Me and a few of my friends are looking into dropping acid, what should we expect for our first time?

Me and a few of my friends are looking into dropping acid, what should we expect for our first time?

you don't drop it you fools, it'll get dirty ffs...

the shadows on the walls will move
you'll want to go on an adventure. dont.

sunrise looks dope

make sure its not bitter at a minimum, get a test kit to be sure its a lycergimide and not some NBOMe compound or DOx compound.

just remember its a temporary drug

realize visuals are just a small componant of the drug

dont be glued to the computer, walk arround, look at walls and floors, if your adventurous, go outside.

also if it doesn't taste like paper, spit it out

adventuring is good, but dont drive

They better be people you are extremely comfortable with or you will have a really bad time, also, you better not be depressed or have any unresolved issues.


DonI have experience, don't expect anything, that's how you'll get the most of it.
Play some chill nice music (akara, shpongle, spoonbill etc) and just flow with everything.

I recommend the first time to be in a familiar place with close friend or two.

And if you take it while worries you'll probably end up having a bad trip, so, yeah...

It should have a very faint mettalic taste, if it's bitter it's Nbombs, a synthetic known to cause seizures and occasionally kill.

If you swallow the tab instead of keeping it in your mouth, it will still work if it's acid but won't work if it Nbombs.

Expect nothing, go in with a positive mindset in a comfortable place with people you trust and let the experience unfold.

Do it outside, when the sun is shining. Climb a tree. Climbing trees on acid is amazing, and really, really easy.