Have you guys tried the slider box? Its insane

Have you guys tried the slider box? Its insane.

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Sliders are for homosexuals op

what is it? what does it do?

This. what the fuck am I looking at?

>literally ripping off good old fingerbox and adding a stupid gimmick shit to it

fuck ff

So much fucking want.
Used to have a two holer but that's about as far as I went with novelty designs

its not a "slider box" as you call it. Its a luxury 4 fingerbox, I saw one demonstrated once on a tour of the fingerhouses of eastern europe

You have to give new shit a try. We wouldn't have the fuckin telephone if people just stuck with letters


OP, is that authentic walnut, from the juglens trachycaryon? Such a wonderfully soft wood grain. I'll bet that feels amazing in a slide piece. 7/10 find.