My computer with a lot of nude pics of my wife is open via TeamViewer. Controller (reposter?) wellcome

My computer with a lot of nude pics of my wife is open via TeamViewer. Controller (reposter?) wellcome.


ID = 444 487 783
PW = bfs981

pc is open, I am out for a coffee

who is game

I would have to download it...

Someone fuck with his shit please I don't have TeamViewer

im installing it on my burner phone

im in, different language

conf nudes

Doing it now

What you guys want me to do?

>different language
wich language?

german i feel

I have a teamviewer license but this must be some sort of trap.

this is what i thought too

or some kind of fetish

Can you upload a screenshot?

someone trying to upload photos to here

this please

sending this from his pc, seems to be a fetish....

I'am in, yes it is German.

my guess this is a virtualbox etc , uses IE ffs

virtual box faggots

Nice try op.

found these

Someone is deleting them all

what a faggot

Delete system32

How about someone makes a bulk dump file so we can have it after this 404s


I am in.... seems to be privat but a virtual box. he (?) is locate in Germany, the language is terrible !! a lot of nude pics, same woman.....


Upload to mega

Asus here OP, have you any pic of her feets?

got into it. too laggy to do anything lol

Asus here OP, nice pics, i wish i could see some feet anyways

password has changed

he close it i gues

yes, I closed it for now, thank you. Hope you have enjoyed the pics.

i enjoy them op