These disgusting, whorish, over-drawn eyebrows need to go. Agreed?

These disgusting, whorish, over-drawn eyebrows need to go. Agreed?

Chicks that do this are cunts.

Op is envious of perfect eyebows, faggot

Perfect eyebrows are perfect natural ones, not this pencil drawn fake shit

The top image is perfect, If you like any below it you're a virgin faggot

actually they need to stay, easier to spot one nighters material

quints for the truth

God has spoken

all makeup and plastic surgery should be banned
If you think you look like shit then too bad.
There are over a million others that are uglier than you so shut up and deal with it.

This is true, but it's starting to irk me. Chicks that used to look fine are doing this and now they look like absolute whores. It's probably just the first step into whoredom.

Lern 2 raed

replied to the wrong post on the second reply, I meant

Sharply defined brows are ideal for making you look like a drag queen.

These aren't the worst brows, there's dfinitely worse. It's just awful when you see where there eyebrows end and makeup continues :\

their* Jebus Christ I never make that mistake

Glad someone's on the same page as me

I need to be cumming inside her eye sockets that would just be heaven


Remember there's shit like this.

quints of truth,

yeah but only if you put a bag over their face coz with that eyebrows goes tons of make up...also checked.

>the truth pt.2

This is legit.
These ridiculous eyebrows are basically what tramp stamp tattoos were like 10 years ago.