I dont know what they are

I dont know what they are


I'd go with fucking disgusting


condyloma accuminata - genital warts due to hpv, go to derm

You have been blessed. Those are virginity protectors

I'll tell you what that is. It's a sign that you've fucked up.

almost trip and quads don't lie

The price you pay for bad pussy

looks like you're a degenerate

skin tags from chafing, I have them under my arm

if you want rid you have to go to the docs, cutting them your self will just result in a lot blood and more fucked up tags

This is what I have OP.


Did they come out of your arse?


thats a bad pinwork infection

You're fucking disgusting.


Its genital warts. If you think it was hard to get laid before, its going to be 100 times harder when people find out you are a diseased piece of garbage.


tumors bruh. serious time to check that out at doc. rohbyablind's


Also a symptom of late-stage syphilis.

That's an easy thing to treat.