British subhuman hate thread

british subhuman hate thread

>british subhuman
so basically, australians...

No he means Americans

>British subhuman

So basically Americans

She's hawt....

That's what you get for opening beer bottles with your teeth

Can't we all hate canadians instead ?

Yes why not , their basically french anyway

Did a Brit conquer your third world shithole?


Butthurt detected

Would still hit it

It would be better if you were still 'conquering' us today.

The British are literally subhumans. the males are loud, annoying and incredibly stupid and the females lack of class and simple good manners. I'd rather fuck a donkey than a British girl.

But no lowjob please...

>The Mericans are literally subhumans. the males are loud, annoying and incredibly stupid and the females lack of class and simple good manners. I'd rather fuck a donkey than a Merican girl.


This is how their super models look like




And immigration is bad for them...


And their food is disgusting as fuck! No culture.

15 out of 64.100.000


no, that`s what happens when you overdose on tea and biscuits

And your queen is ugly too!


You're thinking off the chavs, the majority are anti social and keep to themselves, complaining that Americans are too loud when they're just being friendly.

More or less this.
I hate the outside world.

Don't forget Americans

Most are solid 7s, I'm English and willing to admit on AVERAGE, we are among one of the most unattractive countries. We import all our best looking people, why do you think Eastern European prozzies are the most popular?

nuff said


Pick both.

Don't shit your pants you fat American fuck up

Is this you?

Haha not american at all!

>I'm English
Ofc you are Mehmet.
>Implying Kate Winslet isn't a perfect 10
Just kys yourself

Must be a Pierre then? Watch out for the lorries of peace driving to a pavement near you

German master race m8

IN all fairness, she wasn't born looking like that. When she was a teenager some kids smashed her face into a lampost and her teeth grew all in wrong angles.

There's nothing wrong with her. I would like to put it in her butt.

Ah, right. Sorry about that world cup old boy.
I won't mention the wars, neither of us won.

+1, and she has nice eyes

do not be bad

That's alright, don't worry. ;)

Butthurt aussies