.


When you're dead you won't know that you're dead.

Really though, no one knows what happens after you die. Maybe you get reincarnated or something. No use in worrying about it since it will happen either way you know?

how do you comfort yourself? Been having anxiety because of overthinking shit like that.


No solution....but you can find something that comforts you like a religion or belief. Otherwise live life like a champ knowing that its gonna end one day

part of life is death, it's inevitable. appreciate them and your own life while you can, seriously. learn to live in the present. all my g-rents are gone, mom passed of cancer, just got dad n my bro left. death is not something you really ever get over.

To your perspective, the events after death will be like the events before your birth.


Alright. Well one is logic/thinking based and really answers/comforts the question of a god of some sort, the other is kinda just a snowballs chance in hell kinda thing that at least post-pones my anxiety over it for a long time which helps a lot.

#1: Is logical but provides at least some comforting thought

#2: Based more in practice and speculation, but helps at least push back anxieties to later in life.

Choose one. It takes a while for me to type since I fractured my right elbow yesterday. Also nudes or more pics/sauce would be great

I know I may sound autistic but these both helped finally get me some sleep. Maybe it'll help you too

dont dwell on death user, enjoy life take risks, dont be scare of anything. learn something new everyday even if its small and meaningless, knowledge is power user. you'll learn to appreciate everything you have so you won't have to live with regrets

Death is nothing to fear of, if you die there is either nothing or some kind of paradise, the only thing to worry about is how you'll be seen after your decease:
Do your best to make the world a better place as long as you can, it's important not only for your friends and family, but for the whole society.
You don't even have to worry about how you die, even if it's painful or cruel: Pain is just temporary.

Use your live as good as you can, if you can't commit suicide, if you don't feel like killing yourself just make the best of it.

This too OP. Pick up a copy of Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

Based Marcus Aurelius

There will be a day in the not so distant future where not just your name but the very memory of you will be expressed for the last time. you will die on that day, after your body has ceased functioning. Your mind, your soul, your essence will fade away into the nothingness.

Death is a beautiful thing although it is viewed as something to be feared from people who aren't very spiritual. We live in a digital world where everything you see online is just collective of information to impose and oppose beliefs from reality, and is taken quite too seriously. That's just my opinion I guess.

You may seem insignificant but even without an afterlife you are still part of the universe. What you seem to lack is the feeling of leaving your footprint. Volunteer somewhere you feel you can make a difference. Try your area first. It has changed my life and gave me some meaning.