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Sup Forums already has enough fags. Pass


show benis

They say he's just a friend


There we go I knew it.

Go on.....

or give me a link

Their blog is you fucking faggots.


too bad I will never be like that :/

tfw no trans gf

you're just making me sad op

Thanks user have some Sup Forums gold.


I can't tell if they're underage for underdeveloped.


They're dudes.


thoughs eyes say.... i'm regretting this

this is a picture of that guy

not even kidding

this is literally him

SHe needs a man to marry her and help her feel important and loved.

and just like that poof the magic is gone



dick and balls

Op. Thats a boy u know? He posted a pic with his balls in it here once

>ogre feet

fucking gross I can smell the testosterone and bad breathe from here. Why don't you girl wanna be's just killyouself already

New Updated 2016 Tor/Deepweb Links! Enjoy!


Fukin saved


oh cool a fanboy
not this salty guy again
that's not me user. and you know it.

Looks like a girl besides the dick

He's cute even if he isn't you. Now show me your face, cockwizard.

Question, why are you in so many threads on several different boards?

eh i wouldn't call that guy cute.

and no user. i do not post my face on Sup Forums, never have and never will. normies will find out my power level.
im popular guy you know.
because whenever im sitting at my pc playing shitty videogames i always have about 10 tabs open.

I like you two faggots

I never knew cockwizard was so ugly.

nah. you wish you were lucky enough to see my face.

Ugly? That's the hottest M to F I've seen on Sup Forums

If this is actually you, I hope aint you.


can confirm that pic isn't me
never posted face. its just some random dude that an user keeps claiming is me.
body doesn't even look similar.

Show me a hotter trap who isn't wearing a wig and half a pound of make up on. tfw faggots are this retarded

the internet has warned me about traps.

I knew this would be traps

Good, my lust for your booty is unsoiled.


No shit Sherlock.

thirsty ass nigga :^)

>man shoulders

Really shows how degenerate you faggots really are when a trap actually resembles a female for once and you find them ugly. Stop despising women and accept you're only attracted to men.

Those are not even manly shoulders.

Reminds me of the "Which is the trap?" threads where most people are plain wrong.

user is probably just trolling.
look at the pic hes defending..
chunky ass arms and shit. ew.
even without dat face

It's a man they're manly shoulders you retard. The first trap is more attractive and feminite then that.

You are an idiot and you have no idea about feminine features. Lurk more.

the first one looks like some chubby kid who found his moms razor
fuck outa here
shit troll.

Someones mad

can i have sauce on the pic on the left monitor

>Never gonna get booty like that.

Why do you want a (You) so badly?

y not user?

You said it yourself, Mental Illness.


which nigger are you tho?

>Those are not even manly shoulders.

GTFO I've lifting for about a month and that "trap" could bench more than me.

Namesync is an rekt

Absolutely disgusting.

yea i thought so just wanted to check
yea you wana get that shit sorted out fam.
nobody wants to deal with that bipolar shit or whatever it is
its like trannies and shit.
you aren't a tranny r u nibi?

Its whatever, I can still masturbate.

God. I love it. Can I be there?

id give you some shit about it being possible to overcome that shit but you already know.

and anyway. masturbating is good.

Yeah it pretty much is, I can deal with being a perma-virgin though.

you probably wont be but whatever
buy a horse dick or some shit they are fun

A furry with a pet trap
Getting hard

Buddy, you just said that shit is impossible to overcome.
and id rather buy a fleshlight.

i said it is possible to overcome
i just think you already know that because people say it all the time.
accept it or dont but its fact


cmon stick things in ur butt

I misread, im doing other things.

Not until I get ass first, but I wont so no.

if ur sure fam
but horse dicks are best


I've been wondering for months since I last saw this setup, what keyboards do you use? They look like a Poker style but wasn't sure the brand or if you customized them.

the picture is blatantly shooped dont worry about it

you are a normie if you didn't spend like 300 bux on a horse dick
kbt pure and kbt pure pro
ha no

Im gonna be a wizard, what will you be?


this is gay af

i am arch wizard

i mean gay or not this interests me

you sent me a pic of ur face about a year ago

You cant be archwizard, you had sex. Normie in disguise.

yea maybe
not on Sup Forums though, assuming you are telling the truth.

you mean on the scale?
well i used to be chad but it was forced and i got very bored of it.
then i just stopped giving a fuck and now i guess im slightly strange, but people say nothing about it and still want to be friends with me. even though im quite obviously not interested.

yes on Sup Forums
u said that you don't show your face anymore on Sup Forums but you sent the photo anyways :3

Even dragon dildos are mainstream these days and are made for normies.

i don't remember posting it on Sup Forums ever but ok
not quite normies but yea its not exactly unheard of.
anyway im not a normie.


go to Sup Forums this faggot neet always posts his pics there

72 "cyborg" :'^)

how the fuck is having kids or going on holiday considered an accomplishment?

Can I have blank version of this pic please?

It's basically the only meaning of life? Live and reproduce. And maybe because there are poorfags who could never go on vacation with their parents so it's an accomplishment they payed for it themselves?

You are a normie to me. You are as unobtainable as "Stacy".