I'm in my 20s and I live with my mother. I never learned to drive. I dropped out of high school. I never got my GED...

I'm in my 20s and I live with my mother. I never learned to drive. I dropped out of high school. I never got my GED. I've never had a job. I have absolutely no friends. I haven't left the house in months, quite literally. She's kicking me out in 3 days. She's begun the process of selling my belongings, which is perfectly legal because everything I 'own' are things that she bought with her own hard-earned money, so technically I don't actually have any belongings in the first place. Everything I have is hers. Apparently, I'm not even eligible to join the military.
I'm going to be homeless in 3 days. I have no one I can lean on, not even other family members -- my mother and I are the only remaining members of our family. I have no job experience. I have no education. I have no money. I have no driver's license, or a even car. I can't join the military. I have absolutely nothing left. Reality is lemons and I don't know how to make lemonade.

What do I do? Where do I go?

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This is how you become homeless, you know those people you see sitting on the side of the street? You're one of those guys now

Kill yourself and live stream it

Is that it? Am I completely hopeless now? Is my life totally unsalvageable? There's nothing I can do now?

You fucked up pretty hard but you actually might be able to get out of this before youre 30 if you actually want to. If youre gonna he homeless get as many toilettries and nice clothes as you can. Print out like 50 resumes (even if nothings on it) and bring it to fast food places, restraunts, gas stations, ect. Im sure homeless shelters exist in your area while youre saving money for rent. Once you have a job and place, go back and finish highschool.

There. Thats it. You just have to work for it

I'm scared but I guess that's just what I'll have to do.

Looks like I'm homeless for a while.

Stay away from alcohol and drugs too

She just sold my guinea pigs on Craigslist. Some old guy with shitty, annoying kids is taking them. The kids are renaming them and their new names are literally not clever at all. I'm so mad right now.

Exactly how far into your 20s are you?

How is it you made it past 18 without even learning to drive? How has the allure of pussy not enticed you into reaching out to the world beyond moms basement? You are hopeless.

On the other hand 'Unsalvageable' is not a word I'd expect a HS/GED dropout to choose and use correctly in a sentence. Holding out for a glimmer of hope that OP is trolling.

Make a fucking resume right the fuck now

It's OK if there is no job experience there, just make sure there are no typos and it's legible; 7/10 employers will understand it and sympathize

Add in personal interests, make some simple shit up if you have to. Any previous experience with your family also counts
>previous experience fixing car engines (Volkswagen Jetta 2016)

You have to print those 50 resume copies right the fuck now
I repeat