Please put down your reply. You have twenty seconds to comply

Please put down your reply. You have twenty seconds to comply.

Ahhhhhh fuck you!

Reddit leave.

military software detected

fuck your shit fa


uh...(bolts for the door)


Currently having one of the top 5 worst shits of my life.

It's all I can think of within 20 seconds sorry.

omg you did it again gg!

fall down the stairs fgt

I don't care what anyone says, Star Wars aged poorly

Is that an african reply or a europian reply


can we enable noko on Sup Forums again to weed out the normies?



Why does it scream when it falls?

pee pee poo poo

shows the level of its sentience, it's pretty much a child with very simple programming, fall on your back? lose your shit til your handlers come to fix it.

no. fuck machines. rage against the machines. down with da system of a down1

that's one sexy robot
has anyone ever watched porn just for its cinematic virtue - like a connoisseur of film might?

Why the fuck was it loaded during a test run?

OCP got some real gogetters over there.