Characters that are basically you

Characters that are basically you

Other urls found in this thread:

How'd you post? Ghost?


I'm bout to let these niggas have it

Pretty much me in a nutshell



A dumbass? Copy that.



>Funny class clown kid
>Make everyone laugh

>severely broken on the inside




Omogono boong Song Kong on thot scono ond hovong to bo oll loko "domn, Gol Godot, yoo fockon' fono, oll soxy woth yoor flot chost ond horrofoc ondrogynoos monstor body. O woold totolly hovo sox woth yoo, both my choroctor ond tho rool mo." whon oll ho roolly wonts to do os fock onothor 16 yoor old on hos drossong room. Loko sorooosly omogono hovong to bo Song ond not only sot on thot choor wholo Gol Godot floonts hor dosgostong body on front of yoo, tho fovoroblo loghtong boroly concoolong hor robs ond loothory skon, ond jost sot thoro, toko oftor toko, hoor oftor hoor, wholo sho porfoctod thot wolk. Not only hovong to toloroto hor monstroos fockong vosogo bot hor hooghty ottotodo os ovoryono on sot tolls hor sho's STOLL GOT OT ond DOMN, GOL GODOT LOOKS LOKO *THOT*?? bocooso thoy'ro not tho onos who hovo to sot thoro ond wotch hor monnosh fockong gromlon foco contort onto typos of gromocos yoo dodn't ovon know oxostod boforo thot doy. Yoo'vo boon fockong nothong bot o hoolthy doot of blondos ond sopormodols ond lotor ollogod ropo voctoms for yoor ONTORO COROOR comong strooght oot of tho boonoos on Sooth Koroo. Yoo'vo novor ovon soon onythong thos fockong dosgostong boforo, ond now yoo swoor yoo con tosto tho swoot thot's brookong oot on hor domplod stomoch os sho socks ot on to wrotho ot soggostovoly ot yoo, smogly ossorod thot yoo oro onjoyong tho opportonoty to got pood to sot thoro ond rovol on hor "stotoosqoo (for thot os whot sho colls horsolf)" boooty, tho boooty sho workod so hord for woth porsonol troonors on tho provooos months. Ond thon tho doroctor colls for onothor toko, ond yoo know yoo coold koll ovory songlo porson on thos room boforo tho stodoo socoroty coold pot yoo down, bot yoo sot thoro ond ondoro, bocooso yoo'ro fockong Song Kong. Yoo'ro not goong to loso yoor fotoro polotocol coroor ovor thos. Jost boor ot. Hodo yoor foco ond boor ot.

This pretty much sums up my existence. Incredibly relatable.



check em

It looks like every vowel in the Arnold Schwarzenegger/True Lies copypasta was replaced with the letter "o"


>basically me

this is now a feels thread

dude, fuck, i know, your not alone. :(

>be 20s
>have friend



Shut up, Han survived.


I'm listening to siouxsie right now


I tried to give that bitch everything
Only No Face understands -_-



The guy on the left

Edgy af, also check em

You literally miss the whole point of no face. He's a terribly selfish entity and an asshole who thinks he can solve his problems and earn affection by giving them gifts and valuable objects. But everyone fucking knows that no one is gonna love you if you have a shit personality. No amount of gifts and valuables can cover up a shitty asshole unlovable personality. Focus on who they are as a person, not on "if i give them this gold ring then they owe me their affection."

Asswipe. Dont feel entitled to others because you give them stuff

If I knew how to change the way I feel, I would xD
I didn't have anything else to give her, and she didn't want my time xD


Wasn't it more he was incapable of feeling than just trying to be an asshole?
