Whose career would you rather have Sup Forums?

Whose career would you rather have Sup Forums?

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jordan, how is this even a question?

Me on the bottom right.

pele for all the sweet young brazillian bunda

Query: Does career entail influence in this case or just the trophies and victories and points?

Ali. most exciting sport.

Ruth. I want to live pre-civil rights movement

All the above

Ali, then. Hands down.

Babe ruth hands down

>call all women dames
>answer questions from old timey reporters


Scoops callahan

Why is Carl Foch so perfect, bro?


Not even a debate

I like how everyones answer ends with "hands down."

Jordon, I would to experience the amount of cockiness he felt on a daily basis.

Jordan, hands down.

>Be a global icon
>Most dominant player in league history
>Obsessed with winning to the point where you just completely obliterate anyone standing in front of you
>Multi billionaire
>Name synonymous with winning
>Best designed basketball shoes
>Bitches literally swarm places just to get fucked by you
>Ultimately marry QT European girl like my old teammate


Most beloved

Ali > Ruth > Pele > Jordan

A lot of people, back then, and to this day hate MJ's guts.

>Implying anyone outside of the US gives a fuck who Babe Ruth is

Jordan is the only one of those who is the undisputed GOAT of his sport. Also he has way more money than the other three combind


If you're a fucking winner than you'd pick Jordan.

Def Jordan

Ruth so i wouldnt have to be black

okay so this thread is settled. isn't jordan the first billionaire athlete as well? can we talk about the most alpha sportsman of all time?

I'd much rather be insanely good at beating the shit out of people than insanely good at putting a ball through a hoop. that being said, Jordan made way more money and didn't get Parkinson's, so Jordan no question

Money isn't everything.

>Money isn't everything.

More like
>hands up and down and up and down

>irrelevant boreball roid cheat
>le fight jobbers and suspiciously heem liston then get pummeled after draft dodge man
>GOAT but hated on
Wgaf about what people think? It's obv jordan


Ruth couldn't continue his career. Ali was braindead until he died, and Pele isn't a billionaire

>irrelevant boreball roid cheat

Canada, what are you talking about?

Gambling addiction, had his dad murdered over debts.
Alcoholic, played in dead-ball era.
Getting hit in the head my entire career? No thanks. Especially after seeing what happened to him.

Don't even know who the other nigger is, assuming some soccer faggot.

I'd take Peyton Manning's career over any of those easy.

Is someone jealous of the big bad black people?

Typical insecure pig skin.

horse face LOL
white trash talking

>fail to win a national championship
>nfl's greatest choker of all time
>neck injury that will probably have chronic pain sequels

If you were to chose a safe career might as well chose lebron or eli.


Ali's parkinsons in later years doesnt seem worth it, plus getting the shit beaten out of you every week

Id rather be Doctor J than Jordan

Pele would be neat, but Im not as big of a soccer fan


Just look at that nose.

Ofc Jordan. 53y/o and still he could beat everyone at shooting.

Tom Brady.

Jordan in not a global icon though. Pele or Ali are definitely more popular.

>Jordan is not a global icon

on which fucking planet do you live

>shit on the whole league
>be a fat, white fuck
>have no idea of sport nutrition
>get shitfaced the night before and score hommers
>considered the greatest of all time

Why wouldn't anyone pick the Great Bambino?

He is a global icon, just not to the scale of Ali or Pele

jordan is far more known than ali, and no one knows who pele is

Jordan is only well known in the west and for his Shoes. Ali and Pele are insanely popular in Africa and South America. Not sure about Asia though



no one knows pele anywhere

>literal who boreball player
>literal who apehoop player
>iconic and globally beloved boxer, but one who suffered greatly in his final years
>iconic and extremely successful footballer, often considered the GOAT, less beloved than Ali but still has his health at this age

Has to be Pele. On a sidenote, who is the more iconic/famous out of Ali and Pele? Globally speaking. I'm edging towards Pele as he is probably more well known by third worlders on top of his massive western fame.

Ali is generally better known because of his individuality. Pele is always remember along with his team

But people who don't care about sport couldn't name any of Pele's teammates, but would still know who he is. So I don't think that makes a difference.

Thats true. Depends on the continent I Guess. Africa and North America definitely know Ali better though

who the fuck is bottom right

No one gives a fuck who Ruth is

Maybe Ali edges it on that basis then.

Only the most famous player of all time from the most popular sport of all time. Not something I'd expect an American to know.

Obama sr

If cockiness and confidence is what you are looking for, Ali would be the most logical answer. World famous for knocking out and beating the shit out of big, strong alpha males. There would literally be no ending to my massive ego if I had those abilities

Pele are bigger for sure tho. And im not even the guy you answered

Jordan. You'd get to live as a billionaire for 50+ years after retirement, an entire generation would worship you as the GOAT forever, and you would be so important that people would literally murder each other just to have shoes with your name on them.

>There would literally be no ending to my massive ego if I had those abilities

I'm pretty sure a slow and humiliating death from Parkinson's would kind of ruin that.

I would rather be a baseball player.

no one in the entire universe except english village-dwellers where blood relatives marriage still happens and this sweden guy here who probably believe the earth is flat thinks pelel is more popular than jordan or alì. Jesus christ, they also made one of the highest-grossing movies of all time starring jordan

One of Ali's most famous fights was in Asia: the thrilla in manilla.

Ali, but I'd quit after the last Foreman fight.

Still punch drunk, but cerebral enough to enjoy the legend I built.

Correction, I meant to post after the last Frazier fight.


Ali is way more popular than any soccer player will ever be. the gladiatorial games is the truest sport worldwide.

>highest grossing movies all time starring jordan

No they didnt

Above all else, I'd rather be Brady tbpqh..

>national championship
>implying college football isn't a fucking meme
>peyton is a 5 time (should've been 6 desu) league MVP and 2 time SuperBowl winner; surely a better accomplishment than >college football

Do non-Americans really not know who top left is?


majority don't because it's baseball
it would be the same for jordan if not for space jam and maybe the olympics

well, Pelé debuted with a lad

Well, let's break this down, shall we.
Muhhamad Ali: Nigger, so no.
MJ: Nigger, so no.
Edson Arantes do Nascimento: Nigger and debuted with a lad, so no.
Fat guy I don´t know but I guess Babe Ruth: Fat as fuck, ugly as fuck. A non-athlete playing a non-sport. Definitely him.

It's funny because Ruth was 1/8 black

U dumb or just ignorant? Everyone everywhere knows Pelé. Maybe not what he looks like, but they definitely know the name.

Still better than 8/8, amirite.

Being famous in the US is all that matters.

>inb4 ass hurt third worlders complain while posting on an American website

Even funnier. Josh Gibson was 1/8 white.

why would anyone pick Ali
>be black in a time where it was ok so people to hate you
>concert to Muslim
>get punched so many times your brain turns to soup

To be that charismatic & well spoken under the bright lights.

Nit many have that, let alone world class athleticism to boot.

Closest this generation has is.. literally crickets. Not even a Jim Brown.

Jesse Owens. Get to blow whitey out, then get to never make money off my skills again because I said Hitler was better than FDR

Just googled the guy. TOP KEK

was babe ruth white

He was great. A catcher who could hit like the Babe.

WAR. up the ass.

>getting hit my entire career? No thanks
>picks a fucking football player with a deteriorated neck

>implying charisma matters when you can't even think anymore

For a time it mattered, dare I say it still today.

Is that rare for a catcher? I mean, I dont know shit about baseball, but I always imagined the catcher as a big fella so always thought they could hit. Maybe the armor makes them seem bigger.

Tom Brady is one half the charisma of Ali, with none of the poetic wherewithal & he created this board.

Is there really another option?

Spoiler alert: No, there isn't

Well, considering that Babe Ruth is among the greatest hitters to ever play baseball, someone who could hit like him, and play at a premium defensive position would be something beyond special

Johnny Bench was amazing, but projection wise Gibson was hitting 40 home runs on average.

He called for the Homestead Grays who had a great pitching staff.


Ruth is a literally who outside of the USA, Alí has parkinson because of all these punches in the mug and Pelé fucks young boys

Every single person called Ruth here is a Jew

Charisma doesn't matter when you're dead or can't even use it. He obviously didn't have any charisma when he couldn't speak or move. Sure people remember his legacy but he's dead and for all we know gets nothing out of people remembering him unless there is an afterlife.

thank you, ameribros

Who the fuck cares about raw talent, when you're 80 and can't play anything?

1. Jim Thorpe
2. Ali
3. Tom Brady
4. Jordan
5. Ray Robinson

All I know is, they're all American.

MJ of course, there is no contest
Ali is a low IQ fag

>Knock fuckers out
>One of the most iconic people of the 20th century
>Enough money to never work again and can coast on name alone

Babe Ruth sounds based as fuck

>"The outrageous life fascinated Hoyt, the don't-give-a-shit freedom of it, the nonstop, pell-mell charge into excess. How did a man drink so much and never get drunk? ... The puzzle of Babe Ruth never was dull, no matter how many times Hoyt picked up the pieces and stared at them. After games he would follow the crowd to the Babe's suite. No matter what the town, the beer would be iced and the bottles would fill the bathtub"

>Literally wanting to have a career in the past
Give me Kyrie's career. His moments are still ahead of him

Kyrie can't/won't play defense.

That's just an obvious character flaw if there ever was one.

Wayne Gretzky