>two 40 year olds dusthead bernie supporters thought they could release the same album twice and expect white millennials to eat it up again
i hope you guys don't excuse them, this time around. this shit is garbage AND mediocre as fuck and filled with cringe lyrics, which is made worse by the fact that these guys are old as fuck and are desperately trying to fit in with the young kids, but it didn't work this time.
implying killer mike isnt an underrated lyricist and el-p isnt a good producer,,,,, LMAO
Lucas Peterson
actually this is the most consistent of theirs yet, lots of cringe but less than the first two
Noah Cruz
Fuck you.
I hate to admit it but it's true... What a shit year had 2016 been.
Chase Powell
Did i miss something? Wasn't it supposed to come out the 13th?
Matthew Wood
>people on this board right now are pretending this album isn't great
being a Sup Forums fag must be a miserable existence.
Jaxson Russell
It's a christmas fucking miracle
Nathaniel Wood
>saying lyrics are "cringe" because youre 15 >saying its worse because its old
imagine being this pathetic
Thomas Taylor
I think maybe they sucked all along but we all got caught in the hype.
Landon Lopez
Not op, but it's shit. You're on denial. First time I listened to it I was so hyped I thought it was great, then on second listen I started to see what was bothering me... it's really just not that good.
John Williams
>Release a solid album that's this minimal east coast boom bap style but modernized >Follow up with another solid album that's got a more modern big sound to it yet still have the subtleties such a sound lacks >Follow up with a solid third album that goes back to being more minimal, but taking a more west coast approach so it feels chill and laid back as fuck How can they be so consistently good in various styles/approaches? Combine these with El-P and Killer Mike's various solo works, and these guys have far more variety in their discographies than Dalek, Death Grips, or Kanye when it comes to hip hop.
Parker Wright
Anyone got a link while their site is down?
Nolan Miller
k bud. i'm listening to it right now and enjoying the fuck out of it. sucks to be you, i guess.
El-P's production is so boring and bland compared to his Company Flow/Fantastic Damage days.
Luke Gonzalez
Album's pretty fuckin sweet from the songs I've checked so far. Love Call Ticketron
Getting so sick of Sup Forums shit why can't this website go back to not giving a fuck about politics or anything. Now so many anons just suck Trump's dick no matter what he says or does.
Brayden Ortiz
nigga what I voted for Hillary but you're kidding yourself if you think this album is good
only good song is 2100 rest is disappointing
Grayson Cruz
Ian Walker
Not really. A lot of other good music around. It's good to find myself growing and not being an embarrassment listening to cringy music, no adult that respects themselves should be listening to.
Luke Mitchell
Alexander Anderson
El-P a 41 year old literally says "notice me senpai" on Oh Mama.
The lyrics are fucking garbage and yes sometimes cringe worthy.
Calling me a 15 year old is not going to change the fact that this album is the worst of the RTJ albums, is mediocre and shows that RTJ have lost their spark and bought too much into their own hype because they thought this was worthy of being released let alone on a Christmas.
Austin Sullivan
It's just as good as RTJ1, which is perfectly fine.
Camden Adams
Not it is absolutely not lmao.
Like you have to be retarded to actually think this.
James Howard
damn, i really gotta reevaluate my life now that some anonymous dicking sucking trump supporter thinks the music i like is "embarrassing."
Xavier Nguyen
RTJ = RTJ 3 > RTJ 2
Charles Campbell
got that backwards m8
Gabriel White
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not even from the US. Why the fuck would I care for Trump?
Dominic King
Jaxon Johnson
It's a meme to like Danny Brown because fantano gave a high score to his latest album, which is absolute garbage whose only good song is Really doe, but you have to listen to his fucking verse before you get to the good stuff. Why the fuck does he rap with that annoying voice when I've heard him rap on a lower tone?
Jacob Howard
ranking an album against their past work, positively or negatively, like 2 hours after the album comes out is fucking retarded.
Oliver Price
How come that worked when the normal site didn't??
Bentley Butler
RTJ 2 < RTJ 3 = RTJ 1 ?
Elijah Wood
i agree. I hated Danny's last album. I think people are just falling for memes again
Carson Roberts
Why do you care about Trump so much? No one brought him up
Henry Hall
>It's a meme to like Danny Brown because fantano gave a high score to his latest album
Believing this isn't possible without having a head injury
Chase Lee
If you can't judge whether or not you like an album based on the first two listens then you might be mentally handicapped.
Josiah Carter
i don't give a shit what you care about. you seem to think that your retarded opinions mean anything, which is the issue here. i don't give a fuck what you think is "embarrassing." i guarantee that no one listening to this album right now gives a fuck either. so fuck off, champ and go listen to whatever shit you listen to.
Connor Barnes
>It's a meme to like Danny Brown because fantano gave a high score to his latest album
People on here were wondering how high of a score fantano would give it from the day it came out. Sup Forums liked AE from the start.
Henry Sanders
>I'm not even from the US. Why the fuck would I care for Trump?
Dominic Watson
He's butthurt because RTJ are overrated garbage and dropped a pretty bad album
Justin Sanchez
Or maybe people have different opinions?
Asher Hughes
>El-P a 41 year old literally says "notice me senpai" on Oh Mama.
Isaiah Hernandez
someone upload it to mega already
Jose Ward
i always found rtj to be kinda boring 2bh
that said, their age and politics have nothing to do with why; i just think el-p's production for the duo is dry as shit and they have no real bars. makes me wonder why R.A.P. Music worked so well as an album when RTJ's releases don't
also you need to grow up a little if all you have is some super-reflexive 'they endorsed bernie so i can't like them' shit
Dominic Lopez
Why you reply tho? You need to chill. It's not a matter of opinions. It's objectively bad. You would understand if you knew about sound engineering, music production, etc.
Nathaniel Nguyen
for real though, why the fuck they saying "notice me senpai". literally became cringe right there.
Josiah Torres
Different domain, so didn't get crashed I assume
Zachary Allen
opinion discarded
Camden Foster
>el-p's production >dry holy fucking shit is this real
Jayden Bell
it has nothing to do with Bernie, I just referenced in jest. I enjoy RT1, I thought RTJ2 was overrated. I just hate the fact that they are so overrated and this new album just solidifies the fact that these guys are simply not that good.
Landon Edwards
Brayden Brooks
lmao if only i knew how to listen to music right. oh well!
Colton Howard
Hail Mary Mallon is a far better modern rap duo desu, go listen to Bestiary
Christian Martinez
it is, at least on RTJ releases. He's fallen a long way from his Company Flow and Fantastic Damage days.
Camden Mitchell
Ok so when you said "the lyrics are cringey" you meant a literal single lyric, got it
Charles Stewart
I meant it's ok, it could be worse. People listen to worse garbage than RTJ. It's ok to listen to bad music from time to time. I'm guilty myself of listening to some cheesy metal music, so no worries. Thanks for noticing me sempai!~ (RTJ IS SO COOL, I BET THEY WATCH ANIME AND LIKE MEMES LIKE I DO, WHO DO YOU THINK ARE THEIR WAIFUS?)
Benjamin Hall
James Cox
its a shame people on Sup Forums will go nuts over this when a much much better hip hop album in Smoke DZA & Pete Rock's Don't Smoke Crack came out earlier this month and there wasn't a peep about it on here.
Nicholas Green
No. That was just one example to prove my point, lol.
You fuming senpai. Calm down. I know you think that RTJ are the best thing since sliced bread but you don't have to dick ride this hard.
Austin Butler
Sup Forums fags are just bandwagoning fags
RTJ are easily the most overrated duo and this album proves it
Also that album is great, really went unnoticed.
Sebastian Peterson
Can I get a link apart from YT?
Xavier Garcia
I'm not fuming, literally haven't listened to a single RTJ album. I just wanted you to actually provide explanations to what you were saying instead of just saying "lmao these lyrics are so cringy dude, ahaha they're so old".
Don't gotta be upset someone challenged your opinion dude
Elijah Brooks
get the fuck out of here, we only listen to weird and trendy hip-hop music, we pretend to like Death Grips and Danny Brown AND L O V E RUN THE JEWELS.... I could go on
Liam Adams
runthejewelsstore.com You can get a download here, think it's on spotify etc. too
Landon King
Anthony Mitchell
it didn't get reviewed by Pitchfork or Needle Drop, so of course it wouldn't be known by Sup Forumsdrones.
Hudson Perry
This t b h
Jonathan Garcia
I love El-P's production. Reminds me of when I listened to Trent Reznor and Dr. Dre's respective best stuff from the 80s and 90s. Very fun to listen to and dissect the sound layers. The guy is really good.
Both MCs are good lyricists. Dig the mix of NY and ATL styles.
Killer Mike isn't just some dime a dozen liberal, he's more anti-establishment. Supported Bernie, but went to Stein when Sanders turned his back on his movement to support Hillary. Black dude that criticizes Obama. Has consistent philosophy, and the lyrics reflect it. I respect him, even if I don't agree with all of what he says.
Over all the music seems to take old school hip hop formula and dusts it lightly with some best parts of modern stuff.
I like them a lot. All three albums are 10/10, no skips. Don't mind that they are about to be massively popular. They deserve it. Both have been chugging along for a long time. Even if the 4th album sucks because of it, at least we got 3 awesome albums.
Caleb Thomas
Wait that already dropped what the fuck I didn't hear shit Rock isn't gonna be fashionable because he shits on trap
Kevin Myers
So is this another meme or is the album actually disappointing considering their previous releases?
Brody Foster
RTJ > RTJ 3 >> RTJ 2 So far at least, gotta let it sit
Benjamin Reed
It's a shame but you seriously shouldn't be surprised. The average hypebeast Sup Forumstant sees Pete Rock's name and runs for the hills because dadrap makes them squeamish and listening to Young Thug and Lil Yachty (or Danny Brown if they're feeling "adventurous") reaffirms the image they're going for. I love those three artists don't get me wrong, but shit's annoying.
Cooper Jenkins
actually there's ONE skip and it's Love Again, and that's if you have the version that didn't cut that stupid bitch out
Nathan Wood
It's a 6/10
Austin Carter
But I love that track
Parker Rodriguez
I agree that the album is pretty similar to their last 2 but it's still pretty solid. Production is great.
Camden Edwards
Not gonna lie, hate the song on the album but I saw them live and that song is fucking dope and hilarious surrounded by thousands of people
Benjamin Lopez
Album is a strong 4. Their best to date I would say.
You don't want that clit in your mouth all day? What's wrong with you, boy?
Eli Gonzalez
>muh Sup Forums >muh alt-right >muh liberal boogyman
Why are liberals so fucking pathetic?
Sebastian Baker
"notice me. senpai" is cringe when RTJ does it but not Death Grips
Luis Barnes
Try playing Danny Brown music to any well adjusted human being, they'll laugh in your face... oh but sure they are such NORMIES and you're such a PATRICIAN. Go to sleep.
Carter Moore
Boo's verse is the only thing that saves that song.
Owen Russell
So we can all agree that RTJ is /redditcore/ right?
Thomas Lopez
>reposting from the other thread
Matthew Cook
Just after a first listen: RTJ2 > RTJ3 > RTJ1
This album feels a lot more calm than RTJ2 and the instrumentals sound quieter. However the instrumentals sound better than RTJ1. I'll see what I think of it after one or two more listens.
Lucas Campbell
>tfw you ask a RTJ fan if they've listened to I'll Sleep When You're Dead or Fantastic Damage
Leo Collins
Does that even need to be said?
Nathan Davis
Literally the Rick and Morty of rap. Prove me wrong
Josiah Price
>not liking gangsta boo these kids need to get off my fucking rap yard
Christian Smith
its a free download on their website
Jace Thomas
So we can all agree that /redditcore/ is a cop out term in place of not being able to form coherent or descriptive opinions on your own right?
Julian Myers
protip: I can't.
Alexander Jenkins
>tfw most weren't born yet when Funcrusher Plus came out
Oliver Cook
tfw the album has been un-downloadable for me for the past hour and keeps crashing at 40%
Julian Brown
Feels bad my man. I'm not that much older than FC+ but explaining to people that Killer Mike is the weaker link in RTJ repeatedly is retarded. Now that they've got the appeal I wish El would go back to his experimental shit.
Caleb Bailey
Yeah this is great so far El-P is steps his sample game up once again
Henry Stewart
R.A.P. Music is a terrible album, even Killer Mike's good solo albums can't stand up to High Water, Fantastic Damage, or even C4C. If this album shows anything, they're so much worse together.