Trigger those feels Sup Forums

Trigger those feels Sup Forums


oh well fuck you man!
I've been thinking for her during the whole day and just as I got my mind off it you decided to bring that back.

op u a fag. :(

go kill yourself nigger

No she's not, I ruined that bitch ehuehuueuheuheuhe

I hug my arm when I lay in bed...It sorta feels like I'm sleeping next to someone if I close my eyes...
I'm that fucking alone.
The only reason I haven't an heroed is that you bastards have talked me out of it..

Well we change our minds; kill yourself

Yeah we get it, you are cool and edgy for going on Sup Forums for almost 3 months now. Now fuck off

White men are being ostracized and attacked by every other race, including their very own women. Mainstream media pushes the "evil white men" narrative (including every movie, tv show, storyline... you automantically know the white dude is evil.) The globalists have infiltrated every Western nation and are crashing them with no survivors. Liberals are running rampant including feminists, BLM, lgbtqrmnop. Hillary Clinton may very well steal the election. Sup Forums has stage IV cancer and there's nothing I can do about any of it.

I'd say Sup Forums just has a bad case of summer right now. And Tumblr raiding as usual. I guess the faggots that are raiding should get bored after they realize we don't really care anymore

Kill yourself

fuck u motherfuckin cocksucker ur mother will die in her sleep tonight dont even bother replying

Your dirty Scorpio lover still misses you Kelli, you gorgeous yoga princess.

I hope you think of me sometimes while your husband is working on you with his little dick.

I've tried to OD three times now, didn't die. So, I guess I'm lucky?

Do you think family members would accept your death from overdose more easily than from suicide?












Do you really think I have any family left?
Most if not all of my family have either died or cut off all ties with me.
I'm betting if I'd finally do it proper, the only person to show up to my funeral woul be my landlord.


Last week I went to my dying stepmother stepmother Last birthday party.

hey, same here!

Kek get laid bro

I've been there user, and trust me when i say that shit gets better eventually.
As long as u keep moving forward you'll reach the point where you find that special someone, sooner or later, just hang in there, mate


Hookers are too expensive nowadays in the shithole I live in.
What did you try to OD on?
I tried to OD on Heroin
THat's what everyone keeps telling me, but it just doesn't seem to be happening

No get laid without paying for it m8. Lower your standards

My standards are:
>Be female
>Don't be so obese that you can't move without help
That's it. Are those really high standards?

Shit thats fucking horrible, fuck that Julie bitch she deserves to die

This one got me

Honestly it sounds like youre feeling way too sorry for yourself. Why cant you get a girlfriend? Is it because you havent found anyone you really like? Is it because you keep getting friendzoned? Is it because you feel like youre not attractive and you have a shit self esteem? More detail needed

You can't just fell in love with a woman that will never take you while breaking up a wonderful relationship with your current girlfriend for said woman. But i did. And now iam hating myself but i have to eat shit till the dust settles and iam ready to move on.

It wont happen if you keep waiting for it to happen, just live your life and make the best of it and the rest will work itself out

Send us a pic of your face and we will evaluate why you cannot get laid


Do it

This thread really don't help me... What the fuck im doing here?

Why? Because I'm a anti-social loner who'd rather spend his time working than going out. And my self esteem is shit, but hey, I haven't found anyone I really like either.
If you say so man...If you say so.
If I had a phone or webcam I'd give you a pic.
I'll give you a basic description:
>I'm a 1.94m tall guy with light brown hair and green eyes. Body wise I'm fairly fit. My nose is more or less fucked because I get into alot of fights with cunts that try to rob me. I'm covered in stab wounds/scars and I generally look like I was just beaten up.

First u gotta tell us what ur problem is, user


lurking bump to keep it alive. Breach my walls.

i was until i realozed today that she is yhe physical representation of all of my flaws. i probably have some kind of social disorder, but its not bad enough that i can't recognize it. looking back, i was a total aut and a pussy when i was with her. losing her made me grow the fuck up, and i have no interest in going back.

No, I'm not mental just yet.

i think shes getting married soon; only thing that keeps me lurking. are they gonna split before the wedding or is the beta gonna get fucked over in divorce?

Be confident, you shall be laid one day

My bets on divorce, have fun with that I guess?

I don't get these. Like literally just go up to a random person and say hi.

What a fucking asshat.

Six pills of what, cyanide? Good luck finding that at a pharmacy.

Also if your girlfriend fucks you over like that, dump her ass; don't beg her to stay like a little bitch.


Hmm. I don't really know. I have basic life. One good friend and few colleagues. Ex girlfriend. And no willingness to live anymore. Probably depression, but my psychologist is not sure. It's the worst feeling in my life that stretches from a few years. I wake up and go sleep with the same fucking felling. Thought it was hormones, adolescence, but it wasn't.

no, I married her... and to be honest I think I'm getting sick of her already.

In the current year?

Yea. Unfortunately.

I guess, thanks for the encouragement?
>In the current year?
>Yea. Unfortunately.
That made me chuckle for a brief moment, Thanks..

When did you start to feel this way? Was it when you broke up with your ex gf?

There are niggers worse off than you

I was a fit boy, with a lot of friends. I only cared about myself. Then, she left, once and for all.
I gave up everything. Working out, school..
I started drinking alone almost every days.

It's funny that nobody care about you when you go down.
All my "friends" left me.
Then I understood that I deserved this. Cause I left her down.

So I left my city.
To go to her city.
My only chance to meet her again was to be accepted in a new university.

To left my family. My friends.
Friends didn't wanted me to leave, so they hated me.
I ended up alone.

But I did left my city.
2y later. Today.
I'm going to make a Master Of Business Informatic.

Mom & Dad are happy about me.
I even have a car.
A good life.

But sometimes.
I search for her on internet.
I'm happy to be disenchanted when I found nothing.

But sometimes. I found a picture of her and her boyfriend.
She is happy as fuck.
She forgot me.

People call me a successfull boy.
But nobody knows.

How bad I feel.

Niggers are always worse off...I guess?

Since i was 14. I broke with her month ago. We still talk with each other. She want be with me again, but i want her to do one thing without which we can't be together. Long story... All this situation is not about her. She just made me emotions which is closest to the love. Its about all this emptiness in my life. I don't want change anything in my life. I just want to be happy.

She's been my for 10 years and I got her at 13. She's still mine and we're finally moving in together in 3 months time.

Sorry to disappoint

fuck. I'm so fucking sad :(

And im sorry about my english. It's not my main language

I know that shit so good, mate.
Felt like that for as long as i can remember. But shit got better eventually. Just dont give in to that shitty feeling, go outside, meet new people, spend time with your friends, get a hobby or travel. Thats what helped me to finally get over it. When your life feels "empty" you gotta turn it into something great by yourself. Make it a life worth living

Its all good, i can understand you just fine

Faggot loser

This is so accurate

Same but with pillow, and I talk to her.

She broke up with me yesterday. Spent the night at his house last night.

I know she did, because I drove by his house every hour on the hour last night and her car never left his driveway.

Ew shitskin, you did good user. Pump and dump. Unless you're a shitskin too, in that case sterilize yourself.

I may have lost the girl of my dreams. I don't know what to do and I'm unbelievably lost.

I met her when I was briefly living in her country but we now live 5000 miles apart and have done for the past 2 years. We were both head over heels for each other but we decided that because of the distance we didn't want to jump into a relationship just yet, and instead we would just be upfront with our feelings for each other for the time being. So we weren't exclusive. We could see other people, although as far as I know she never really did.

But I kissed an ex a couple weeks ago and she flipped. She said she wanted nothing to do with me. After a while she came back but she was still very distant and didn't want to start talking to me again. After a long phone call, she agreed to try us again, but when I started texting her she was clearly uninterested. I expected this because obviously I've hurt her and she doesn't want to get hurt again, but I'm really hoping she'll let me in again.

She said over the phone that there was still a part of her that wants to be with me but she's been completely blocking those feelings out since the incident. I promised her I'd bring them back and she said we could try again, but as I said before, it hasn't been the same and she quite clearly hasn't been in it.

I requested that we have a couple weeks of normal regular conversation and if she isn't feeling it by the end then I have to let her go. As of now she hasn't replied.

I don't know what to do. I can't lose this girl. I refuse. We loved each other.

I don't have respect for a girl who dles something like that, you should beat the shit out of him if she slept with him

She's half white, have Japanese. Speaks fluent English, but grew up in Kyoto.

>she's also a contortionist.

that's a crime. he could go to jail for years for doing that.

Hahaha retard

Do you know if she slept with him? And was this guy an ex?

Pic related?

She ripped my heart out yesterday. I'm entitled to act a little crazy for a day or two.
Her car was in his drive all night, so I assume she slept with him. He isn't an ex. He's a guy I introduced her to who started coming to my study group two weeks ago.

But you know.... I am not most social person on the earth. I can't maintain more than 3 friendships at once. I just feel
overwhelmed when i must be social. About hobby, I just can't find one. Reading books? Vidya? I go out with my friend pretty frequent. Yesterday we watched suicide squad then gone to our favorite pub and got wasted. Worst thing in my life is me being fucking ashole. I can't appreciate the presence of others. Sometimes i just see something that i can't stand in other person and any attempt to interact is doomed to failure. You know, like this weir suckers who think that they are better than others. Im this type of person inside. And im fighting with it. But telling myself that im inferior won't help. Saddest thing is that i see them as someone worse than me, but i also see that they compared to me are happy. And no. Im not asshole when i talk with others. Im pretty nice

i hate it how i always come for a feels thread when i fall in love with someone...

Anyway this one had me in tears.

>agrees you are not exclusive
>Flips out when you kiss an ex
It is obvious she wants to end things with you, move on...

Bro, life goes on, girls come and go.

No I genuinely did hurt her, I know she wasn't looking for excuses.

I think it was the fact that it was an ex.

But I know for a fact she was very much head over heels for me before that incident.

This one was very special. We were together for 3 years.

I doubt any of the next girls will be even close, because i don't like American girls and there aren't many foreign girls where I live.

Dont worry, you will find someone better,if she left you like that she isnt the one

I'm probably the one she's sleeping with. I'm sorry for your loss, I can't help I was born semi attractive into a family that is well off.

At least she broke up with you first. If she had fucked him behind your back and you found out about it, you'd be in an order of magnitude more pain.

dudes an asshole so im kinda hoping for that, but also would like to see her get fucked over and lose everything she has

I seriously doubt last night was the first time she fucked him. She went out clubbing with her girlfriends last Saturday and I found pictures on her friends instagram the following day that had him in it. He was with them at the club she went to last Saturday with her girlfriends.

She told me that I couldn't go with her because it was girls night out and then magically ended up dancing all night with a guy who is in my study group. That's too much of a coincidence. There is no way in hell that happens unless she told him that she was going to be there and that I wouldn't be there.

That's fucked up


Seems like we re pretty similar user.
But you gotta put yourself in social situations, trust me. It's like a skill that you slowly improve over time.

>really want to kill myself for a very long time
>think about how terrible my life was
>it wasn't
>I'm just a whiny faggot
>I just want to feel bad for myself to feed my ego
>this just makes me want to suicide even more

A perfect women never won isn't comparable to a true love lost. Stop with this bullshit.
