Post your personality info here

Post your personality info here.
INTP masterrace, I'm smarter than 97% of you "average personality" chumps.

who gives a shit

Lol, obviously a retarded INTP at that, fact of the matter is, within that personality type there tends to be more people that are smarter yes, it doesn't mean you are the top 3% of people you fucking retard.
ENTP here.

Estp-F here

ENTP Here, we are the true master race.

link test faggot or something like that

ENTP here, your dubs have been checked

Feeling faggot. I hope I dont hurt your feelings

INFP-A here get mediated faggots

No you didn't hurt em, but I will check ya

There's not one single intelligent person I ever met who went around bragging to other people how smart they are.

Noone gives a shit

I'm sorry you were too stupid to understand that I'm not talking seriously.


I'm the fucking architect, bois. I made the society you live in and I will destroy it in another of my master plan. Also, I play DnD with Gandalf and Putin every Tuesday.


The most boring and average person


Different INTP; I'm always measured above 98th percentile...


Same here

INTP here. Probably the most autistic personality type.

ENFJ-T here

That is the main reason of our superiority


Any of you other INTPs finally regulate your circle to bounce ideas off of/ satisfy human companionship needs?

INTJ-a, so why would you impose a ranking on personality types?

I used to have like 5 friends but as I get older I lose them, and now I have 1 friend lol. Motly my family satisfy my needs, but I think I could go weeks without interaction. Internet or personal journal is good thing for that.

INTP-T, basically skirting the boundary to full autismo

Yeah I can dig it.
It just seems difficult when you lose aspects you're accustomed to.
Like, I need to find a personal confidante and a fuck buddy (intellectual and sexual needs respectively)- and I'd be set.


was surprised because i always thought i was more introverted. Later realized i confused it with introspective. Im actually a pretty sociable/likeable dude

I go for weeks at a time without interactions. Most friends I have are based on where I am, i.e. school or work, but the moment I'm out of that space they just disappear. I usually only reach out to people when I need to get a reaction to an idea or test a theory, or when I'm super horny and need to get animal on someone.

>Exceptional brain but can't function in public as an adult
>Master race


INFP-A checking in, only slightly more F than T though. Sup guys

lol bc your society is bullshit
fuckin' bread and circuses

If you were really that introverted then why are you posting on an imageboard? fag

you're part of society, do something to fix it or stop bitching about it

introverted doesn't mean antisocial, retard. it means your energy is drained from being around people.


Because here I can write whatever the fuck I want and don't need to comply with social rules and norms.

this. INTP's need to be able to test theories. Sup Forums is a fucking paradise for testing social convention.

What kind of theories exactly are you testing?
How does reaching out to people help for horniness?


nice trips. whats your art homie?


None at the moment, actually been debating on going to a trade school lately because I can't fucking stand my job and need something different, so getting this was kinda spoopy.

INTJ here, Eat shit.

one like you is nothing more than the social ingrate with the inferiority complex believing themselves to be god in disguise.

so i say again, Eat shit, kid.

INTJ saying that, lol.

MFW an INTJ says that

yeah, its kinda eerie how accurate this shit seems to everybody

im ENFP guy


I understand where the comment comes from, but you have to realize one thing.

I know my place, and i know exactly where i fall in line, I'm also an artist who lives off drawing porn and sitting on my ass all day laughing at the inferior struggles that average people go through because they decided to go out partying or hang around with other social dick jockeys instead of doing what they really wanted with the life they have, simply to be popular or make lots of 'friends'.

i do what i want, when i want, and i always have.

Take it from an INTJ when one states that living for others ideals does nothing but destroy any originality they can posses.

I may have no real friends save for those i chatter with on the internet, and people may not be able to stand me for very long due to my candor, but i can truly say I'm happy where i am in life, and what I've done with myself throughout it.

The "personality types" are bullshit, the tests that aim to measure it are bullshit.

Read up on Barnum effect and quit fapping on half-century old bullshit Jung theory.

Why exactly are they bullshit? I think they describe people pretty well.

You sound more like an ISFJ who hates themselves.

>I'm an artist

Coming from an INTP, wtf are you talking about it's the most useless fucking one definitely not masterrace, fucking hate being it

This, they are fun indicators, however personality types are fluid.

Believe it or not, INTJ is how i have always scored on that silly test.
Left handed.
Supposed INTJ however.

The seem to describe people well but they are so vague that basically anyone could fit in any category if you interpret it in a certain way.

Even using the standardized version of the MBTI have mixed results. Many people who get a certain type with the test and pass it again some time later get another type based on their results.

The problem is not the theory itself, but the fact that a lot of people view it as the supreme personality conceptualization. It is interesting and entertaining, but other theorizations (for example the Big 5) have better psychometric quality.

you dont realize socially inclined people dont all do it to be popular. some do it because they genuinely like people. understanding how they thing and getting a window into different emotions.

basically emotional intelligence. probably one of the best things a person can learn to make themselves a better human being.

I can test as any of the 16 types if I know what to select. Don't select what you want to be, select what you are.

Ive met a few of smart people who brag about it.

Usually because they suck at a lot of shit and feel undervalued by people so they have to throw their brain in peoples faces to be like "see!? I have value!!"

They just look dumber.


CDC confirms through several studies that the USA Negro populace, due to their animalist natures, are far more likely to be carriers of the AIDS virus, Hepatitis C, antibiotic resistant other versions of STDs and are, in general, simply filthy dangerous sub-humans. The wise person avoids feral bestial Negroes as much as possible.

Why, you are better than those social, empty people who party all day.

I understand how people work, i just genuinely dislike the majority of them.

I honestly have, and i still get INTJ, few times i chose differently based on how i felt at the time of the test and even then it came back the same.

I don't wear fedore, I rather a cylinder.

then you lack empathy. which means you actually dont understand how people work. and instead would prefer to build your illusionary wall of ego

Quite possible, while i believe it to be in error however, a doctor once diagnosed me with psychosis.

This. It is more philosophy-based than science-based.

The problem is also that people use it in a way that it was not designed to be used in.

It's ok to take the test and have a few laughs with friends (or by yourself, since many self-diagnozed aspies seem to enjoy the test).

But using it in a workplace environment or for hiring people is not legit.

youre thinking of zodiac astrology bro. psychology is a science, and psychologist developed it. time to reevaluate

INTP here. I understand every human is just like me, with feelings etc. But I just don't care how they feel or how I make them feel. Because logic is superior to some arbitrary feelings. I too have feelings, but I don;t even notice them. It's like when you notice that you have a phone in the pocket. You don;t think about it conciously all the time, that you have a phone in your pocket. But once in a while you will notice. That's how I "feel" about my feelings, and that makes me unable to care about others. It makes me angry when people get sensitive for the smallest things, about which I don't even care at all.

The way in which you interpret the question is part of the question.

Psychologists never use the MBTI test. Most of them use the NEO-PI, which is based on the Big Five theory.

Very inconsistent story.

so your solution to your emotions are to ignore them. while others are to get carried away with them. why not just accept. you can feel, empathize, and not get carried away with em.
all i mean is all this "self-identifying" is bs

its like a vulcan vs human vs klingon shit. extremes are always bs illusory thinking

What I'm saying is I don't notice my feelings and I don't understand people who do. I think they are pussies. I approve only logic.

Yes, that is absolutely true.

However, I was talking about the results, especially in non-standardized versions of the test (like on 16personality).

One could read the Logician and say "Yep this looks like me" even if his resultats indicate Architect.

The descriptions are vague enough for anyone to recognize himself.
And positive enough to be compelling.

Its Jungian psychology, and like freudian psychology its all speculative and dreamt up. Nothing empiracal testable or based at all in science.

Real psychologists hate this shit.

I don't know of a single psychologist who would use the MBTI.

I've heard that managers use the test to determine promotions, which is completely idiotic.
They could flip a coin and it would not be less valid.

But still, your logic is flawed.

If I have a emotion it's vague and I ihave to think for a moment, wether I feel excited, surprised or anything at all. I can't tell how I feel right now. I can maybe tell how I felt few hours ago. But it's never something that makes jump up and down or cry, or anything on the level extraverted people display.. My emotions are so small, that it's really doesn't mean shit to me. I broke up with a girl and I didn't feel anything. All I did was thinking "wow, it's over". After 1 week I already went on a date with other girl.

If only humanity revolved around science.

In a ideal world, rationality would be the basis of every important decision.

But guess what, IRL most people have feelings and act based on them.

One must understand and learn to deal with emotions to be adapted in such a world.



>"Stop bitching about society"
>post said that society was bullshit, not unfair
I haven't seen levels of butthurt in years.
INTP doesn't like social shit, but that doesn't mean that we don't contribute to society as the people behind the scenes, as scientists, researchers, technicians, and other jobs that don't require massive interaction, because we want shit done, not all these frivolous pleasantries.

>INTP-T and Aryan master race checking in.

Hey, I'm an INFP 4w5 7w6 9w1 sx/sp. An MBTI enthusiast, obviously. If you guys are into it, you should join our MBTI shit Facebook group Stereotypology. Tell everyone Katy sent you. c:

>Getting shit done
>Enjoying frivolous pleasantries
Why not both?

Because pleasentries are bullshit. No people really care about what you did at the weekend or how fun was the football game. It's all so fake, I don't undersant why people do it. I think they are blind to that, that's why I think most people are stupid.

I'll get super super into something, learn everything about it, get fucking bored to the point I can't look at it anymore, give it all up before I even really start, rinse and repeat

it really just sounds like youre shutting yourself down for whatever reason, sorry man. i go through just about every emotion there is in a day and it never affects my happiness or sense of self-worth for more than day at most. today i got all choked up watching some olympic shit, made some friends laugh, the other day i was all depressed over my lack of a gf and my alcoholism.. but really none of it makes me less optimistic, sociable, smiling and engaging

but really if thats your coping mech, too each his own.

Esfp here

INTJ checking in



this a million times
I don't give a fuck about what your friend posted on facebook or how much you cried at the end of [movie]. just shut up and let me go

That sounds very ENTP. Am I correct?

INTJ-A masterrace reporting