Thinking of ordering shrooms from silk road. Is that a good idea? Is it safe? I'm new to silk road so I need help Sup Forums
Thinking of ordering shrooms from silk road. Is that a good idea? Is it safe...
silk road has been dead for ages look into alphabay
Silk road 3 is up
I've done it before for LSD.
I have a friend who uses an old address that's actually a boat dock so it's untraceable.
I would not advise using your home address.
Me and my friends were going to do it and were going to order it at an abandoned house in my friends town. What was the lsd like? Was it pure? Ripoff?
Don't, order lsd, the chances of getting found out are much much lower when you're receiving a piece of paper rather than dried up shrooms
Why is that? If it's in a airtight seal then you wouldn't be able to smell it (if they even smell at all) the reason I want shrooms is that I want something pure and don't want some rc or something that could be used instead of lsd and with shrooms you know what your taking.
Even if it is airtight, a letter envelope is dozen orders of magnitute safer than a package, especially if they already suspect something from the sender
That's true. Is there a way to tell if whag I'm getting is lsd tho?
I would check the markets forums to see which is the most reputable seller
And if it's got a taste when you put it in your mouth, it's not LSD(but it's safe, you will still trip from it, just not lsd)