Other urls found in this thread:프리틴선발오디션-9번-배유빈-얼짱유빈_tv

Seulgi is our girl


knew I should've started another thread my god

My gf edition


If IGAB is the Bohemian Rhapsody of kpop and Gee is the Hotel California of kpop, then what is the Stairway to Heaven of kpop?

actually, 6/7 of aoa are pretty and 1 looks average

Merry christmas everybody

good thread

omg thank you so much
literally made my christmas

microscopic yooojungerlingletie-poochan


great post

mamma mia seulgi sure is shit

>microscopic yooojung lingerie

>sm rookies
Who's ready for this Krystal and Sully infused together visual?

uhm don't call her that

Time to continue watching IY2 fucking save me

Merry Christmas!


IY1>SBS Heroes>Oh my school>>>>>>>>>>>>IY2

i never called a girl i've exchanged numbers with at the club

and i did this with like 7 different girls

Which one is this one? Is she the one from england or something?

are you bragging or complaining?


>these two come in wearing stilletos and try to cuff your hands to the bedpost
your play?

you're a slut

It's Sulli you idiot.
An she looks nothing like them you myopic weirdo.

We don't accept unfaithful men here


ugh they all looked so good here, sad they didn't do something like it this year :(

i am complaining for being too socially retarded and a coward all my life

I love Red Velvet.

She already btfo's every girl is sm currently


b b bleed me out

>going to clubs
>being too socially retarded
shut the fuck up or gtfo

Kys this has jiyoung so i have to watch it even if it hurts

>best gift is free
Stop this cringeworthy shit. I hope she never tries to become a songwriter

me too I wanted a cute and festive little something like this...but oh well ;/프리틴선발오디션-9번-배유빈-얼짱유빈_tv

do we like 11-year-old binnie here


hey what if jeon soyeon got in instead of her?

This is not the place for this shit though. Not music related.

>hehe I'm leaving Kara to study
>appear in japanese movies instead of studying
fucking TRAITOR!

oh my grandma

but i dont even talk to anyone

i just go to the dancefloor and start dancing and its the girls who approach me first, not the other way around

again not bragging cos ive never had sex with any of them

you sound upset
hope you're doing okay

How much makeup does Seolhyun put on to make her skin look lighter? Holy shit.

holy FUCK
she looks liek a qt japanese kid


You can do it, I believe in you

how do they make them white?

Honestly, I really miss the old Kara.

Nicole and Jiyoung make me sad

Why doesn't she just bleach the fuck out of her skin? Literally 100% of idols have done it

can she sing or dance? what does she do

bleaching increases your risk of getting skin cancer

>he's not spending xmas with apink

Is that even Seolhyun?? Honest question

I want to molest binkid

Lupin era was the best era of kpop
SNSD had run devil run and T-ara had IGCBOY

Gonna do something to this...

by not going in the sun and always wearing sunblock
I'm a hapa and I use to be really tan when I was a kid from always going outside, and now since I avoid the sun I'm pale as fuk

Fuck you shes still more perfect than any of your shit tier waifus

Fucking triggered

Word. We need to bring dark kpop back.


We don't know yet. We're just gonna have to wait until the smrookies event, I guess


my waifus nickname is literally "loyalty" because she would never betray her group

jiyoung is hands down the worst kara
not even the nips like her anymore since she matured

>“It’s not easy doing this job in a foreign language, but I enjoy a challenge,” she says with a smile. “I’ve been working really hard to improve my Japanese. I’m also learning English because I want to work in Hollywood in the future. It’s a big dream, but I think it’s possible.” --Kang Ji-young


chaeyeon is pure

Fuck shes so fucking cute with her hat but all the MCs are fucking cringelord autists

if it's that simple why do parents let their kids get dark in he first place

And? Have you heard of an idol getting cancer yet? This is korea, they do the best surgeries in the world

>JYJ Yoochun's first rape accuser sentenced to 2 years in jail.

chen is mad cute in this


looks like she ascended to ultragoddess levels here

it's her


so she's smart not to do it

Shut the fuck up. K celebs use BB cream. Everyone knows this shit

Literally fucking end yourself

She cant even sing yet her songs chart top 10 in japan consistently

Kpg is legit fucking retarded

Jiyoungie is perfect

Im beyond triggered

Okay well she looks better there

>why do parents let their kids stay physically active
really makes u think

bbcream doesn't whiten your skin it's just a sunblock with tint

why is jimin so rude


a literal goddess

Jiyeon, Hyomin and Ham would sell much more as a trio but they will never drop that 3 nugus because they are loyal
that's why they will be always better than traitors like Nicole and Hyuna

hahaha I forgot about the dark kpop thing that was good times yea

>implying they're not 10x more physically active as a trainee

We need White Fox already. It's up to SM to change the game again.

I used to read wordup magazine

slug personal sns WHEN
my favorite SNSD korean song

What's Jiyoungs japanese name?