Why is it so common for rappers debut albums to be considered their best of their works & often classics of the genre?
Debut albums in Hip-Hop
Those aren't Kanye or Dre's best albums though
Because they had years of life experience before they recorded their first album.
Well I'm not necessarily saying they're MY favorites but the point is many people consider them very high quality works and one of (if not their) bests. And it happens a LOT in hip hop.
Youve got your whole life to make your debut, and one, two years max to make your follow-up.
Same goes for artists in many other genres
Really? Because I feel like it's less common in other genres than it is rap/hip hop.
lmao, ok kiddo
He MAY have a point with Ye though.
LR is a contender definitely.
Tbh, Kanye and nas are literally the only GOAT albums on here... Rest are just decent.
>36 Chambers
Kind of
Yeah, the beats are mostly produced by other people in rap who have experience and not by the artists themselves, and other genres are not so focused on lyrics
They have as much time as they want to craft beats and lyrics in to full songs without as much interference from a label. Once the album or singles become successful, instead of trusting the artist, the labels just want to guarantee the success of the previous singles, and so if any chance is taken in a different direction creatively, the label is more likely to not give in, and from there the project either gets shelved indefinitely, or they won't budge until the rapper just starts making more songs with commercial appeal, and then tries to work that in to the album instead of what they originally wanted.
Highly suggest a re listen.
Well the first part could definitely apply to other genres as well.
>Highly suggest a re listen.
Highly suggest a bullet thru your noggin
>Politely suggest you re listen to an album
>Say I should kill myself
Ok then...
I know for sure that Nas worked on Illmatic based on his years growing up in the slums, he worked on it for years
His next album honestly was alright but super depressing. The difference was he out literally his life into Illmatic. It's hard to live up to that
Hip-hop is usually one or two people as an artist. I'd honestly say wutang clan is an exception somehow. 36 Chambers is just that good
But when a group is two people or the artist is solo, it's much more personal.
Holy shit this. Imo that hurt Nas.
His 2012 album felt more like him than most of his still after he second album. I guess after a while he kinda said fuck you and did how he liked it. The production was pretty good on it as well