We dated for 6 months and then I come home late from work one day and her Facebook messenger phone reads "Night babe" from some guy I don't know. I play it cool, I don't blow up, then go through her messages once I get the opportunity to.
She's been messaging for a few days and sending him pics from her lingerie modeling days. Then she tried calling him on FB messenger but they never actually spoke. She then said that she was creeping his page and that he was totally her type. When he asked her to meet up at the bar downstairs (we lived together downtown), she declined. She said they should grab coffee soon. Then as she was falling asleep and I was at work she said to him, "I'm alone in this bed right now, wish someone was here next to me" to which he said "Haha you're such a tease. Night babe."
Well I am not the one to idly sit by while she branch swings. When she was at work I packed all of her things and left them at her mom's house on her front yard. I told her mom it didn't work out. I deleted her number but didn't block her because I derived pleasure from watching her wonder what the fuck just happened. She must have sent 200 texts after I kicked her out in the following week about how much she loved me and how she couldn't believe that I would do this to someone I loved without speaking about it first, blah blah blah. She wound up at the homeless shelter for a bit because her mom wouldn't let her stay at her place. I just smugly sat there reading her weeping texts and enjoying every last bit of her suffering.
So it's been a year now and I see this message:
Her: "Heyyy, long time no talk. How have you been?" Me: "Who is this" Her: "Stephanie" Me: "Good." Her: "That's good :) I was wondering if maybe you wanted to grab coffee sometime this week?" Me: "Are you now fat and having a mid-life crisis so you're going through old boyfriends to see which one will take you back?" Her: "Fuck you"
Felt good, boys.
Liam Reyes
Well handled OP
Carson Foster
ha! finally some actual self respect.
these betas would just let themselves be cucked.
congrats, my man.
keep us abreast of any further communication from her. also, pic.
Lucas Peterson
post her nudes faggot, also, good job!
Xavier Wright
That's how you do it
Jaxson Mitchell
>her lingerie modeling days and yet i'm looking at a pic of brad pitt
Alexander Gomez
Real alphas don't date sluts, much less move in with them.
If she wasn't a slut and you didn't fail at judging her character, then she lost interest in you.
Either way, you're pretty pathetic. Your need for drama and your enjoyment of her pain show how weak you are. You cucked yourself by moving her things for her. You spared yourself a confrontation because you are a coward and would enjoy her not knowing what happened.
You both are stupid shits. You deserved each other. Just don't think you're bragging.
Cooper Reed
What kinda couple lives together after only 6 months of dating???
Youre both retarded
Daniel Mitchell
Fucking grade A! Wish I did this shit back with my old ex instead of being a beta faggot.
Currently in love with my girlfriend now but I would hold nothing back if I found out some sly shit like this.
Today OP was a pretty cool guy.
Andrew James
This kitty has claws. Watch out guys.
Hunter Cox
There's always one
Hudson Walker
Jordan Bell
I'm at 9 months now and still not living together.
Blake Sullivan
How is that virginity holding up, champ ?
Dylan Robinson
Josiah Foster
pics of ex? wanna see if she looks like a self entitled cunt
Andrew Myers
Watch her come back saying she's pregnant, and then the only person who would be fucked here is YOU lmfao
Gavin Miller
>actually using the term "real alpha" opinion discarded at the speed of light
David Ward
>dna testing
Caleb Scott
Good shit op, finally someone whos not a fuckin cuck. Bet you feel like brad pitt right now
Dylan Foster
>it's been a year now
You numbnuts
Luke Kelly
Lmfao lmfao you're a fucking retard lmfao.
David Powell
Wow, that must feel fucking awesome dude. Congrats on that.
Jordan Anderson
possibly the cringiest most insecure thing i have ever read
Aaron Baker
Gender uncertain, butthurt clear.
Owen Miller
Christopher Lee
Excellent work OP. Finally a story that didn't end with a beta faggot letting a white get the better of him. Must have felt goood. Real good
Michael Smith
Im almost at 2 years and we still dont live together lol Granted i spend the night at his place on the weekends and have my own toothbrush there but thats it
Parker Price
well done OP. only way i would have handled it differently was the night you found out, had her suck your dick. then proceed with everything else
Sebastian Bell
pretty alpha good job
Jaxon Jackson
Fool, you know you didn't say that shit.
Landon King
The fact that you derive pleasure from dramatic displays like this makes you no better than a woman.
Kevin Brooks
i tell you OP when i started reading i believed to be another cuck shit, instead you had balls and did the right thing. also nice comeback, had a similar situation too with a bitch ex gf of mine
Jaxon Flores
Nice fucking job man.
Nathaniel Peterson
My hero!! You the man OP!
Asher Garcia
hey bro don't worry, someday you'll lose your virginity
Hunter Martin
Respect OP. Whatabout some of her nudes or at least just normal photos?
Colton Wood
Nicholas Miller
Underrated post.
Liam Ortiz
Evan Morgan
You did the right thing man, good for you.
Dominic Thomas
good job op did she ever find out you knew?
Nathaniel White
Tyler Cruz
Hahahah. Well done OP. >OP is a Fag. Not.
William Collins
post more stories like this
Carter Peterson
Gotta say Alpha move, OP. I'm too used to people coming on here weeping and acting like total cucks. You handled it maturely, did what you had to do, and got the most enjoyment you could out of a shitty situation.
Well done.
Benjamin Foster
Ayyyyy nice job bud
Connor Russell
fuck i need to start hitting abs again.
Brayden Thompson
Oh look at the white knight found your profile for the actual men to make fun of
Michael Butler
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. >Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Jaxon Hall
Oh look another child angry and obsessed with a number of girls who he will never fuck pic related master of the friend zone you faggot
Colton Gonzalez
>Lingerie modeling days
As a trap, right OP?
Leo Jones
Oh yeah bitches are dumb enough to try this shit
Luis Rivera
Nice try crackwhore
Connor Sanchez
You handled her just right.
Levi Robinson
He could have gone further
>Watch the world burn
Easton Clark
checked & kek'd
Joshua White
Hunter Hughes
Nathan Phillips
Owen Foster
Carter Morales
Only beta faggots would use pics like this to accompany their thread/post, so I call you and your story as nothing more than bullshits. Bye....
Robert King
correctly, don't let bitches do shit
Parker Sanders
We have the retarded one over here boys. First of all you never know if a girl will cheat on you, you are never sure about that no matter how kind and nice she looks, sluts are not the only ones up for cheating, just reading your comment is enough to spot your virgin fat ass. As for OP he did what he had to do, managed it like a champ, sweet revenge, she deserved everything you did OP
Logan Evans
David Harris
This x100
Ayden Reyes
this story sounds very familiar to me.
I'm dating a girl atm, we've been on about 6 dates and she 'accidentally' told me this story. pretty much the same thing OP said.. boyfriend kicked her out for no reason, didn't talk to her about it, moved her stuff to her moms. she said it was a while ago... sounds longer than a year though so hopefully a different girl.
OP.. was she 24-25?
Ethan Fisher
OP is a fucking hero. I wish I had your balls and finances. I went through something similar but when I found out I confronted her about it. She ended our relationship and continued seeing this guy and eventually fucked him. Some midget wetback She makes twice as much money as me so when she left it hurt the pockets bad. BTW we have kids together. Anyway I started fucking with her head and she eventually ended up 5150 for cutting herself in front of our kids and I. A month later we were working things out. But to this day I still look at her with disgust and I am pretty much using her for sex and money. And the kicker to all this. I found out on thanksgiving she was talking to him for years off and on.
Connor Bennett
what! not on thanksgiving! ah that sucks for you bro!
Isaac Nguyen
Jason Reyes
The bitch actually looked me in the eye and told me she loved me and still fucked me like nothing was going on for months.
Christian Garcia
You are my hero and rolemodel
Henry Ward
Julian Wilson
>Didn't act like a bitch >Didn't get petty >Didn't try to get "revenge sex"
10/10 guy would look in the eyes while tag teaming a slut
Christopher Powell
>all these butthurt replies to this post
Stay classy, anons
Carson Sanders
Hell yeah almost all women are sluts you just have to give them time
Thomas Smith
Bro, fucking ALL RESPECT ON EARTH to you! Fuck that bitch. Could you tell me if you found someone better afterwards?
Nicholas Cook
>Are you now fat and having a mid-life crisis chuck'd, nice on OP
Liam King
The way you handled the situation is good for your ego, but your ego and your lack of knowledge about women show clearly here. It's easy to see, why she lost interest in you and was starting to message with someone else. Don't think the next girl will be any different.