He gave Divers a 6.5/10

He gave Divers a 6.5/10


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about as equal to twenty one pilots then

Souljaboytellem.com [ColliPark Music/Interscope, 2007]
Boy do the haters get busy on this 16-year-old. But scrutinize the "superman" matter (look it up) and you'll see that even if he thought he was sneaking something outlandishly filthy onto a pop record, his fans thought he was inventing a dance that involved flying, thus furthering the presumption of innocence so crucial to his cute. Unlike his crunk forebears, he's not into pimping or dealing or even strip clubs--"Booty Meat" is as explicit as his carnality gets, and not only is he looking not touching, he's hoping an amateur will "turn around just like a pro." He's still boy enough to worry about those F's, and the most winning of his many winning songs was written to, and on, his Sidekick 3. There are enough sonic strokes here to keep the wrong bizzer in ringtone rappers for a year. But Soulja Boy's spiritual secret is that with less subcultural support than, say, Be Your Own Pet, he's reached the top of his world on a few tips from ex-partner Young Kwon and the loyalty of human sidekick Arab. You can hear how tickled he is about it. A-

too generous
that extra point is a courtesy for have one on me

do you fucks not read how his scoring system works?

we know cristgay is a hack

is having stars better or worse than the number grade? i forgot
also i have no idea what he's talking about in most of his "reviews"

>having a review score be a bomb

i fucking hate this peice of shit. This old fucking sack of sad shit. Fuck him

no, but that's not the point of the image. It's to show he rated Chz/PW higher than SJ/Feels

>the MPP review is just a Beach Boys lyric

he needs to get back into the Sup Forums drive instead of wasting his time on other things he makes that no one reads.

>Centipede Hz is his highest rated AnCo album




>being this triggered by a review score

Lol who cares?

kinda agree with score, but not with the hate towards Anecdotes.

was with him until he started talking about putin

Can someone link me his article on how his scoring works? Im sure he ha sone although I equally wouldn't be surprised if he did not explain it at all


>I have a neighbor who is a borderline sociopath and certified drunkard and proud gun owner who uses the "F" word every five words. He won the election.

kek I love how he just puts this in there

>ironically, they ended up voting for Hillary Clinton, who represents unbridled Wall Street capitalism, and voting against Donald Trump, who represents the proletariat

>donald trump
>represents the proletariat

>KY still red
Does Scruffy recognize our state as the best state in this country?

it was basically 10 = greatest of all time, 9 = masterpiece, 8 = buy it now, 7 = buy it eventually, 6 = buy it if youre a fan

keep in mind this was created at a time when you actually had to pay for music to listen to it

>A *** Honorable Mention is an enjoyable effort consumers attuned to its overriding aesthetic or individual vision may well treasure.
>A ** Honorable Mention is an likable effort consumers attuned to its overriding aesthetic or individual vision may well enjoy.
>A * Honorable Mention is a worthy effort consumers attuned to its overriding aesthetic or individual vision may well like.
>A Neither may impress once or twice with consistent craft or an arresting track or two. Then it won't.
>A Choice Cut is a good song on an album that isn't worth your time or money--sometimes a Neither, more often a Dud. Some Choice Cuts are arbitrarily personal, others inescapably social. Sometimes one is so wondrous you'll be tempted to spring for the high-priced package anyway. More often it would fit sweetly onto a compilation you can only pray will include it.
>A Dud is a bad record whose details rarely merit further thought. At the upper level it may merely be overrated, disappointing, or dull. Down below it may be contemptible.

>The radical right-wing media (Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, etc) were very efficient in demonizing Hillary Clinton (See this article on the lengthy campaign to demonize her). Her approval rating was actually quite high when she was secretary of state. The moment it became obvious that she was going to run for president the radical right-wing media started a coordinated campaign to demonize her that resulted in record-low approval ratings. Ten years from now people will not even be able to explain what the problem was with her email server and what exactly was the big deal with the Benghazi attack that killed four people. Ten years from now people will find it very difficult to articulate why they opposed her so strongly. The radical right-wing media have perfected the strategy of subliminal brain conditioning.
Oh wait he's retarded.

>Most people won't reach the end of this article. This is the age of 140-character tweets. All the people who didn't reach the end of this article because it is too long are de-facto enablers of the Trump presidency: he quite simply was the best at using the 140-character message. Clinton kept sending people to her website to read her lengthy program, but these days people's attention span is only 140 characters.
Well fuck you too.

>and Steve Bannon, a right-wing radical who also happens to be a Putin.


But Fall be Kind is their best release.

Yeah, seriously. He just repeats what old magazine corporations have to say about politics and makes shitty, nearly content-free slideshows with very broad outlines of various big-data related topics. The most extensive and worthwhile knowledge he has is in music.

Her website had an article detailing how wicked and evil Pepe the maymay frog was. Her website was literally the most tragic and incompetent part of her PR. Did he even read it? Also, Trump's website had lengthy plans. So am I allowed to just point out the fact that Clinton had a twitter and pretend that Trump only used his website to get information across while ignoring that Clinton had a website too?

It's not his beliefs that are necessarily retarded, just the reasoning he uses.