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lisa 2bh

Twice saved my life.


I don't care if you're straight or gay, you can't not be attracted to bacon's hands

Yeri best RV by far (joy second)

You found something that is even more shitty than your life, thus a reason to live?

That's nice.

I want to go to a Twice fanmeeting and tell Jihyo that I'd bend her over twice.

gonna listen to it Twice.

I lost all my webm's.

Post webm's.

Bonus points for T-Ara, Bestie, and Tiffany.

Sure, LE!

Is inkigayo on later?

they're the best one


YOO, cub looks fucking cute. What the fuck...

i'm not attracted to hands, period. what the fuck.

Do you like cute Dubu webms?


let this be a all of you


cub is cute! CUTE!


i know they're the feet of the arms, but that's just weird

oh shit youtube added this


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yay me

Can Chaeyoung sing better than Jihyo?

she always was, chingu

she can sing to my galo

don't worry user i feel you

my mom knows i like kpop and was going to order a kpop calendar for me and asked me to check the amazon cart and it was ioi and exid

thank god she asked, dodged a bullet there

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fuuug, I'm in trouble


have a holly jolly kmass


Damn, Dubu looks good here. Maybe I should reconsider who my Twice biases are

>Van Suga
>Min Gogh

you wanted snsd right user?

> Isn't this report worthy?
yeah, make a video and whine about it

I think I like cub now

Shit people are gonna know i waste my time roasting dance covers by children

>no Lizzy-gf
any reason to live?????

yes or red velvet
I don't get it

reported for slutposting


Silly user

Post 10/10 musikino only

post Sana's pretty pussy

you're already on an NSA list, buddy

better stay put at home, where you're harmless

Based so far keep them coming.



my man

how do we get this tiffany back?

to obtain a lizzy-gf

>posts lovelyz

Just watched this video, and not only did this motherfucker do it once. He did it again whilst staring dead in her eyes. These action are absolutely disgusting and should not be allowed in native Korea. Somi looked uncomfortable as fuck, and he even had the nerve to give her a high five. Someone stop this pervert.

>ate too much and half drunk
every christmas goddammit..

this is all I got man I'm pany poor

it's christmas eve

>le h8ing lovelyz maymay

Accept it, they're musically superior

Merry Christmas, chingu


This webm didnt convince me, but i'll keep her under consideration since you got trips

hang in there friend

I heard someone say lovelyz


I didn't

its hopeless

Dubunny is one of the cutest Dubus dbh


same. feels kinda good though.

I hope none of you gayshits ever post up10tion or I'll fucking murder you

LOONA is about to rekt Lovelyz in terms of production

>kpg is this full on christmas eve

>ctrl + f lovelyz
>4 matches
good enough for me


All I want for Christmas is __________

pretty comfy eve, dbh

a dubuggo


my momo sister in nothing but a ribbon...

ah, came here to say this: no inkigayo today because the sbs awards are tomorrow. if you want details just ask

how come groups get compared to lovelyz so much? I guess lovelyz sets the bar pretty high so it makes sense but as a humble lovelinus I never thought it that way before

maybe compared to twice but even that is debatable


a slug wife

Merry christmas eve to all of the gaypoppers! everyone else can choke

pretty cute cub, dbh

To have anal with tiffany.

By killing butthurt Koreans.



a leader

jiae's face

to lick all of twice's pits specially samo

now you're just really reaching out there with the memes


