Hey Sup Forumsros I need your advice. >be me 18 >girlfriend leaves me 4 months ago >two days ago go out with a girl to movies >Suicide Squad is pretty good movie >in middle of movie I try to hold her hand >she looks at me and says "why do you think you can do that?" >panic.png >she says you should ask before touchinh her >everybody looking at us >I start to cry >tears fall from my cheeks >I try to leave >she holds my hand and hugs me >don't speak a word until end >go out she hugs me again and starts kissing me >I leave without saying a word
Now she is calling me and texting me to meet her. What should I do?
Juan Nelson
Either she thinks that was cute or she is setting you up to get fucking pranked like the nigger you are.
Ryan Bennett
She's a sociopath. Get away.
Grayson Adams
She is crazy and you're a faggot ignore her.
Liam Turner
Caleb Miller
Or she just said it playfully as a joke, but you are a retarded fgt
Jack Richardson
Tell her that she's moving way too quickly. She needs to take you on at least another two dates and you have to meet her parents before she's allowed to see your vagina.
Nicholas Parker
Either pity or crazy Why was everyone looking at you guys? In the middle a movie? Why did you cry wtf?
Nicholas Ross
">she looks at me and says "why do you think you can do that?" >panic.png >she says you should ask before touchinh her"
She is crazy. Tell her you are not interested and ignore.
Oliver Reed
This There's no way a sane girl would want to be with a guy who cried at a movie theatre because she made a big deal about hand holding.