Guys please help...

Guys please help, I'm a newbie and was talking in another forum on here and they told me if I delete all the folders that say system 32 on my computer, it will run super quick. So I found one and deleted it but now the computer won't start. Its been on this screen for like 45 minutes. Did I delete the wrong thing? Please help guys, my whole family use that computer, it'll be the end if my life if its broke.


Nice VM

Op got rekt


Guys please, how do I fix it, my dads gonna whoop me if he finds it busted like this

Horrible bait

Are you trolling or are you serious? Prove to me you're not trolling by telling us you age, posting a picture of your moms tits, telling us what school you go to, and attempting to eat one of your farts. If you do these things I will help you fix this... I work on networks and computers and build computers for people. I can help you fix it and give you some awesome tips.

Press right ctrl to escape VM.
On your host machine delete all folder with the name system32.
This will make you VM run again.

Dubs has spoken.

I'm serious, I'm looking on Google, give me a tip please, I'm freaking out here

This is bad OP..

Instead you need to trust in me


This is not fixable
Deleting system 32 has destroyed the computer beyond compare
Im being serious

I told you I would help you. Are you trolling though? How old are you?


Are you OP? Because if it is you fucked up royally

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

What there's got to be a way to fix it, they said it would make it faster. May be I deleted the wrong thing???? How do I get it back? I'm shitting bricks right now guys, I can't take another beating from him, it still hurts from last time

Janitor here. Even I know deleting system 32 fucks your computer. Fess up to your dad and hopefully he won't beat you to badly.

Terrible bait dude, F-. If you actually did manage to delete System32 you wouldn't be in Windows repairing it.

Read up, try again later.

Yes you deleted the wrong thing. You have to delete the system32 folder of the host and not of the VM!!!

>I can't take another beating from him
