Be Amish. What's the most disturbing thing you've seen on the Internet?

Be Amish. What's the most disturbing thing you've seen on the Internet?

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Really think about it


Electronic demon boxes

Sometimes i wish i was born amish. you get multiple wifes (even if you are ugly ass). a hard working community without leeches and no corruption

Tumblrinas inventing 800 different genders and pretending they actually matter.

but theres a chance your wife could cheat on you with the butter churning stick.

Amish people in pictures. Their souls are corrupted

But we lead a pure and simple lifestyle, free of worldly devices and belongings.

your wife is cheating on you with the butter churning stick.

Nay. Ye o' little faith, brethen.

Amish porn

These dubs


I'd churn her butter.

less of cyber-bullying

That heathen is shaven

Jesus Christ, dude. I know we are supposed to be super edgy on Sup Forums but there's a line...

That Sonic and tails baby hentai where they are eating each other's shit. Ruined ma day and childhood.

I accidentally touched the butt of a girl with the back of my hand while exiting the tramway holding my backpack. She yelled at me just before the doors shut.
Can I be in any trouble?

You're fine as long as you called her a slut. Did you finger her turdcutter or just brushed the cheek?

+1 internet for whoever post the comic

My Lord!! Anuses.....everywhere...

I forget the name of it... like Sonic babies or some shit.



Reported to FBI. Good luck, sick cunt.

>no corruption
yeah those beard cuttings were legit

they're a corrupt bunch of shitstains like every other group

Oh boy.