What sport do you wish was more popular in your country?

What sport do you wish was more popular in your country?

I'll start:
>golf (at least nowadays)


american football




why tho? for Sup Forums shitposting?

hockey is still hugely popular in the US, even if it's the 4th. and im pretty sure game attendance is better than basketball as well.

Isn't Basketball most popular in some of the former soviet states and in the Philippines?


what is 2nd in india? futbol?

They are motorsports, but it would be nice if rally and hill climbing were more popular here.

Brazilian rally drivers are not rare, but rally itself is not popular in our media.

Hill climbing is impractical here in Brazil for obvious reasons, but it wouldn't hurt if the sport channels showed some events related to it.

I'd like more people to know

Definitely in the Philippines. Many of the Adriatic countries love basketball as well, but I'm not so sure it supersedes football

kind of wish soccer was more popular. feels bad to miss out on the worlds parade. other than that its all good. any other changes probably means less hockey and i dont want that. id like my country to be dominant in at least one sport


Anything else than fucking ice-hockey

>no stanley cups since 1993

America will become preeminent hockey nation in a few years time, better start focusing on other sports to prepare.

I think that only two:
>canoe slalom

We are average at some nice ones:
>formula 1

And we are already the best ones in my favorite sports:
>beach soccer
>beach volleyball

Nicaragua fag here and both that country and its neighbors greatly prefer baseball to soccer

Golf because golf courses look so tidy and comfy.

Gaelic Football


Am I being meme'd?

Why is Alaska colored differently from the rest of the US? Sure hockey's the state's most popular sport, but it's still part of the US and no other state is specially colored.

football.....I kinda like watching the European leagues though. MLS would never get to that level and our culture just isn't what it needs to be to support something like that

tennis. want to see US return to glory days on the mens side

American Football
Ice hockey

Alaska aint part of the US culturally. It's it's own thing.


Do you think this list will change anytime soon?

Didn't america win TI last year?

If they keep pussying up football, within the next 10 years this list will change - wish soccer was higher, but doubt it will ever move into the top 3.

Basketball will surpass baseball eventually and soccer will bump up to where hockey is

Alaska's culture is literally calling snowmobiles snow machines. That's it. It's too small and too full of military and other government transplants to have an independent culture. It's American as fuck.

t. Live in Alaska


>Pro wrestling

>Basketball will surpass baseball eventually

They been saying that for decades.

Baseball attedance and TV deals will keep it king for the next 30 years at least.

Basketball doesn't have the same support, all it does well in is
>muh brand recognition
>muh national television

>pro wrestling
Fuck that's pathetic. It's not even a sport.

>If they keep pussying up football, within the next 10 years this list will change

Nope. People get outraged and watch anyway.

>pro wrestling

Of course we're a fucking sport. Basketball is rigged too and yet you fuckers still watch. Head over to /asp/ sometime just ask any question in the general, we'll help you out.

Which has been said for the last 20 years now.

>this fucking guy

>britcuck in charge of understanding wrestling culture

Ice Hockey

The rest can go fuck themselves

>pro wrestling


we dont care you enjoy shit like that, its still not sports, even vince admitted it

just hang out with more old people


I'm a martial autist from the days of old /asp/. You can go fuck yourself you fucking mandrama faggot. You were laughed out of Sup Forums, and you've turned /asp/ into a wasteland with your shitposting. Please fucking kill yourself.

German hockey players are always based

>mad fag that Wrestling is King on our board

enjoy 1 post per 3 hours for your dead sport

>table tennis
Is saying ping pong racist?


At least I compete in a sport and I don't watch oiled up men in thongs kiss each other and put their asses in each other's faces.
>pro wrestling
You know what to do

Why would it be?
Ping pong is a slang term used by everyone, there's nothing wrong with it.

In Baltic countries I'm sure basketball is the most popular, especially in Lithuania

Also I'm sure many countries in Central America prefer baseball

I'd like handegg to be more popular, maybe ice hockey too but there aren't many ice rinks in Spain

It is a sport

Are harlem globetrotters games not basketball because they're rigged and their sole purpose is entertaining the audience?

Still feats of atheticism under the guise of competition.

You don't see Harlem Globetrotters fans shitting up the basketball general demanding to be taken seriously. Plus it's far less gay.

> cricket in UAE & Tunisia
what ?
Also basketball here

>athleticism is now sport
>murridoops in charge of english
by definition sport is a competition you double nigger, when it is scripted its not a competition

Well we don't shit up anything besides our own board... so bad comparison. /asp/ is our home, hiro said it himself.

it is a competition, it's just scripted, it's a deconstruction of how stupid sports are, a celebration of the absurdity.

it's idiotic to use that argument. wrestling itself is a sport, and is on sports channels, and its fanbase overwhelming overlaps with 'actual' sports fans.

just let it go.

I wish F1 got more tv coverage, but Im glad it isnt normie trash. Keep it pure and away from the normies.

Baseball and Hockey
I wish soccer was less popular


>cuckhoop fags think 3 players are enough to make a league

>the homoerotic city of Mongolia


I thought baseball was the #1 sport in japan

Ping pong ching chong

overrated anime


rugby, soccer, track & field

I wish MLS and the ccl wasn't a joke. Soccer is my favorite sport beside football and basketball

I wouldn't mind if baseball became more popular so kids didn't burn themselves out playing hockey all year round

Futsal. It's like soccer, but on a much smaller, hard-top playing space. More goals, more tricks, tighter control. It's played more similar to basketball, but with your feet.

I would enjoy Rugby being more popular in the US, but I sincerely doubt that will ever happen.

Would this kind of shit be allowed in an official match?

Yes, 20 years from now that list will read:

1. Basketball
2. Soccer
3. Football
4. Hockey
5. Who cares

Unlikely because it's too similar to American football, meaning there's not really much of a reason for it to catch on. Shame because it's much more fun to watch and easier to pick up and play, plus less people whining about making it safe for kids.

pro wrestling is probably just the south and children under 10.
it's funny that I live in a country where the fake over-exaggerated version is more popular than the real sport

My hope is that as tackle football is unfortunately litigated out of existence the rugby will take its place.

Based futsal, this is all I play anymore. Outdoor is too injury prone and you spend too much time chasing the ball down.

I'm pretty sure that is an official match.

Could happen, desu. Thing with rugby is that even though the body takes a heavy beating there are laws about tackling which prevents most serious injuries, so it's actually pretty safe for kids to play.

That's what I'm banking on - I never played rugby and don't follow it but once it's determined that a football helmet is an "assault weapon" rugby seems like the natural replacement.

Yes, America is dying.

>this is what Carlos actually believes

>actually bretty safe

Nah, my girlfriend broke her collar bone playing rugby in 9th grade. Admittedly she was way too small to be playing rugby, but that's bullshit

Mate, compared to all the neck injuries in American football rugby is nothing. Ocsasionally you get a broken bone but it's rare. Would be especially hard to get a broken collar bone unless you're practically playing without rules or you're a frail little girl playing with big strong men.


Nah, it'll be Basketball, Soccer, Hockey, Baseball. Football is out, there going to turn the game into 2-hand touch before you know it.

Why are cuckhoop fags so incessant that people care about their meme sport.
Hockey outsells cuckhoop

Because it's the second most popular sport in the world, it's played 10x more by casuals than hockey is, and also because it doesn't injure people at the rate that football does, so it's not in danger of rule changes killing it off.

The USA is getting blacker and blacker, of course basketball will be the most popular eventually.


My favorite event to watch in the 2012 Olympics
GOAT gym class game
Completely fucking irrelevant in Canada

You don't have to be a basketball fan too see it getting more popular. Tons of kids here are choosing it as their #1 even here


All of the other good sports we're already good at.

Because they're poorfags that get bullied by the hockey kids


don't believe the dumb nigs

it is pratically a urban game and only nigs and white kids like it , whites and asians go watch it.

I think in terms of money its one billion more than hockey and 9 less than baseball , 11 less than football

typo, Futsal is already majorly popular and we're good at it, I just wish it was an Olympic sport

killing americans