Why is it okay to listen to this whilst 'ignoring' the politics but if somebody listens to anything Public Enemy /...

Why is it okay to listen to this whilst 'ignoring' the politics but if somebody listens to anything Public Enemy / anti-racist they're a cuck?

Because Sup Forums is absolute shite

Because racism is cool here

Because Varg doesn't put politics in his music

it's not okay to listen to Burzum though
why would you even listen to garbage black metal in the first place

I could care less about what side of the fence Varg sits on. I still think he deserves the death penalty.

Because it's cool do not be a fool

Burzum is independent of Varg's personal political beliefs though. Not only is the band's image/name (based on LOTR/DnD stuff) apolitical, but Varg himself has mentioned that Burzum has nothing to do with his personal beliefs.

Who is telling you this? No sane person irl would say that to you.

>I could care less

Absolutely th fact that he is allowed to walk free is utterly ridiculous. If you imtend to kill someone and do you should automatically receive life in jail. Exceptions maybe for like 10 year olds but once you kill someone that's it you blew your chance at having a life imo.
Ppl on here say this all the time

yes he does. there is no such thing as no politics in music. His choice not to use guitar because he doesn't like its roots with black americans is politics.

Yuro's playing dumb and pretending not to understand something that is implied.

>yes he does. there is no such thing as no politics in music.
This is an incredibly dumb statement.

>His choice not to use guitar because he doesn't like its roots with black americans is politics.
The album you posted has guitars in it you fucking retard


Man ppl on this board are aggressively stupid today, and on the day of the lord too baka

>fantasy shit
>political at all
Like sure you can find references to WW2 stuff in LOTR, but that's more for inspiration than making actual political statements. Not to mention that Burzum doesn't reference LOTR for the political stuff either. Maybe you should actually read the books/or give Burzum a closer look, but you probably won't cuz like most other lazy idiots on this planet, you wanna appear like you know it all without doing the research for it.

Because racism is the new edgycool.

Because Sup Forums are a bunch of crybabies.
I like both.

>songs about nature and shit
>track titles referencing philosophy

>Public Enemy
>songs about the black man's struggle and how it's society's fault
One thing is clearly like the other.

I get it, Varg is a murderer and a far-right nutcase. Nobody in his right mind would want to be associated with someone like this. However, what you're hating is the person and not his music since his art doesn't really express his political beliefs. There are no slogans, no angry lines about DEM JUICE or whatever. It's free of all this shit. What you're afraid of is being guilty by association.

>Nobody in his right mind would want to be associated with someone like this.

Speak for yourself nu-male cuck.

You heard me, faggot.

I dont Care because I'm already racist.

I mostly disagree with Varg but the fact so that many people here actually believe he's some sort of dangerous extremist that should recieve the death penalty is utterly moronic.

Nobody thinks he should receive the death penalty because he's a Nazi or for extremist beliefs. They think he should receive the death penalty because he's a notorious murderer and arsonist

It's not. Extremism on either side of the political spectrum is never okay.

Euronymous was a cunt and diserved that

>being a cunt warrants getting killed
Say goodnight then.

Nazis deserve the death penalty

i would add communists too

I'm a communist because i think neo-nazis are sub-human? alright senpai

LOTR is quite anti-industrialism and a little anti-conservatisim (traditional sense of conservative not americanized; the elves nostalgia/resistance to change is their folly). Those themes are more touched upon than just for inspiration.

i didn't imply you was a communist ,also i hate both of them . That's why i said "add".


burzum is actually good for one.

Euronymous was clearly thoroughly mentally ill.

And that still doesn't excuse burning a building down

>track titles referencing philosophy

Damn, so deep dude!

misread your post


That album doesn't have sociopolitical lyrics, stupid.

>His choice not to use guitar because he doesn't like its roots with black americans
I thought he did play guitar

What you think the alt-right is smart enough to avoid hypocrisy

>confirmed not in his right mind
this exactly >diserved
>being a cunt warrants violent murder
Well I hope they find a cure for your mental handicap soon

you don't need to call this board out on its shit, user. every mildly intelligent person on earth already agrees with you.

Nigga it's just the band's name. Burzum means darkness in one of the languages in LOTR. What the fuck are you talking about? The rest is random DnD style fantasy stories (power metal lyrics/song names with a darker edge), then there's Jesu Dod which means Jesus' Death which does have a slight anti christian lyrics to it IF you connect the name of the song to the lyrics.

But shit, we can't listen to most of the lyrics, and the music doesn't have an explicit agenda like more political music tends to, whether it's in punk, hip hop, thrash metal, etc.

>could care less
>deserves the death penalty


Im specifically talking about when it was implied that the political themes in LOTR were coincidental to the era. Burzum's music is politically agnostic.

>the elves nostalgia/resistance to change is their folly

no it isn't, you dirty filthy nigger. The whole reason civilization got fucked up in the first place was because the elves left valinor for their damn oath. Then, morgoth could never have beaten the united forces of elves, dwarves, and men, but the deception and betrayal is what caused their loss.

That's the tragedy, that morgoth was never really stronger than the might of the races. Of course, human/elven nature and greed also caused a lot of shit.

Those are the takeaways. You can perhaps argue their resistance to change is their folly if you take that as their stubbornness which prevents them from letting go of the oath to take back the silmarills.

This is what I hate about the modern metal scene and the modern black metal scene in particular. It's a bunch of North American faggots who love it for the anti-christianity and bleakness but they are actively hostile towards the roots of the genre and then make "black metal" that's just post hardcore with lyrics about burning churches.

Of course I'm from MA so maybe those elements are just more concentrated here.


Arguing against racism on Sup Forums

Never got this to be honest, he's been reduced to just another middle-aged YouTube racist with a webcam. Dude is cucked to the bone.

There are no politics in that album to begin with. Varg holds his own opinions and Burzum is a separate entity. You could draw your comparison with popular nsbm artists like Fanisk, as their music relies on racist values, but Burzum has nothing racist in its message.

We're not all Sup Forumstards.

hehe... You tell em brother. Kendrick really opened my eyes and I'm too smart to listen to anyone who may disagree >:D

because black power niggers are not your friends if you're white


His music isn't exactly about politics. Or at least is not all over your face.
Oh yeah, if somebody calls someone a cuck for listening to Public Enemy or anti-racist music, he's a retard.

not him, but holy shit you guys are dumb as fuck... fuck me in the ass I'm mad

My head hurts reading so much dumb shit is this thread.

fuck ameriKKKa

im a transgender commie and i listen to burzum
unless you give him money it literally has 0 effect

I don't listen to this but doesn't the project explicitly lack political lyrics?

Same. Minus the trans part, but you do you.

Never seen an anime poster who isn't a retard. Much love user.

From Googletransl8:

www aftonbladet se/kultur/article17677758.ab

>If you do not know who this 40-year-old norwegian exile is, it means that you are neither interested declared a genius white power metal or Swedish culture journalism.

>For journalists covering the rock culture and love to love Nazi Varg Vikernes, black metal icon that makes music under the name Burzum. A young artist who murdered his friend, burned churches, sat in jail, got out, moved to France and now lives a quiet life as a family man and warrior for the white europeans future. Or, to use the words Vikernes for the thesis that the white man is racially superior: odalism.

>Journalists love not only love a Nazi. They also love to flirt with the extremely problematic it is to listen to, and loudly praise, Varg Vikernes of art which is considered to have a very high level of originality. And now that the Varg issue is again in the news, I expect another Götterdämmerung of solid Wagner-parables.

It is the "country" Norway we're talking about. The most humanistic oil sheikdom there is. They couldn't even sentence fucking Breivik to life in prison, no possibility to parole.

P.S. I think that all who listen to Kristian Vikernes are just the kind of persons that give the bullies right in retrospect. They should be sentenced to hum R Kelly tunes until they are beaten to death by pedo rape victims.

>death penalty for arson

holy fug man

Cuz only a badass believes his kind of politics

Does "cuck" just mean whatever, now?

I mean cool, whatever, but if anybody ever finds themselves wondering why actual cuckoldry is becoming more and more common of a fetish on here and other sites should probably not have to think too hard as to why.

Come to think of it, is that why there are so many fags now? Because we grew up calling each other fags and it just kind of put faggotry out there in the limelight?

How far back does a phenomenon like this go?

>What you're afraid of is being guilty by association.
I hate this shit so much because it's not people making a personal choice guided by their own conscious, but they have to enforce this opinion on other people. You can't talk about why you like Burzum, hell, even black metal in general a lot of the times, with out some idiot being like "Hurr, did you know that Varg said something ignorant! That means his music is stupid and you are racist if you enjoy it".

I like it, burzum is untainted by leftist faggots because varg is a racist murderer and liberals are gay

He murdered someone.

>falling for the hilarious 4chin cuck meemees
end your life pls