
Other urls found in this thread:


jungsis feet paradise

taefeet > sicafeet

railing chaeyeon

not even close
but post taefeet anyway

I like Yoona more but this one was first so I will post here


I like Jungkook

Merry christmas to all of the gaypoppers!


>tfw third world muslim countries like malaysia can watch this but rich western suburbia gets shitters like BTS

Nu Abo is the best f(x) song

right back at you qt sugaposter

word and while were at it, seos feet are better too, them phat toez hnnngghh
even yuris feet are better

Somi protection squad assemble


>Kwangsoo's who only has eyes for money made Jung Chaeyeon shoot DIA's seasons greetings with photographer Rotta
give me full hq scans N O W ..pls

>moon is at the pc bang

mamma mia T-ara sure is shit

it's too absurd to even be considered bait you maggotbrain


>T-ara sure is great


it's okay
we know you twiceshitters are autistic and can't help yourselves


good album


commence blast in...


I have a pen
I have a pen
Long pen

busted toes

malaysia has a future. West has only decline

Best diet plan for weight loss? Between Paleo, Keto, IF, Calorie Counting etc, I don't know what is best for me. What was the best for you?

imagine being a lowly salesman at the coach store and jessica walks in

>yuri didn't wish me a merry christmas
what's even the point

Blast nayeons face off this fucking forum

Jungkook is the best performer in the group and good at everything but then he's awkward and shy off stage. It's cute but he never speaks up in interviews, doesn't really do vapp streaming, and has been absent from bombs recently (compared to before). Just reasons why people tend to ignore him I guess.

High fat low carb
No gluten
No dairy


idols simply starve themselves
seems to work

>Yuri and Hyomin fucked
>there is no video of it
world is shit

So basically Keto...

reporting for duty

yuri's not married she hasn't had sex yet


did sohye get fixed by dr kim? she looks ok now compared to the uggo she was during ioi

effay bros have mastered this

I like him too...

Dont fucking say that dude, malaysia is and will be irrelevant

Moon Hyuna?

>wake up
>somi got molested by some kid


You shouldn't even consider doing diet plans.

Diet is something for girls to just lose fat cells in the gut while not having to gain lean muscle.
What you should be doing is nutrition plan. Eat a lot of healthy foods instead of processed foods like; lean meat, fiber like oatmeal, and veggies.

Then you'll see a good amount of fat loss while going to the gym.


Calorie counting is the most straightforward

what show are these from?

your waifu must have really ugly feet for you to be so mad

moon mentioned

post some before and after shots

he's literally one of the most popular members though


>best performer
i love jk but he never really stands out to me during performances. some of the other members have really incredible charisma and stage presence and they kind of overshadow him honestly. maybe that's just me though.

he's still a top tier boy.

I hope she will visit me tonight in my dreams

water fasting
plenty of idols do it to get ready for comeback
my longest was 7 days

who cares??? i would want my waifu to have a healthy sex life because it would keep them happy and glowing


Whops i meant
Do not eat processed foods instead eat healthy like; lean meat, fiber like oatmeal, and veggies.

Jimin and Jungkook mocking each other in one of the recent bangtan bombs was cute
Jungkook's a funny, likable guy


first wake up of the night for my neighbor

found a nice spot in my backyard that i havent used yet and it only took two hits with my bat to wake their dog up and wake them up too

there was also a possum running around outside



Thats vague as shit dude

Just eat less

Simple af to lose weight. Eat fewer calories than you expend

amigo tv

what does "euro bun" mean? I hear it a lot

When you hate the music, but everyone around is dancing so you play along in order to not be an asshole.

is that how i get thighs like chewy

what would she do in your dreams?

was talking about on kpg (from the previous thread)

offering full cooperation

>low carb

she moves like a grandma here hotter than adult women wearing schoolgirls uniforms

He's the center for a reason


i could tell by those slutty eyes


Well it works. People say, just don't eat alot. But what you should be doing is eat a lot but healthy meals.
Yes if you deadlift and squat while getting a lot of fiber and protein


is real

yes but I think a lot of people liked him from their earlier years, he and jimin used to be way more rowdy. I know they're more mature now so it's whatever.

kkotcheoreom pieona nanana nabillera

lmao what are guys even talking about wtf

how can a girl so shy be full of so much sex?

imagine what bogum did to her that night

If ur just fat and want to lose weight

Eating less >>> eating more but healthy

Has fashion gone too far?



>ywn have a reeny gf for Christmas to cuddle and love everyday


you just KNOW