You will never post in 2010-2013 Sup Forums ever again

>you will never post in 2010-2013 Sup Forums ever again

1st 4 Scarlatti 2bh

this place was even worse in 2012 than it is now

>not shitposting via non-Euclidean space-time

i've been here since 2013, what did i miss

this is better than the real cover

you missed (keep in mind I'm going off what I've gathered from other anons)

???-2008 ~ metal Sup Forums
2008-2010 ~ indie vs metal wars & /p4k/
2010-2013 ~ /p4k/ and the rise of memerap
2013-2016 ~ ????

Thank you my friend, it's all yours

>no thread will ever be gorespammed again

yes you will

this literally gives me the worst feels im serious
ive had the best years of my life on this website

>posting in Coachella threads during the Sunday headliner when it wasn't shit with the lads

take me back boys ;_;
Arcade Fire and Kanye were magical

>tfw the patrician wars ended with clt's "death"
Oh, how I long for the days of charts.

god, what was that one music show livestream we used to raid? it was something like or some shit. it's one of my fondest memories on this site.

I wish I still had my old reaction pictures.

you're not THAT off actually

And 2013 on is meme genres takeover like PC music, witchhouse, chiptunes, vaporwave, etc

Sup Forums was definitely more interesting and varied back in the day. I hate to say it but there's been a very noticeable change in Sup Forums's tastes since the all the taste making/hating trips left.

Well, I guess it seems more homogeneous because of generals.

ain't that the fucking truth
I started coming here around 2010 when I was depressed in high school and now it's just circle jerking and generals

only reason I've found myself here of all nights is to discuss RTJ3 after getting shitfaced at a family party

It's just as shitty and I've been here since 2011 were all just wearing nostalgia glasses because we're nearing a new year and the past is always comfy to romanticize

I don't really think it's that. There were generals back then too, it's just at the time there was more interaction between various canvases.

In my first year here I was introduced to Townes Van Zandt, NMH, Death Grips, La Monte Young, John Cage, Johnny Paycheck, Exuma, Dadawah, Viper, The Shaggs, Ronnie Basho etc. Maybe I've just grown too used to Sup Forums so now everything seems like old hat but it just isn't as exciting.

both of these honestly, combo of nostalgia and being here too long

Thank god