Feels thread?

feels thread?





Windmill windmill of the feels

Don't make me keep this on life support.


This one really hits close to home for me.




I was down earlier (still kinda am, especially with a certain song on constant repeat in my head), but then I watched some anime and now I'm feeling somewhat better.

Anime is like medicine.








ughhh this pic, like, for real, you guys aren't the center of the world, stop caring if you are the first choice of someone, ITS USELESS! don't even you choice yourself over others and you are still waiting for someone to say
>Your life is shit, i'm gonna hug you to see if the smell of my perfume can hide your shitty existence
kill that ego that makes you say
>i want to be the most important thing in the life of someone else
and get some self esteem, that's when you will say
>I want my life, and my opinion to be the most important things for me
you gotta love yourself, chose yourself, even when no one else seems to do it, that's when you know you love you

Don't you die on me!

Brother killed himself a couple of years back.... Miss him


Its insane that i or we all can relate to this


reposting user's story from a previous thread. I am not the OP of this, though the OP of this usually lurks feels and greentext bread

>fast forward ~two weeks
>she'd been acting increasingly remorseful for leaving me
>if I ever brought up that I was worried about trusting her or I was scared she would get anxious and nervous for the rest of the day
>constantly trying to prove she was 100% loyal
>one night she literally broke down crying on my chest and told me how sorry she was and that she loves me
>told me that if I want to have another girl then she understands and is fine with that
>I calmed her down, obviously, and told her she's all I need, I just am afraid of losing her because I did once and it hurt
>tell her I'll never leave her and I don't want any other
>seemed to make her feel a lot better
>about two weeks after that incident
>my cousin and her aunt were coming to stay at my house
>cousin flew in night before aunt
>I had to pick her up at the airport
>hadn't seen her in a while, she looked like a woman now
>nothing like her but she was attractive
>got her bags and went to my house
>all I did was help her carry bags in and get settled in
>but I didn't tell her my cousin was staying
>she thought I was mad and wanted a second girl
>ran home before I noticed she was there
>call her because I was expecting her to come over about this time
>no answer
>head over to her house
>get to her house, walk in
>her dad isn't home
>call out for her
>no response
>walk into her room

>the light is on in her bathroom, door closed
>I can hear muffled sobbing
>knock on the door frantically
>yell her name
>after a few seconds I hear her faintly say "I'm so sorry user. You deserve her, not me."
>ask her what she's talking about
>just more sobbing
>pretty freaked out
>kick in the door
>she's in the bathtub
>the water is bright red
>flipped the fuck out because I thought she had/was trying to kill herself
>grabbed her out of the tub and ran into the kitchen
>set her on the table, trying to find where all the bleeding was from
>she just had a few shallow cuts on her wrist and thigh
>wrap it in some gauze I found under the sink
>calm down a little and realize she's probably not dying or even close
>ask her why she did this
>ask if her old boyfriend did something to her
>she says she couldn't bear to see me with another girl
>ask her what she's talking about
>don't remember exactly what she said, but at this moment I realized she thought my cousin was a girl I was seeing
>explain that she's my cousin
>explain the situation with the airport
>she believes me after I explain
>carry her to her bedroom
>set her down on the bed
>drain the bathtub
>help her get dressed
>broke down because I was so scared just then
>yelled at her
>told her she can't do this to me, I already lost her once and I can't bare to not have her
>the yell eventually reduces to almost soft enough to be a whisper

>tell her I trust her now and I know she would never leave me again
>don't want another girl
>I'm just terrified she'll love someone else someday
>she reassures me that will never happen
>tell her to forget about that guy and leaving me, it's in the past
>I need her now
>eventually reduces to just some sappy "I love you more, babe" shit that would make most of you cringe
>I realized then that the guy she had been with probably fucked her up mentally too, to a good degree
>our relationship has been a lot more stable since
>no more than a few nights after that, she asks if I'll ever marry her
>hadn't thought about that until then, but the thought of it made me pretty happy
>"Sorry, that's probably really pressuring. I didn't mean it like that"
>tell her to shush, and say of course I'm gonna marry her
>her face lit up
>didn't even make love to her that night
>just kinda laid there and felt each others warmth
>slept really, really well that night for some reason
>next morning she asked where I wanted to get married
>brought up the grand canyon
>told her I didn't want to decide yet, but I wanted to go to the grand canyon with her again
>a road trip, just her and I. Soon, asked if she wanted to start planning the trip now
>she said yes right away, got all excited

Again, I'm not the OP of this story. Just had a screencap and copied the rest cause I'm too lazy to sceencap. Fucking great story eh Sup Forums?
IMO, it's worthy of becoming a feature film



Well damn, you're right. I do lurk a lot. This is the OP of that story here, believe me or not.

I've had a lousy night at work, I'm soaked and chilled to the bone, and I'm rightly pissed at a coworker. I wanna knock some heads in. Got any feels for that?


ITT: Virgin faggots who can easily get laid/a relationship but are too autistic to learn to talk to people. It's not as daunting as it seems, pal

you inbred. Read this Start to finish.

thank you for this one user


bumping so you all can read


You think I'm gonna wait around for that piece of shit to load slower than video over a 1200 baud modem?


This always makes me feel a certain way.

The reason I'm alone is because I am the one person nobody wants to be around.



holy fuck man, you wanna blow that image up some more?




I read all of that i hope i can be as aloha as you OP

I didn't need these feels.


that mommy is a mmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllfffffffffffffff

thanks boi. start lifting and do not stop. go at least 3 times a week. You will get better.

I don't want this to be real.

Every day I would watch that old man and his blue truck pull up to my gas station, as he bought two Reese's bars. He would do this for almost four years, and rack up close to several hundred if not $1,000 worth of funds invested into these little chocolate candies. And I finally had the nerve to ask him why do you get these. and he told me that they were for him and his fiance. so I got on the internet, and did a little research and it turns out his fiance used to work in the candy shop that made Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. therefore I decided to secretly follow him to see where he's going with these candies and he was going to the Baptist Church's graveyard. He stayed a couple minutes, but as soon as he left I went to the grave of what seemed to be his wife which had a rapper of one peanut butter bar left on the right side of the stone in the other one sitting on top of it. The inscription on the gravestone read "if you don't respond to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight." Finally I understood.

Lost my gf of 1.5 years. I know it may seem trivial. But I'm telling you, to hear...
>I don't love you anymore
... over the phone is one of the worst feelings I have ever felt; and I had depression for 4 years. I'm grippling with losing my literal best friend. She's out there, having fun, meeting new people, potentially fucking another guy tonight. And I sit here, wondering if I could ever find love again. I wonder if I'll ever even be ready for it.

This is the most painful feel I've ever felt. I want it to end, but it won't end.

Yea man i am a fat fuck 18 and a virgin i can look skinny from certain angles in pics tho im eating less and doing boxing classes 3x a week im like 5'10 210

I'd be a virgin if it weren't for her. Don't worry about being a virgin honestly. What matters is that you eventually find her. The girl who can always make you happy. The girl who starts a fire in you that will not go out. keep getting shredded, but know this boxing is great, but boxing does not equal lifting. you need to lift too.






bro this is a feels thread, it doesnt matter if you disagree



>Be me
>Constantly post in Sup Forums feels threads
>Out pouring of people feeling bad for me
>my life.jpg
>One day decide to stop
>If I keep baiting people to feel bad for me I'll truly get better
>Do stop

>Fast forward to last week
>Deadline for transcripts in uni come
>Apparently I didn't get the B in english I needed to get into my shitty uni
>But I did
>Look up my transcripts online
>English mark never entered
>Took english online, crushed it.
>A (Canada, 86%) achieved
>Ask person in charge of online what's up
>Says August 5 it should be up
>Leave on trip to England
>Uni deadline is today, August 10
>Still not up

Why? Just fucking why? Even when I try to get an education I get fucked over. When can I finally get my fucking day in the sun?

A reminder to everyone following this thread...
See pic.

>be me
>meet girl online
>talk tons, video and voice on skype
>this goes on for a few months
>tell her I'm going to visit her soon
>plan the entire week out so we can hang out as much as possible
>one month later I finally hop on my flight to see her
>she's messaging me all night because she can't wait for me to be there
>last flight finally lands and we meet for the first time
>can't stop smiling
>fast forward a few days
>we have fucked every day sometimes twice a day
>suddenly she starts acting weird
>won't let me hold her by my side in public
>doesn't cuddle at night
>asked her what's going on
>I think we should just be friends, user
>ask her why she is suddenly having a change of heart
>says she doesn't want to answer that

Fuck me, anons.
What the fuck do I do now. I have 3 days left in this trip and she already being distant and not really even acting like a friend.
I'm sleeping in a god damn guest room now and she doesn't even seem like she is fucking phased by any of this.
I'm not the best in the world at fucking by any means but I don't have a small dick and it definitely didn't seem like she was unhappy.
This is just so fucking sudden.






I will user tired of being lonely





Most likely because she doesn't want to deal with the pain of seeing you leave and the uncertainty that would inevitably involve. It's actually going so well between you two that it's ruined forever.


I hope you find love. you're still young though, barely older than me. You will. Gotta put yourself out there


Holy fucking shit. I've never felt that hard before.


holy shit man










